Author Archives: admin

Episode #107: Writers and the 1st

Pip and Tee host Michael Ventrella to talk about publishing, writing, and the 1st Amendment.

The Shared Desk has tried to remain politics free, but then politics collided with writing and publishing.

  • 8:46 : Michael has been involved in the Tales from the Archives, but he is currently a practicing defense lawyer, and has taught the Constition. He is the author of How to Argue the Constitution with a Conservative.
  • Tee has some background with the 1st Amendment…. Pip has of course none.

Well, one of us isn’t…

  • 05:55 : So of course, Pip reads the 1st Amendment…
  • Michael points out why the 1st is so short and succinct.
  • 08:22 : Tee brings up, why we are discussing this on the Shared Desk. A fresh senator got his book contract cancelled, and tries to use the 1st Amendment as a shield.
  • Michael points out, that there are plenty of dumb lawyers out there.
  • Many lawyers read the Constitution to be what they want it to say.
  • 11:03 : We touch on the other hot button 1st Amendment, people being blocked off social media.
  • Pip (the foreigner) points out the very first word.
  • Michael says a smaller publisher will probably pick his book up. (Addendum: He was right… Apparently the senator has found a new publisher.)
  • 14:33 : Isn’t it more about that sweet advance?
  • That’s part of it, but also playing to the base with an eye on a presidential run.
  • 15:21 : Pip wonders about ‘morality clauses’.
  • 16:12 : On the left side of the aisle, writers have run into those too.
  • Writers have to be aware of them, and understand that they also can’t claim oppression. Most contracts have provision these days to protect the image of the corporation.
  • 18:02 : Social media rights as far as the 1st Amendment.
  • Michael points out if you want to talk about regular conservative talking points you can.
  • What you cannot talk about is violence and racism.
  • All social media platforms have Terms of Service… even if people click through them without reading. They are there.
  • Michael points out the peaceably portion of the 1st Amendment.
  • 22:47 : Tee posits a question to Michael
  • Michael says not with the 1st, but contractually there are more grey areas depending on the situation.
  • 24:27 : Michael brings up how some authors make claims of being censored.
  • The government censors, but everything else is editing.
  • No Shirts. No Shoes. No Service. But it has to be applied in a non discriminatory fashion.
  • Shout out to the Legal Eagle
  • 34:58 : Tee, Pip and Michael discuss WandaVision on Disney+ NO SPOILERS!
  • Plenty of throwbacks to Bewitched and I Love Jennie, Pip enjoyed it
  • Michael enjoyed the first ten minutes, and then wanted a bit more to happen.
  • There were a lot of deep cuts for those deep into Marvel history.
  • Tee brings up the excellent HBO Max show Snowpiercer
  • More clues are revealed in the second episode.
  • Pip enjoyed how they used vintage feel to full advantage- including consulting Dick Van Dyke!

Find Michael A Ventrella here, and pickup his book How to Argue the Constitution with a Conservative. Also, his steampunk book with Teddy Roosevelt, Big Stick – which Pip highly recommends!

If you have an event in 2021 and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #106: Let’s Talk Blogging

(Podcasting for Dummies, the 4th edition is out in the wild today… pick up a copy from your favorite online store!)

Pip and Tee take on the subject of blogging. Is it still useful? Relevant?

00: 58 Intro

  • Amanda J Surowitz sent us an email complimenting Social Media for Writers, which includes a Discord chapter (or you can do a deeper dive with Discord for Dummies.)

04:11 Tee Talks about his experience with blogging

  • Tee has worked professionally for universities, and the government. Writing blogs was part of what he did every day.
  • Amanda drops into chat
  • Tee was on a roll, then the world changed.

Everyone knows that feeling

  • Tee then had back to back projects, but blogging is still his thing
  • Pip hasn’t blogged for awhile. Now she thinks the space is a lot more crowded, and now you have streaming competing.
  • Pip makes the internet noise and Tee joins in.
  • People like Chuck Wendig make a success of it, but has a very particular style.
  • Tee found he would spend days writing a blogpost on writing, and getting behind on his actual writing.
  • Pip feels like she never found her niche in blogging… and worried she just whined a lot.
  • Pip wonders about jumping on current events… say ‘Waffle House fights’
  • We mention Chris Evan’s… moment and how he turned it to his advantage
  • You can tap into what is trending, as Pip points out they have from time to time. Tee agrees as long as it is within your field, jumping on current issues is a good policy.
  • Pip tries to justify her next Waffle House fight blogpost…
  • When you sit down to write, have a point to it
  • Keep an eye on comments on the blog and your social media
  • Blogging for blogging sake is problematic

24:34 Pip has a question

  • So lists were popular a while go ‘top five’ or the ‘five worst’. Are they still popular?
  • People do still seem to want to read quick articles
  • Tee suggests setting a word limit.

27:07 Tee has a question

  • As pros, with other projects how do you manage blogging?
  • Add it to your weekly schedule.
  • Tee suggests some people are using Twitch, as a video blog.
  • But do all authors think on their feet quickly? A riff can easily become a ramble.
  • Bullet Alexander returns… and Pip is not impressed.
  • What are authors most comfortable doing?
  • Social Media for Writers is out now, and has new chapters, including one on crisis management.
  • It’s made trickier when you don’t have a book to promote, but publishers these day want you to have a platform before they’ll give you a book deal.
  • So figure out if you have a purpose and do you have the time for it?
  • But at the end of the day deadlines have to come before blogging.
  • If it is making you miserable, then you don’t have to blog.
  • Your platform should include blogging only if you enjoy doing it, and can remain consistent.

If you have an event in 2021 and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #105: Is Jack Evil?

We welcome our pal, Jack Mangan to the Shared Desk, and back into the writing gig. Jack’s new foray into creativity is a graphic novel. We dig deep into this process and how Jack’s getting it done with crowdfunding.

0:45 Jack Mangan introduction

  • Though he has no AKA name, we’re glad to see him.
  • You might know Jack from Spherical Tomi and Deadpan
  • From back in the days….
Podcasters from 15 years ago
  • Jack talks about his podcast trajectory… and then life intervened.
  • Known as a novelist, and podcast, we dive into how Jack’s moved into the new arena of graphic novels.
  • Pip and Tee discuss how much they loved having Jack in the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. Find it in the second collection of Tales from the Archives

7:29 What were the challenges of changing genre

  • Jack researched the masters of this new genre
  • At first he tried drafting out instructions to the graphic artist.
  • You have to form a relationship between writer and artist- collaboration!
  • Pip contemplates a Ministry graphic novel…

12:48 Pip asks ‘But what is this project?

  • Jack’s history as a music journalist, brought him into contact with Diamond Head.
  • Yes, this project is so METAL!
  • Jack got all the relevant permissions
  • Am I Evil, is a song with a story to tell.
  • Now to the funding of it! Challenges Jack faced… well pandemic!
  • Kickstarter didn’t work out, but now I Am Evil is live on IndieGoGo
  • The idea is to make sure every professional gets paid
  • Meet the team!
  • This is Jack’s passion project, that he wants out in the world.
  • Marketing is always tough. But you have to find the right time to launch and promote.
  • Pip and Tee popped by to Jack’s live launch
  • Everyone delves into their metal credentials…
  • Jack has been writing as a journalist, but he is getting back to fiction—including coming back to Spherical Tomi
  • Many of the original podcasters, are going back to their original fiction worlds.
  • When you are part of a team, you don’t want to let people down.
  • Jack talks about being a mature writer
  • Check out the video!
  • Jack explains how he created the video.
  • Pip brings up stretch goals, and the dangers of pineapple related ones.
  • Jack teases us with royal connections…
  • Am I Evil campaign is live now!

