Tag Archives: creative life

Episode #101: Pandemic time

The video stream
  • We’re in the middle of a pandemic.
  • Tee and Pip didn’t have the ‘rona, we had a cold each.
  • Shout out to all the magnificent health care works who are working and helping society through this.
  • Tee and Pip are raising money for No Kid Hungry, while streaming. They provide meals to children who otherwise would depend on school lunches. You don’t have to watch to donate.

5:23 How to stay creative in a pandemic

  • How things have changed since Smoky Writers in North Carolina. We were so lucky to get it in before COVID-19
  • If you’re a long time listener to the show, you’ll be familiar with our yearly writing retreat
  • A beautiful house by the beach, with some of our favorite people in the world
  • The retreat this year was shorter, but we stayed in Wilmington, NC
  • We returned home, carrying a heavy cold each
Much like this…
  • We recorded this episode once before, but we sounded awful.
  • Shortly after Virginia closed schools for the whole year
  • Now we are on lockdown. Grocery shopping is the only trip we make
  • We are getting comfort from New Zealand’s Prime Ministry, Jacinda Arden
  • Pip reminds Australia they can’t have her
Let’s begin
  • Let’s talk projects.
  • Pip and Tee have the rights back for Social Media for Writers
  • There are going to be re-writes in the next edition. Quite a few things have changed in the social media landscape.
  • Tee is working with Chuck Tomasi on a 4th edition of Podcasting for Dummies
  • Discord for Dummies is coming out in May. Pre-order now!
  • Secret of the Monkey God is on the docket too. Tee is not going to be left out.
  • Pip is working on Ride or Die, as well as Fierce Dead 2
  • Polishing up a few old projects too
  • Bear in mind, the current pandemic situation has a lot of consequences, not just health, but mental and economic
  • We’re all being creative with getting things done
Working from home.. be like…
  • We need to look out for each other
  • And know, it’s OK to not be OK.
  • Use technology to check in on people, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from those that care about you.
  • Writers may need solitude, but we’re not used to not being able to go out to cafes… or libraries.. or anywhere
Do not.. do not… go to a cabin in the woods.. At least this cabin.
  • Writers online, writing together while ignoring each other.
  • Being kind, also applies to yourself. Be kind to yourself
  • Have a routine. Take showers.
  • Get up, get dressed (except for those odd pj days)
  • If you feel you can’t write, then find another creative project.
  • Pip and Tee are currently working on their bathroom. It’s been needing an update for about… 10 years…
  • Clearing out the house, and organizing your books.
  • Gardening is great… and if you’re lucky you get fresh food
  • Pip bought supplies online from Lowe’s, and used contactless pickup
  • Give your mind a break, rather than forcing it to pump out content all the time
  • Pip thinks getting back to baking, brewing, gardening is great.
  • Limit your diet of news. Don’t spend too long scrolling through Facebook
  • Pip gets on her hobby horse of history.
  • The message from John Rhys Davies
  • Pip tries to post positive things.

37:31 Wrap Up

  • Where will Pip and Tee be this year
  • RavenCon has been postponed. So to Balticon… but it will be available virtually
  • WorldCon in New Zealand is going to be virtual only
  • Other events are still on the fence…
  • Follow TeeMonster on Twitch to catch the live show

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
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Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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