If you have an event in 2021 and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #104: Hugo and toxic fandom

  • Technology works, and we shout out to the live audience who joined us on Twitch
  • Our cat is recuperating from surgery, and we’re recuperating from the Hugos. Makes him rather grumpy…
  • Guess what made Pip and Tee grumpy
  • It’s not the gloves from Ritual Motion
Pip and Tee can however…here we go…

2:31 Let’s talk about the Hugo Awards

  • The latest Worldcon was held in Pip’s hometown of Wellington, New Zealand, but the pandemic made it have to become virtual
  • The Hugo are fan voted, and are not strangers to controversy
  • Pip and Tee discuss that ‘golden age’ of science fiction
  • George RR Martin was asked to be toastmaster
  • Tee has been the MC at Pip’s brother’s wedding.
  • The role requires you talk about the people who the event is for.
  • The Hugo Awards were about the nominees, but GRRM didn’t get that memo
  • He then proceeded to pine for the good ole days of John W Campbell, Heinlein, Asimov et al
  • All of GRRM’s parts were pre-recorded
  • Tee asks Pip how she feels as a New Zealander and a writer
  • ConZealand was planned for many, many years
  • Pip was angry, disappointed and mortified… New Zealand is better than this
  • Even assuming GRRM was not sent pronunciation, that doesn’t let him off the hook
  • Pip and Tee remain unsurprised at how his recordings went down
  • The Hugo Awards have become more diverse but it has a history of being exclusionary
  • Lots of inside jokes, name dropping… all of these things make sure there is an ‘us’ and ‘them’
  • Making community means being welcoming
  • Harking back to an age GRRM has nostalgia about, brings a lot of baggage
  • Pip talks about the nature of fandom in New Zealand
  • Fandom needs to think about how they empower people by ignoring their behavior
  • The award winners were a diverse, world-wide group of people, but GRRM barely mentioned them
  • The always popular apology-non-apology
  • Pip dives into how women (especially of an older generation) are taught not to make a fuss in order to be part of the boy’s club
  • New Zealand’s specific national psyche may have fed into this.
  • Pip wonders what happened? Did they watch it? Were they afraid of GRRM?
  • Tee reminds every writer, that this is a professional setting.
  • Pip confirms New Zealand is massively passive aggressive
  • There is a way to own it though
  • But not just GRRM and the con organizers should own it.
  • We need to be better… as fans and writers.
  • The Hugo Awards are meant to celebrate about what is best during the last year
  • Young authors need to feel that they can be in the space of the Hugos. This is a place for them.
  • Hopefully good changes will come out of this.

If you have an event in 2021 and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #103: Savan Gupta on Collaboration

We welcome Savan Gupta to the show, but Tee is audio only… and it had nothing to do with Pip!

  • Savan kicks it off, and the party begins.
  • Having a company is apparently just as stressful as kids
We welcome Savan and all his universes

3:07 Savan begins to unravel all his creative endeavors

  • Steam-funk Studios– a multi-media and marketing firm
  • From that came the Living Multiverse, a cross-media fiction project… and World Domination
  • The Unconventional champions journalist and academic excellence in fandom—The Rolling Stone of Fandom. Fanthropolgy
  • Sepia Riot, a project in development, championing Indian, Arab and Asian representation in fandom
  • The Unconventional will be coming this year!

8:03 Tee asks Savan how he manages all these amazing projects

  • Savan keeps a regular schedule, military like
  • Manage expectations with those that are working with you
  • Savan vets everyone and gives them an orientation so that people are ramped up
  • Communicate any problems that crop up in life
  • Tee throws himself under the bus, but also owns his problems
  • Savan points out that when you act like a professional everything is simpler
We call it that too!

12:29 Pip asks Savan just how many people he’s collaborated with over the years

  • Savan remembers another collaboration, Geeks Gone Wild
  • Collaborating means having standards and processes to encourage others who want to work with you
  • Savan comes to this from a financial market
  • Pip gets jealous of Savan’s organization
  • Tee points out the collaboration with Galileo Games was very well organized
  • Savan mentions that he’s spent years all over the country, finding talent
  • Savan says past and present he’s worked with hundreds of people

17:41 Tee asks, so what do they all do?

  • Everything began as a performance troupe
  • In 2014 critical mass happened. Slick-brass and the Crew of the A.S.S. Titilus was joined by Rohan and the Dogs of War. Then more… and more… and consulting for others
  • It got so big, that they needed residuals to support the performance, so Savan changed tack.
  • Rebooting the brand, they turned inward to evaluate what goods and services work best, to make money
  • The Unconventional is free, because its aim is to make a community- but it gives plenty of attribution, and a bio
  • Attribution is something we need more of
  • Savan answers the question about how many people who work in the company
  • Shout out to Savan’s teams!
  • Pip’s mind is blown

27:01 Tee asks Savan how he handles when collaboration goes bad

  • Savan makes clear what expectations are, and how much time it will take to his collaborators
  • His exceptions clauses are; your health (you don’t have to disclose what those are, legally as well), day job/school (hell weeks do happen in both), and finally your family.
  • Everyone needs paperwork!
  • Tee, Savan and Pip discuss about deadlines
  • Savan describes his ‘break glass’ situation
No one wants to do this, but sometimes it is necessary…
  • Now the Hobbit comes up… we have all been forged by fire
  • Savan calls back to his father, for his fortitude and persistence

51:14 Tee makes sure when the pandemic is over, Savan will break bread with he and Pip once again

  • Tee reveals his love for Trejos Tacos cook book
  • Culinary arts series coming from the Unconventional!
Savan, often compared to Tony Stark

53:17 Where can we find Savan Gupta?

If you have an event in 2021 and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #102: Collaborators in life and art

The video stream
  • We’re still social distancing, but we can still be social!
  • We welcome Aly Grauer and Drew Mierzejewski—another collaborating couple!
Such an epic couple!
  • We’ve know each other… Aly and Drew are ‘like us but younger!’
  • Collaborators in life and art!
  • Aly produced two short stories for Tales from the Archives
  • Pip tries some new words from the youth! Vibe and dabbing are no allowed.

6:05 Tee asks the hard question of Aly and Drew; Where’d this all start?

  • Like many collaborators, editing and brainstorming often comes off
  • Aly and Drew started on a project from the Renaissance Faire
  • Starting off sharing creative projects can be fun… but the rewards are worth it
You can share it!
  • For a start, there are no rules
  • Writers are often imagined solitary- but they don’t have to be!
Sad writer contemplates writing all alone…
  • People tend to think ideas are precious, and can be easily lost… but the truth is there are a lot out there
  • Tee admits thinking never to write another podcasting book.
  • …and is currently working on 4th edition of Podcasting for Dummies
Pip and Tee fear becoming Taylor and Burton
  • Tee brings back the story of the Silver Pharaoh.
  • Aly and Drew share their own tense moment.
  • The truth of the matter is, everyone looks back at their first book critically.

21:00 How do you navigate criticism between partners?

  • Talk about specifics, good and bad
  • It can be bad when you take criticism too much to heart, and let it break your confidence
  • Aly and Drew poured energy into Warda, and it became a podcast and a tabletop game
  • Aly finally found a way back in with Drew’s support
  • Drew points out, building a collaboration takes years
  • Pip recounts the path of collaboration for the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences
  • The couples talk about the strengths that make their collaborations work

38:42 Let’s talk Skyjacks:Courier’s Call

  • Aly and Drew have a new podcast collaboration, Skyjacks: Courier’s Call
  • Skyjacks is a wider collaboration, but it wasn’t child friendly, hence the spinoff
  • Pip gets excited by large birds… especially large kiwis!
  • We touch on the advantages the Kickstarter campaign had
  • The nature of the podcast and the storytelling is very collaborative.
  • Tee waxes lyrical on the latest wave of roleplaying
  • Art is not created in a vacuum!
  • Pip and Tee call out some of the wonderful folks they’ve collaborated with in the past!
  • Pip talks about her own roleplaying fun with George the Dinosaur
Ashimei and George- art by Candy Cane Studios

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #101: Pandemic time

The video stream
  • We’re in the middle of a pandemic.
  • Tee and Pip didn’t have the ‘rona, we had a cold each.
  • Shout out to all the magnificent health care works who are working and helping society through this.
  • Tee and Pip are raising money for No Kid Hungry, while streaming. They provide meals to children who otherwise would depend on school lunches. You don’t have to watch to donate.

5:23 How to stay creative in a pandemic

  • How things have changed since Smoky Writers in North Carolina. We were so lucky to get it in before COVID-19
  • If you’re a long time listener to the show, you’ll be familiar with our yearly writing retreat
  • A beautiful house by the beach, with some of our favorite people in the world
  • The retreat this year was shorter, but we stayed in Wilmington, NC
  • We returned home, carrying a heavy cold each
Much like this…
  • We recorded this episode once before, but we sounded awful.
  • Shortly after Virginia closed schools for the whole year
  • Now we are on lockdown. Grocery shopping is the only trip we make
  • We are getting comfort from New Zealand’s Prime Ministry, Jacinda Arden
  • Pip reminds Australia they can’t have her
Let’s begin
  • Let’s talk projects.
  • Pip and Tee have the rights back for Social Media for Writers
  • There are going to be re-writes in the next edition. Quite a few things have changed in the social media landscape.
  • Tee is working with Chuck Tomasi on a 4th edition of Podcasting for Dummies
  • Discord for Dummies is coming out in May. Pre-order now!
  • Secret of the Monkey God is on the docket too. Tee is not going to be left out.
  • Pip is working on Ride or Die, as well as Fierce Dead 2
  • Polishing up a few old projects too
  • Bear in mind, the current pandemic situation has a lot of consequences, not just health, but mental and economic
  • We’re all being creative with getting things done
Working from home.. be like…
  • We need to look out for each other
  • And know, it’s OK to not be OK.
  • Use technology to check in on people, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from those that care about you.
  • Writers may need solitude, but we’re not used to not being able to go out to cafes… or libraries.. or anywhere
Do not.. do not… go to a cabin in the woods.. At least this cabin.
  • Writers online, writing together while ignoring each other.
  • Being kind, also applies to yourself. Be kind to yourself
  • Have a routine. Take showers.
  • Get up, get dressed (except for those odd pj days)
  • If you feel you can’t write, then find another creative project.
  • Pip and Tee are currently working on their bathroom. It’s been needing an update for about… 10 years…
  • Clearing out the house, and organizing your books.
  • Gardening is great… and if you’re lucky you get fresh food
  • Pip bought supplies online from Lowe’s, and used contactless pickup
  • Give your mind a break, rather than forcing it to pump out content all the time
  • Pip thinks getting back to baking, brewing, gardening is great.
  • Limit your diet of news. Don’t spend too long scrolling through Facebook
  • Pip gets on her hobby horse of history.
  • The message from John Rhys Davies
  • Pip tries to post positive things.

37:31 Wrap Up

  • Where will Pip and Tee be this year
  • RavenCon has been postponed. So to Balticon… but it will be available virtually
  • WorldCon in New Zealand is going to be virtual only
  • Other events are still on the fence…
  • Follow TeeMonster on Twitch to catch the live show

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #100: What a RIDE!

The Shared Desk
New Show Art by Candy Cane Studios
  • They said we couldn’t make it… whoever they are…
  • Pip and Tee chose Birds of Prey for their Valentine’s movie!
  • We get cheers from chat!

3:04 Let’s Look Back

  • Pip tried to count Dog Days of Podcasting that Tee did in 2018
  • Consistency… well not so much our thing….
  • Episode 1… we started off pretty exclusively about the craft!
  • And we started with the idea of half hour episodes…

7:23 Types of episodes

  • We’ve done craft and business episodes
  • But our most downloaded episode was Episode 59, about Penny Dreadful from a writer’s point of view
  • Then we’ve covered, marketing, had guests in show, and recorded from events
  • Then there are the odd ones…
  • And the evergreen content ‘writers did what now?’

9:29 Let’s talk about guests

14:02 We Tracked Smoky Writers

  • From the beginning, our beloved retreat was covered. Either there, or a post-retreat review
  • Our largest guest episode, with all the microphones!
  • Pip reflects on the fun stuff represented by the Shared Desk

14: 55 Consistency? What’s that??

  • Sometimes we slipped…
  • Editing is a thing… we don’t like to just release into the wild
  • Deadlines and families to come first… podcasting fell by the way side
  • Some years have been easier than others
  • We started streaming in 2018, episode 90.
  • Streaming has kept us more on track

17:28 Memories of past segments

  • Eagle vs kiwi — limited options after a point
  • Crazy Uncle Charlie — his time passed (Pip was happy about that)
Charlie went to do his own thing…

20:32 Picking out some favorite episodes and topics

  • Pip mentions episode 23, where we talked about a writer’s kit and giveaway swag
  • Tee diverts into Penny Dreadful side rant…
  • Pip and Tee discuss some of the changes to swag people expect
  • Pip mentions the 99c book promo choices authors make
  • The infamous way Goodreads reviewers mark books before they’ve even been released
  • Giving away your work, you need to be careful how you do it
  • The short story market has changed over the course of this podcast
  • Work for free is still however something to be avoided
  • SFWA has also changed… and improved!
  • Print is still alive!
  • Pip’s patreon got started in the middle of the Shared Desk

36:37 Live shows!

  • A lot of fun has been had at a lot of conventions
  • Episode 75 from the SFWA Nebula Awards show. One of Tee’s favs
  • Our first on the road show, was Author’s After Dark
  • Demi-Con was a blast, and Tee was Guest of Honor
  • Alyson Grauer we met there, and has a book out
  • PC Haring showed us around

40:47 Pip can’t recall and episode

  • The mysterious episode 45… the world is full of disturbing books
  • Oh and it was a racist POS
  • The Shared Desk could be writers behaving badly

41:52 Pip’s Favorite

  • Episode 51: The ABC
  • Recorded around the time of the book cover shoot. Featuring Verena Vorsatz and Christina Payton.
  • Quite a memorable time

46:21 Pip gets the credit

  • Tee riffs on Pip causing the whole damn thing
  • So many good times, so many good friends.
  • We met the Kellys just because of this podcast
  • What a grand time it’s been…
  • Thank you for all the support and love
We mean it…

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Show art by Candy Cane Studios

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #99: Looking Ahead

00:00 Introduction

We can smell episode 100! We had to stream this twice though….

01:22 Into 2020

  • Tee and Pip have plenty of plans
  • Time for prohibition?
  • Check out where we will be in 2020
  • Tee helped found RavenCon. So we will be there this year!
  • Escape Velocity in Washington DC
Tee’s Dream…
  • Tee guesses wrong
  • Gencon bound!!
  • We had a time a great time last year, looking forward to more shenanigans in Indy
  • Next up Key City Steampunk Festival which is now in Gettysburg, PA
  • And then venturing into Florida, as Guests of Honor at Necronomicon in Tampa Florida!
  • Tee heads back to TwitchCon
  • Twitch for Dummies is now a year old!
  • These old bones can manage this schedule
  • Tee and Pip have a few requirements for traveling to events…
  • …but they will do a Shared Desk LIVE!
  • Asking the organizers of events works- but get in advance
  • Our writers’ retreat is coming up… and this year, we’re heading to the beach!

16:49 Talking Publications

  • Pip has a schedule… with a nebulous section
  • Didn’t work out so well last year, but that is why we go with nebulous
  • Chuck Wendig’s post on write what you want, because everything is falling apart.
  • Pip and Tee put a lot of expectations and pressure on writing last year.
  • However Tee’s 2020 started off with a bang.
  • Podcasting for Dummies is going
  • Discord for Dummies is currently under construction, but Tee just lost a month
  • So let’s write what we want to write.
  • Pip *sigh*
  • The Weald, is Pip’s current WIP. A fantasy novel set in Regency England
  • At the same time, she’s editing the first book of the Spectral Protectors. The Fierce Dead– now available for pre-order
  • Pip and Tee argue about The Secret of the Monkey God release date
  • Pip also plans book Two of the Spectral Protectors.
  • Death and the Falcon or Falcon and the RAVEN, the story of Henrietta Falcon and Sophia del Morte are planned for the end of the year.
  • Tee’s heart is calling him to write, Villainy LLC, a story of the B List superheroes. Setting it in Richmond, VA
  • Check in with us at the end of the year
  • Pip wants Tee to get back to enjoying the pure creativity of just writing
  • Tee is still thinking about retooling Dope story.
  • Pip suggests putting away a project for awhile to give perspective
Feeling 2020 like…
  • Pip is resetting, by making sure to read every day.
  • No faux Jane Austen though.

31:35 Writers Off the Clock: The Witcher

  • Pip wants to find a show where Henry Cavill takes a bath
  • Tee brings an ear worm
  • Based on the books from Poland
  • Prepare for the cosplaying!!
  • Party City wig was replaced… thank goodness!!
  • The separate timelines took a bit to work out
  • Episode 4 was a little wobbly… but we forgive them
  • Pip starts streaming Philippa’s Freaky Friday playing Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Check in on Friday nights for fun times…
  • Stealing from peasants is part of the story… morally wrong as that is.

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #98: RWA Implosion

00:00 Introduction

Pip and Tee are ready for the New Year, and we’re kicking off with a show many tongues are wagging about: The RWA Bruhaha Extraordinaire!

Follow or subscribe to

Above you got the live open mic segments and tangents a-plenty, and we’d love to see you come by and visit us when EPISODE 100 rolls around. Be there for the fun and we will gladly take your questions LIVE on stream.

Join us for a good time as we take a good look at what is going on with the RWA.

01:05 The Romance Writers of America

  • Tee and Pip are not romance writers, but they have an RT Award, and write stories with romantic elements
  • America is changing and so should its writing.
  • Check out Claire Ryan’s ongoing chronicling of the situation
  • It all kicked off when Suzan Tisdale filed an ethics complaint against Courtney Milan
  • It spiraled from there into resignations, cancelling of events, and people cancelling their memberships
  • Just own your mistakes.
  • Now the original complainant says she only ever wanted an apology
  • But at the same time threatened legal action!
  • Karen wants to see the manager!!
  • Another example of keeping your receipts…
  • Presidents have toppled…
  • Chuck Tingle got involved. Nora Roberts got involved
  • Pip The best disinfectant is sunshine.
  • Hopefully there will be good things from this
  • SFWA offers a safe haven for those with spec fic elements
  • The whole affair has esculated akin to the Thing
Everyone wants to get the hell away from this….
  • Our genre has had plenty of its own problems too…
  • But what will rise from the ashes…
  • But wait… the original complainant has remembered something differently
  • What is the takeaway from all this?
  • Diversity and representation does matter
  • Pip is dealing that right now. The Fierce Dead coming in February.
  • Sensitivity readers are important.
  • Also check out Writing the Other
  • The balance is delicate
  • Keep your receipts
  • And we’ll see how this all plays out

27:38 We’re in the Kitchen

  • Don’t freak out, we’re detoxing
  • Yes, we’re aware we have livers, but this is for something else
Gotta have em
  • Stevia is not Tee’s thing
  • Monkfruit all the things!!
  • Tee is caffeine free… for now, but it’ll be first up!
  • Lots… and lots… of water…

36:50 Wrap Up

  • Thanks again to Claire Ryan for chronicling all the RWA shenanigans
  • Don’t forget to join us live on Twitch, we have a post show not in the podcast

If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
…and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on Spotify,  iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #97: Diving into the River

00:00 Introduction

  • Tee and Pip are in a metal mood thanks to Halloween
  • Their velvet purple skull Twitchy is here for the season.
  • Welcome to new listeners

02:30 The James River Writers Convention

  • Ways to read signs ahead
  • The James River Writers Conference is an example of a well run convention. Others should take note of some of the things they do.
  • Pip can’t leave Twitchy alone.
  • JRW Conference has been going for many years.
  • JRW provide year round support to local writers.
  • Pip recalls with relish the first contact where Tee was her +1
Pip be like…
  • Tee tried to stream… and failed…
  • Conventions have to fork out a lot of money for wi fi
  • Seriously Pip leave the skull alone!
  • Follow Tee on Twitch to find out when we go live.
  • JRW make an effort to have a diversity of writers, agents and publishers
  • Tee missed out on the Dating Game
What, my name got called?
  • Tee did a pitch and met some agents
  • How many people attended?
  • Pip feels a little out gunned
  • Not just chairs—tables too!
  • Moderators are prepared and know who their panelists are
  • Shout out to Bill Blume
  • Panel on podcasting moderated by Sharvette Mitchell was a good time
  • Tee’s Shop Talk was about writing what you don’t know
  • Writing outside your experience? Reach out to those who are in the community
  • Pip feels uncomfortable writing from a first person POV outside her community
  • The importance of beta readers
  • Tee recounts a tale from his theatre days
  • The naming of a podcast… like the Shared Desk?
  • Tee really gets into what the theme music is. It’s important!!
  • Tee did a branding panel. Why does branding matter to authors?
  • World building… important but not everything
World building is important… but so is writing!
  • Your world can change… and that’s OK
  • The James River Writers Convention is worth attending as a panelist, or if you want to improve your writing.

28:50 Pip and Tee go into the Kitchen

Felt like this…
  • A bookseller, a secret password, and there you are!
Flaming Youth
  • Tee and Pip enjoyed a flight!
  • Some interesting history behind speakeasies, helped along with some well dressed servers.
  • Not just drinks, the food was also excellent
  • The whole thing was streamed
  • Seriously, Richmond has it all!

43:19 Wrap up

  • What shall we do for our 100th episode?
  • Tee is working with Steve Saylor for the month of October to raise money for Able Gamers. Go here to donate. See if two knuckleheads can beat Mountain Dew!
  • Tee shaved his beard for this… and Pip is still recovering…
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.791.1701
    …and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #96: Confessions and Dangers

The Shared Desk

00:00 Introduction

  • Tee has some new dropins for us from Aggretsuko
  • previous 96 audio wasn’t good enough, so it is a lost episode now. Spooky!
  • Pip comes out from behind the mic
  • Shout out to Key City Steampunk. You’re still awesome.
Our patronus

02:53 A Writer Beware Moment

  • Ways to read signs ahead
  • Marie Bilodeau’s blogpost to read
  • Anyone we know through Katie is a good egg
  • Our sore point gets triggered… not getting paid
  • You need to be getting statements at least every six months
  • Do check out SFWA’s Writer Beware
  • Examine your contract before signing… a trick for new and eager writers
  • Tee was smarter than the average author, and checked out his first contract throughly
  • Pip did not
  • Tee recommends research and get a lawyer to check it out.
  • Make sure the lawyer is one versed in contract law and Intellectual Property
  • Be as serious about your contract as you are about your writing career
  • Pip confesses to grabby hands… and that rare time when Tee is smarter than she was
New authors be like…
  • Make sure your contract specifies how you can get out of it.
  • Tee admits he did make other mistakes
  • Don’t make your author copy transactions too complicated
  • Keep yourself in charge of pricing when working conventions and events
  • Small press has the most varied of contract, but every contract needs to checked
  • Small presses also far less likely to pay advances and agents therefore usually won’t get involved on your behalf
Maybe not follow this guy to legal advice…

19:07 Trust Your Gut Too

  • Tee dives into some bad memories from the past… and Pip points out that was ancient times
  • A party makes an impression
  • An uncomfortable conversation where Pip gets a vibe
  • If you can’t get a straight answer out of someone, ask yourself if you want to be in business with them
  • Be alert for red flags
  • Check with author groups (some good ones on Facebook) on the reputation of the publisher
  • When a contract is broken, it still takes money to fight
  • Legal fights in different states and countries can be tricky
  • Tee did have to threaten legal action to get paid… but he did get there eventually. But he was in the same state as the company who hadn’t paid.
  • Tee got a great birthday present!
  • Professional organizations can help you get your money, often without needing to resort to courts
  • Also, without statements you don’t know how well your books are selling
  • Wiley statements showed a renewed interest in Podcasting for Dummies—so new edition happened
  • Such are the nuts and bolts of the business

34:20 Writers off the Clock: Binge Worthy Media

Kiwis have the best ideas…

48:38 Wrap up

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Episode #95: Something new—Gen Con

This is the third attempt at an episode 95. Honestly, it seems like the universe doesn’t want us to get one of these out! But we shake our fist in front of those barriers.

We are now streaming the Shared Desk live on Tee’s Twitch stream. Following costs nothing, and you’ll get an alert that we are going live. Not only do you get firsties on listening to the show, and the chance to comment live… but also we do a little half hour chit chat after the main show.

Membership has its privileges as they say…

The show as it was streamed

00:00 Introduction

  • We think we remember how to do this.
  • Trapped in a car together all the way to Indiana, but we made it back alive.
  • We met new people, saw some familiar faces.

02:17 What is Gen Con?

  • The best four days of gaming.
  • Tee wants to edit the episode, but Pip actually is doing this!
  • Check out the history of Gen Con
  • It takes over Indiana and Indy itself!
  • 70,000-80,000 people
  • So many neat people have stands there, but for authors Cherie Priest was the Guest of Honor
  • GAWR was at Gen Con, but we missed them. No surprises considering how big it is!
  • Pip and Tee compare Gen Con and DragonCon as far as treating writers…

07:27 The Gen Con Writers Symposium

  • Well laid out, with authors events in one of the hotels. Not even having to cross into the street.
  • So well organized, with tickets, a green room, and 50 minute panels. This gives everyone a chance to get between panels, and panelists a chance to set up.
  • The morgue, for those writers who need some real quiet
  • The green room was a place to chit chat. Pip loved having a place to chill. Would recommend.
  • Kicking it off with a nice free meal, but Indy had more treats in store…

11:32 The long drive

  • A nine hour drive, straight to Indy.
  • Tee hates driving through Ohio freeways, and needed emergency caffeine.
  • Thank you Wayze for Cookie Monster. He got us there! Pip and Tee imitate him…

13:12 Corralling Authors

  • Authors all housed in Marriott East, about 10 miles from Indy.
  • The shuttle was brilliant
  • No hotels for 50 miles around Gen Con

14:05 Pip and Tee wax lyrical about the con badges

  • Melanie Meadors and Kelly Swails put on a heck of a symposium
  • Nice convention pouch with your events on the back.
  • No dodgy pin primed to break and come loose!
  • Pip says it is the best she’s ever seen

15:04 Thursday panels

  • Tee brings the Big Score, and despite technical difficulties managed it
  • Tee found a fellow trombone player!
  • Tee stumped many con goers than usual.
  • Tee did a podcasting panel with Anton Strout and Cat Rambo
  • Tee (and Pip) are both OP (original podcasters)
  • Tee Morris from the Dawn of Time….
  • So we went out for dinner with local friend Kevin. Bluebeard was amazing.
  • We ate and drank well. There may have been bread pudding.

21:23 Friday

  • Pip and Tee worked separate panels.
  • Pip talked about being your own boss. Trials and tribulations meant we could have been there for hours.
  • Pip disagreed with someone!
  • Tee ended up on a panel about Scrivener (a great piece of software for writers)
  • But when you want to edit, you have to use Word
  • It has a screenwriting section, with built in macros!
  • Pip talked about about keeping secondary characters in their place.
  • Lots of good solid topics in every panel
  • Pip and Tee have a slice of humble pie at their Q&A
  • Pip plans to use steampunk to lure people in next time…
  • Tee gets to meet his Wiley editor, Steve Hays
  • Got to meet Aloysius Fox, who runs two events. International Steampunk Symposium and the Chicago Steampunk Exposition
  • Ran into all sorts of people, even in this huge event!
  • Signing a bit of a wash…
  • Pip signed a literary brick
  • Tee also did some pop up streams at the event, but technical difficulties bit
  • Three hour nap turned into just falling on our face. Huge events take it out of a person…

33:21 Saturday

  • Pip talked about reading other genres. Don’t be in a bubble as far as reading.
  • Tee checks his photos, and stand corrected
  • Pip was done, but Tee jumped on a bunch of panels that needed help
  • Tee talked about passing time in writing
  • CAT BUTT turns up!!
  • Training montages!!
  • Tee is the sole writer in the midst of editors, what happens to my story after I send it in?
  • Tee talks Twitch
  • Pip and Tee contemplate a writing stream
Tee’s Twitch panel recorded just fine
  • Tee does a panel where he has to think about writing action.
  • After the last panel, we went out with Diana Pho of Beyond Victoriana, and an editor at Tor. And Jen Gunnels also from Tor.
  • Jen and Tee bonded over theatre and single malt.
  • The story of Harry & Izzy’s was worth every penny!
  • If you need to get into a place, stick close to a New Yorker…
  • The food was amazing… but the ending was epic! Bread pudding with Woodford Reserve!
  • 2.5 hour of dinner was so much damn fun. A great way to cap off Gen Con
  • Pip passed out, but Tee went out for beer with Danfinity
  • Find Tee on Untappd

51:15 Indy wrap up

  • Pip and Tee think Indy is a cool city. 19th century architecture, and public art
  • People were lovely, and our Uber drivers were all charming… and they all love FIFA. Futbol!

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on
iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #93: Looking Ahead to 2019 (with Special Guest, Tim Dodge)

We are kicking off 2019 the only way we know how at The Shared Desk. We’re bringing in a special guest who has never been on the show, but is practically art of the family. Welcome to The Shred Desk author Tim Dodge.

Tim Dodge is a regular fixture at the Smoke Writers Retreat, and is taking first steps into professionally writing fiction, but he is no stranger to writing professionally as he writes technical documents on a freelance basis.

The Shared Desk, now recorded LIVE on Twitch at Tee’s Twitch Channel, after looking back on a year that was very 2018, turns its attention to what is coming this year, as well as looks at the not-so-simple life of a writer when writing is a 9-to-5 occupation.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Oh yeah, we’re kicking off the new year right…with a show recorded last year. (See what I did there?)
  • It is a night of firsts!
  • A mild spoiler from Bandersnatch
  • It’s a night of adult beverages and seamless plugs.
  • From one of the authors behind Podcasting for Dummies, Twitch for Dummies (advance copies) has arrived!

02:56 —  Episode #93: Looking Ahead to 2019 (with Tim Dodge) 

  • Meet Tim Dodge
    • He was passing through and decided to spend some time with us.
    • Did you know that there is more to New York than just a big city?
    • Head north for some beautiful country
    • Tim is a writer of many backgrounds.
  • The Life of a Working Writer
    • How does writing “day job” content affect productivity with fiction projects?
    • Tim’s initiation into The Shared Desk.
    • Tee’s own work with and writing for them while working with other projects.
    • How does working on “day job” stuff affect your creativity?
    • The lure (and dangers) of a day job writing gig
  • ….and juggling projects.
  • Tim’s got both indie and professional publishing credits under his belt. Take a look at what he’s got available.
  • Tim Dodge goes back home in his steampunk tale for Tee & Pip.
  • Looking ahead to 2019
    • We already looked back to 2018.
    • So, what’s next? Well, we’re doing something special for Writers Digest.
    • Okay, exactly what did Tee mean?
    • What exactly is the Smoky Writers Retreat?
    • HUGH O’DONNEL IN CHAT!!! (The man behind the Legend of Lazerdick)
    • A brief tangent on New Zealand entertainment
  • Tee’s looking even further ahead to a writing retreat he wants to do when he turns 55…
  • Back on track and looking ahead…
  • Experiencing the K.T. Bryski Editing Experience
  • The freedom of arriving to a writing retreat with a clean slate
  • Still looking ahead…
    • Aiming for a return to the Maryland Renaissance Festival
    • Tee targets TwitchCon.
  • Writing Goals for 2019
    • More Ministry spinoffs planned
    • Dope needs a home. This means, Tee needs to find an agent.
  • The dangers of writing in Romance
  • Just accept it — Pip is right.
  • And Pip is aiming to return to The Books of the Order in 2019.

49:38— The Wrap-Up

  • Time flies with friends.
  • Wrapping up the podcast, but when you follow or subscribe to the stream, you get the extra content!
  • Find Tim Dodge online…
  • Twitch for Dummies, coming soon…
  • Pip’s Patreon is still going strong in case you were wondering.
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #92: Looking Back on 2018

What a year it has been. 2018 was the best of times and the worst of times…

The Shared Desk, now recorded LIVE on Twitch at Tee’s Twitch Channel, hops, skips, and jumps its way through 2018, and looks at what was a hit, what was a miss, and what we have to look forward to in the coming year.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • We’re kicking off this show with premium cat butt
  • Sometimes you just have to ride the impulse wave and go LIVE on Twitch!
  • When going live, where do you look?
  • Geek Parenting…
  • So, we’re having adult beverages tonight.

05:05 —  Episode #92: Looking Back on 2018 

  • Let’s glance in the rearview, shall we?
  • Episode #86
    • Big Doctor Who shout-out’s
    • Why was Battlefield Earth on the Hallmark Channel?
    • It was a mega-podcast with The Geek Wolfpack Podcast and K.T. Bryski
    • This was recorded before the younglings landed their respective high schools.
    • Conventions, conventions, conventions….
    • ….and juggling projects.
    • Brandon questions why Tee would be writing Twitch for Dummies.
    • Pro Tip: Find yourself a good Tech Editor.
  • Episode #87
    • Lani Sarem, part of an elite group of idiots in the publishing industry
    • 2018. Not a good year from Zuckerberg’s House.
    • Social Media matters.
    • The New York Times piece that gives Tee pause…
    • Changes in the Facebook approach
  • Episode #88
    • Big jump between episodes. All the bad things were happening.
    • Tee’s Mom is holding up way better than Tee could have hoped.
    • Then Tee sticks the landing with
    • Tee misses his Dad. Hard. All for good reasons.
    • Finding a calm in the storm with Lost in Space on Netflix
  • Episode #89
    • The Sea King’s Daughters launched.
    • Pip loves her spreadsheets!
    • Tee completed the fiftieth short story in Tales from the Archives.
    • Balticon, baby, with the Chain Mail Nerd!!!
    • Nerding….The Next Generation
    • Detroit Become Human and the writing behind it
  • Episode #90
    • Pip was a little apprehensive about streaming, but that didn’t last for long…
    • While Tee and Pip streamed, Nick and Brandon work out a novel development.
    • Pip found Later and Canva around this time.
    • Tee was working towards his Dummies deadline
    • Big month for Pip
    • The Books & Braun Dossier launched.
    • Dope is still underway, and with the furlough, Tee has time to edit.
    • Mainlining Poirot on account of Kenneth Branagh
  • Episode #91
    • Amazon devours Createspace and Tee turns 50!
    • Achtung, Baby!!!
    • Seriously, you’re taking up Krav Maga at fifty?!
    • Tee and Pip — Professional Beer Hipsters
    • And Tee slips over to the Dark Side…
    • The Germany Trip was a good time, even with the delay in the U.K.
    • Returning to the book business of Createspace, and the growing pains present.
  • Let’s go to the spreadsheets!!!
  • Yes, Pip was a machine in 2018.
  • Audiobooks have been very, very good to us.
  • 2019…new stuff to come.

45:15 — The Wrap-Up

  • Wrapping up the podcast, but when you follow or subscribe to the stream, you get the extra content!
  • Pip’s Patreon is still going strong in case you were wondering.
  • More nerdy, writerly talk on the stream; but we’re heading out!
  • Tee is still working on getting podcasts back on track, including this one and Happy Hour from the Tower.
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #91: Achtung, Baby & R.I.P. CreateSpace

Well, it has been quite a spell, but it does not necessarily mean that we are taking it slow this year…

Welcome back to The Shared Desk, now recorded LIVE on Twitch at Tee’s Twitch Channel. So what is the difference between the live stream and the podcast, you wonder? We’re offering listeners a compact, condensed version of the show in the podcast feed for when you may have missed the show. The live Shared Desk will go longer, and be completely raw and unedited. We will also take your comments and questions as they come in. We are enjoying the whole Twitch experience, and hope you continue to listen (and reach out to us) on either platform.

Alright then. on with the show, where we address the changes at CreateSpace.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • It’s been too long…
  • Memories of Germany
  • Did we happen to mention it’s been a week.
  • Where the heck have we been?
    • Twitch for Dummies is done!
    • Celebrating seven years of marital bliss
    • Tee reaches the Gold Edition as he turned 50.
  • Pip is recording audio. A lot of audio.
  • Oh, yeah, in September, there was an upgrade to the studio.

04:48 —  Episode #91: Achtung, Baby! (The Germany Trip)

  • Let’s celebrate the 50th birthday of Tee Morris!
  • When you’re in Germany, you’re going to mention the war.
    • Reminders are everywhere.
    • History is everywhere you go in Germany.
  • Oh, Bavaria…
  • You want to hear more about the trip overseas? Watch the full show at the YouTube video! (Yeah, catching the show LIVE means extra content!)

07:30 — Episode #91: R.I.P. CreateSpace

  • What’s breaking int he Writing World? (No, not writing advice from pretentious nitwits.)
  • The death of CreateSpace
    • We writers find ourselves, once again, here…
      Authors at the mercy of Amazon
    • CreateSpace was its own entity…until Amazon decided “We can do it better.”
    • Yeah, about that…
    • Come on, Amazon. Step up!
  • It would have been great to have books for PhilCon, but there were two things we didn’t have: a working car, and books.
  • Some concerns about this takeover beyond delivery of books
    • Some opinions about Amazon courtesy of Hasan Minaj’s Patriot Act.
    • We are hooked on Amazon. We admit it.
    • It’s hard to deny how much power Amazon holds.
  • Amazon need competition.
  • What Tee is worried about: Quality of the Product from Amazon
    • An early experience with Dragon Moon’s experience with Ingram’s Spark
    • Devil’s Advocate: Times and technology are different.
  • How Amazon is handling proof copies
    • Amazon marks proofs as proofs.
    • Tee also has a bad story about booksellers selling proofs.
    • And here is where the “marital bliss” kicks in.
    • Pip Ballantine, dealer of sick burns
  • A mini-rant on Apple iBooks and the indie author
  • So far, the quality of books is fine; but we are still early in this new relationship.
  • Amazon is not a perfected science. Here are a few disappointments from the past…
  • So what options do you have outside of Amazon?
  • So with all this — will we still use Amazon?
  • Old Man Morris rants about Facebook
  • Boycotting the ‘Zon? Good luck with that.
  • Here’s one good reason to stick with the ‘Zon…

28:08 —  Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • If it is possible to two-fist on a Loot Crate, we’re going to do just that!
  • Tee is opening September’s Loot Crate: INVADERS
    • The tee-shirt — Venom. Well played…but it’s black. And Tee is a little burned out on black tees. BUT IF YOU GO TO HANGRY GAMER GEAR…
    • A Predator bandana, and it makes Tee smile wide. (A favorite movie of his…)
    • There are a lot of statuettes, but this Alien statuette is a keeper!
    • Always good to have a blank journal from The X-Files so you can take notes of close encounters.
    • Tee’s pin is another nod to Aliens. Noice!!!
  • Pip is tackling October’s Loot Crate: CURSED
    • Her tee shirt lead —  Attack on Titan …which is not our jam.
    • Socks featuring the Gremlins!
    • Pip also has a statuette, and it is Evil Dead 2 so it stays!
    • There’s a room key from American Horror Story: Hotel ...and she can make the key her own!
    • The pin? A classic Ouija board cypher. Well done!
  • Wow…keeping everything but the shirts!
  • And the Venom shirt is going to our buddy, Hugh!

36:04 — The Wrap-Up

  • Wrapping up the podcast, but when you follow or subscribe to the stream, you get extra content!
  • Where will Pip and Tee be, you might wonder?
  • Tee is also working on getting podcasts back on track, including this one and Happy Hour from the Tower.
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #90: We’re LIVE on Twitch!

Adjusting to new schedules is still hard.

An entire summer got by us, but we said we were going to make Show #90 count, and how did we do that? How about this?!

Yes, we are taking the show to Twitch, and on Tee’s Twitch Channel, bringing all the wackiness and goofiness that you expect from us, only now including video and the magic of going LIVE!

If you missed the show…well, you’ll just have to listen (or watch) and see if we will decide to do it again.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • If you’re going to come back, do it with some panache!
  • Upping our game, we’re giving Twitch a shot!
  • The magic of going live.
  • We have adult beverages as we go live. Hold on to something.
  • Hold up, that OP Seat is Tee’s seat!
  • Not bad numbers for a first step out…

04:51 —  Episode #90: Catching Up and Summing Up the Summer…LIVE on Twitch!

  • Let’s try and get back on track…
  • Tee’s on deadline with Twitch for Dummies
    • Tee begins to regret going live with Pip.
    • Apart from finishing the book, Tee’s struggling with one of the Parts of Tens.
    • So what are your hosts drinking? Glad you didn’t ask.
    • Getting an opinion on how to solve this dilemma…and that was quick.
  • Nick Kelly doubles down and claims that Pip on Twitch is the best — thing — EVAR!!!
  • Pip’s summer has been all about her new project.
  • Don’t think Tee has forgotten about Dope.
    • Did Tee mention that he’s still digging his new job?
    • He’s got a new toy for his video work.
    • There’s a difference between Gimli and gimbal.
    • What’s Dope? Well, here is the origin story behind it…
    • New genres, new challenges
  • What else is on the White Board Wall?
  • Death and the Falcon is itching to be written…by Pip, anyway.
  • Talking a little bit about what’s happing in the publishing world…
    • Createspace becomes part of the grand Amazon machine
    • The jump was not so bad,at least for Pip.
    • Stacia D. Kelly introduces Pip to, and Tee digs it!
    • Some serious talk about Vellum, and why InDesign is still an essential tool for indie writers.
    • Adobe has a lot going for it, even beyond InDesign.
  • The problem with being hommans to floof…

35:55 —  Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Tee confesses to having a bit of a blunder with Loot Crate. Yeah…whoops.
  • And now we are looking at this month’s Loot Crate: MAYHEM
    • A Rick & Morty Monster Mayhem Statue
    • A Batman smartphone pop
    • Pip claims the Harley Quinn notepad for herself
    • The pin is a nod to Courage the Cowardly Dog 
    • An Office Space tee…which is heading to the prize bin.
  • Pip is concerned about the amount of plastic arriving to the house.

42:26 — Writers Off the Clock

  • The way adaptations work
    • Murder on the Orient Express, featuring David Suchet’s Hercules Poirot
    • Inspired by Murder on the Orient Express, featuring Kenneth Branagh’s Hercules Poirot
  • The various approaches to Murder on the Orient Express
  • What was with the voice, Finney?
  • The evolution of Hercule Poirot under Suchet
  • It’s a little unfair to compare Branagh to Suchet
    • It’s like comparing Sherlocks between Downey, Cumberbatch, and Brecht.
    • The differences between Branagh and Suchet, and the ending.
    • You want spoilers? Tee and Pip got some spoilers.
    • Two separate approaches, and both work.
  • Agatha really did not care for Poirot.
  • Check out these films and see how one work can spawn different interpretations.

54:32 — The Wrap-Up

  • Pip really is an optimist.
  • Where will Pip and Tee be, you might wonder?
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.
  • So…should we do this Twitch thing again?

Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #89: New Projects & Balticon

Adjusting to new schedules is hard.

Hard to believe that May got by us so quickly but there you have it. This June, we are working to get back on track with things because, let’s be honest — we’re not podcasting as much because we are launching new projects. So you might want to take notes as we have a LOT to talk about.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Closing in to that 100th episode…
  • Calling you out, Nobilis!
  • Playing an old favorite plug-in
  • It’s been some time, not that we are light on content…

01:39 —  Episode #89: What We’re Up to and Back to Balticon

30:10 —  Writers Off the Clock

  • Tee is on Twitch, if you didn’t know. He mainly streams Destiny
  • On a whim, Tee purchased a new game for his #ThrillerThursday content…
  • How do you describe Detroit: Become Human?
    • Pip and Tee agree on the mash-up between Blade Runner and Choose Your Own Adventure….
    • …but add in CSI and This Is Us, and you got this video game.
    • A PERFECT addition to #ThrillerThursday
      (The following clip is NSFW, due to salty language….)
  • From a writer’s perspective, this is an incredible experience, starting with the Flowchart.
  • Well done, Quantic Dream.
  • The game mechanics are smooth!
  • Stand-out performance in this video game? Clancy Brown, ladies and gentlemen….
    You can’t miss him!
  • That Chloe is a guilt-dealing bee-atch!!! 
  • This is why you can’t stop talking about this game…

40:29 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Tee and Pip thought this was May’s Loot Crate. Turns out it is April’s: ARTIFACTS.
  • What is in the April Loot Crate?
    • A tee-shirt of Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet from The Avengers: Infinity War.
      • Nope. Too soon.
      • On looking back at Thanos’ plan…
      • And Pip’s got mad comic book knowledge.
      • Thanos, bond villains, and mad dictators
      • Back to your box, Morris…
    • Dark Crystal notecards
    • A Legend of Zelda map
    • The pin…that looks like the cup of a carpenter.
    • What do you mean you have never seen The Court Jester?!
    • Finally, it’s FRODO!
  • AND TEE’S DESTINY CRATE IS ON THE WAY!!! (Going to open that up here…)

48:56 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #88: Writing in the Midst of Bad News, Bad Luck, and Grief

Hey there, remember us?

Yeah, we know. We thought we were done with the hiccups in the schedule, but this thing called February happened. Things didn’t get better in March. And April was not shaping up to be any kind of improvement. Sure, we had content in the hopper, we had stuff we wanted to talk about, and we wanted to talk to you all. Problem is, we had a full plate of ADULTING to cope with, and that is what this comeback episode of The Shared Desk is all about — when Life refuses to cut you a break.

We have some thoughts on what to do about it.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Remember us?
  • So that’s why Tee is so interesting to people…
  • Are you feeling defeatist? BETTER NOT!
  • It’s been some time, not that we are light on content…

01:04 —  Episode #88: Writing in the Midst of Bad News, Bad Luck, and Grief

  • We’ve got some really cool stuff in the backlog…
    • Chatting with K.T. Bryski about the 2018 Smoky Writers
    • An interview with Chris Lester
    • A reunion of Verena & Christina on the show
  • …but we were sidetracked. Or maybe we were derailed.
  • A bit of a bomb was dropped in Tee’s lap two weeks after the last show.
    • Sure, Tee would love to go full time with his writing. But there’s this thing called health insurance.
    • Attention was dedicated to finding Tee a job.
    • Not all bad news. Despite our efforts, our daughter is taking first steps into a writer’s life.
  • Coming off of Smoky, Tee was riding a wave. This is probably why Tee’s “short story” for Tales from the Archives is…not so short.
  • Tried accessing or last month? Well, yeah, black (ass)hat hackers made that a little difficult.
  • So…job is in trouble, the hunt is on for a new gig, two of Tee’s sites get hacked. Could things get any worse?
    • Whenever your mom calls you at 6 a.m., it cannot be good.
    • Tee’s mom, Tee’s brother, and Tee sat down…and decisions were made.
    • Saturday, March 24.
  • Nope. Life is still not done with Tee as he returns to his Day Job to discover…
  • How do you get back on your feet?
  • Hold up, Fam —Tee’s good.
    • My Twitch streams have been helping him cope. It’s like the early days of podcasting, but with video games.
    • Tee kept the Day Job situation close to the vest for a reason.
    • The new Day Job coming has got Tee grooving to this song…
    • How having the new job already lined up helped Tee through his Dad’s Memorial.
  • There may be good intentions behind “Get back on the horse…” but sometimes, you need to keep your pie-hole shut. Tee knows this. Sadly. Concerning his friend, Kim Headlee.
  • Writers react to death, grief, and stress differently. That is a truth.
  • To the people who think Tee and Pip should be full time in writing by now…
  • Interviewing for Day Jobs — especially ones that are just for show — are exhausting.
  • There are different ways to cope with death, grief, and stress. It’s okay to ask for help.
  • What writers need to do: set a date for a return.
  • Escapes are good. Escapes are essential.
  •  Tee’s Dad may never appear in a novel of his, but there will be influences and reflections a-plenty.
    • The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant will always be that story for his father.
    • Too bad his dad liked the first one more.
  • Allow yourself to grieve.
  • And remember, you are not alone in the world. You are not.
    • Tee shares his breaking point.
    • Cheesy as it may sound, there is something good about hitting rock bottom.
    • Through all this, Pip discovers a super power.
    • Embrace your Tribe.
  • When you are ready, turn your grief, your darkness, your pain, into characters that resonate with readers. When you are ready.

29:02 —  Writers Off the Clock

  • Holy shit, this soundtrack is AWESOME!!!
  • Spoilers, Will Robinson! We are going to riff a bit about…
  • To really understand this reboot, you have to travel back in time to the original Lost in Space
    …which doesn’t quite age well. At all. Let’s discuss.
  • Decades later, Hollywood decided to take Lost in Space into a darker corner…
    …and no, things didn’t really fall apart with Matt LeBlanc. It started with the script.
  • “But early Doctor Who is pretty chintzy,” you say? About that…
  • GENERAL FANDOM: Lost in Space is a sacred cow. No need to remake it, reboot it, or retool it for a modern audience.
    NETFLIX: Hold my beer.
  • What Tee and Pip did not like about Lost in Space
  • What did Tee and Pip like about Netflix’s Lost in Space? Where do we begin?
    • Acting — on point and incredible
    • Women were taking the lead without emasculating the men,
    • The management of huge cast — everyone had their moment!
    • Everyone felt real.
  • Let’s talk about Parker Posey, Dr. Smith, and how she polished this turd-of-a-character and redefines this science fiction villain.
  • The creative crew of this new Lost in Space slip in a lot of nods to both the original television and film.
  • Opinions on the Robot
  • Already planning a re-watch.
  • Kid-Friendly…but there are some tense moments…

54:19 — The Wrap-Up

  • Tee and Pip had a lot to share with the class.
  • What will Tee do on his off-week before the new day job?
    • Play video games.
    • Mulch the garden…if weather permits.
    • Read up on Open Source.
    • Write. Write. Write.
  • Where will Pip and Tee be, you might wonder?
  • Other news you should know about…
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.
  • Watch for those shows from our audio vault! They are en route!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #87: Facebook Changes & WTF RVA?!?

Following a super-sized Shared Desk, Pip and Tee fly on their own in this fast-paced, jammed-packed episode that we put together based on some current events happening both online and close to home. First, your hosts comment on the 800-pound gorilla of social media, Facebook. Changes have taken place and authors are freaking out. But should day? Do you have options? Well, of course you do; and after breaking down the Facebook situation, Tee and Pip talk about the good in diversifying your social media platforms.

The next current event is a rant. Tee lets loose on shenanigans happening in his hometown, and these shenanigans involve a con-artist The Shared Desk is more-than-familiar with.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • This is a suitcase we need to unpack seriously…
  • it was a good day today in Tee’s Twitch stream.
  • Always remember where you park your TARDIS.
  • How nice — a backlog for Smoky 2018!

01:25 —  Episode #87: Part One – Facebook Changes

  • Pushing back a chat with K.T. Bryski in light of Facebook changes that may affect authors.
  • Additional thoughts on this big change from social media rockstar Erika Napoletano on Facebook.
  • And The Oatmeal has some commentary on this as well.
  • So here we are — at a crossroads with Facebook.
    • Can authors still cope with Facebook?
    • The challenge of handling ads and handling boosted posts
    • The decision to launch an Author Page and just keeping a Facebook Page doubling for Personal Use
    • Blurring Lines
  • Diversifying Social Media Platforms for yourself
    • Where is your audience?
    • Resurrecting old platforms
    • Have you fired up that Twitter account again? Tee has, thanks to Twitch.
    • Instagram Tips and Tricks: Part One
    • Why active boosts with Instagram is great for Likes…but the Conversion Rate is crap. Here’s why.
    • Instagram Tips and Tricks: Part Two
  • Avoid keeping your eggs in one basket

16:48 —  Episode #87: Part Two – WTF RVA?!?

    • Moving on to a rant.
    • Remember this idiot from The Dog Days of Podcasting?

      Well, she’s back. (Thanks, Indiana Jim.)
    • A brief reminder of why this nitwit is not welcome at one of our barbecues…
    • And Tee learns that women can be categorized as jackasses.
    • Lani is coming to Richmond…to coach people on how to “navigate” the New York Times Bestseller List.
    • Shame on you, Writers of Richmond, that you welcome this con artist to a conferences for professional authors! Shame on you!!!


  • No, we’re not naming this conference because they don’t deserve the publicity.
  • Oh yeah, Tee is pissed.
  • The New York Times revoked Sarem’s standing and title, but both Sarem and conference are promoting her as a New York Times Bestseller.
  • Sarem’s bio…and it is a doozy.
  • How many people stay on the NYT Bestseller List for 23 hours?!
  • What the actual F–K, Richmond Writing Community.
  • Don’t even think about contacting this Hometown Success Story to speak at this Sarem-stanked event. It’s done. This conference is DEAD to Tee.
  • Just….GAH!


25:09 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Serena has a sleepover at a friend’s house…so we had some alone time…
  • …so they rented a movie. A movie with a somewhat divided opinion people have over it.
  • So Tee has never read The Dark Tower books, but Pip was a fan of the early volumes.
  • Why were fans upset over The Dark Tower series
  • Idris Elba gets the best costumes, even when the costume is an ugly tweed jacket.
  • Idris needs to do more comedy…
  • How we think it is best to approach The Dark Tower
  • Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey were amazing in this movie. Solid performances.
  • Distracting Daughter moment. Pardon us.
  • How The Dark Tower fits into the grander King-verse.
  • Idris Elba as The Gunslinger because… YEAH!
  • Idris-McConaughey fantasies….of all kinds.
  • Some other things The Dark Tower has going for it.
  • Worth your time. Kick back and dig it.

37:19 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #86: Looking Ahead to 2018

This is a super-sized episode featuring the Geek Wolfpack Podcast crew in studio and recording a 2018 episode for their own feed, so have fun as two podcasts join forces to kick off 2018 with style!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Wait a minute…this isn’t your podcast!
  • We have a lot of people in studio!
  • Big Love to Doctor Who’s Christmas Special!
    • And here’s where the show falls off the rails.
    • Hey, let’s start a rumor…
    • You need to watch the Christmas Special with perhaps the most epic “Previously on…” introduction.
    • Nice end to 2017!
  • Hold back your enthusiasm on being here!
  • Best way to start 2018 — killing Christmas trees!
  • What is Battlefield: Earth doing on the Hallmark Channel?

07:00 —  Episode #86: Looking Ahead to 2018

  • Looking back to Christmas…
    • Brandon refuses to let up on the snark for the New Year.
    • Teenagers love socks.
    • Serena’s rocking electronics while Brandon has got hockey skates for the ice!
    • The Canadian shakes her head at the oddities of Americans.
    • Penguin Trivia
    • Katie reflects on her Canadian Christmas
    • Butt Jokes
  • What are we planning for 2018?
  • Serena and Brandon, the youngsters, are making plans…
    • Serena now decides to clam up.
    • Brandon can control celebrity deaths? What?!
    • Serena is planning to study “creative stuff.“
    • Holy cow, we’re talking a dark turn!
    • Brandon looks into Colgan, as well, for their Music Tech program.
  • Pip plans for the upcoming year!
    • Lots and lots and lots of audio production.
    • FOUR. BOOKS.
    • And four books may not be
  • Nick’s 2018 Plans
  • Looking ahead to the conventions we want to attend…
  • What about our Canuck? What is she planning and plotting for 2018?
  • The return of the novella
  • Curling is a thing in Virginia, eh?
  • Tee’s turn. What is waiting for him in 2018?
    • A solo novel, but he’s torn between two projects…
    • You can do both, sure, but focus is somewhat split. Pip’s got an idea…
    • Twitch for Dummies…and Brandon calls Tee out.
    • Tee answers Brandon’s callout.
    • Katie now calls out Tee on a completely different issue, and it’s a good call out.
    • Tee’s hesitancy with the Twitch for Dummies pitch
  • The Adpocalypse on YouTube. This is a thing!
  • Our Personal Focus point for 2018
    • Brandon: Landing a spot in Colgan High School’s Music Tech Program
    • Nick: Writing more. Meeting people.
    • Katie: Writing with joy and kindness.
    • Serena:  Landing a spot in Colgan High School’s Creative Writing Program
    • Pip: (amidst the heckling) Her word for the year — “Build”
    • Tee: His word for the year — “Complete”

45:13 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • The last box of 2017 — the December Loot Crate: EXPLORE!
  • Tee speculates very little from this Loot Crate will make it to the Giveaway Box.
  • Welcome to the EXPLORE Loot Crate! 

    • A miniature from Mobile Suit Gundam! Classic anime FTW!
    • A Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2 calendar
    • From IDW Comics — Star Wars: Destroyer Down, a prequel story concerning our girl, Rei
    • A sweet Destiny 2 tee-shirt, featuring the Wanderwing, your first in-game ship
    • The Loot Crate pin — a classic rocket ship
  • Loot Crate is holding back on a booklet this go round. Nothing wrong with that.
  • Tee, are you ever going to make that Ghost?
  • Serena calls dibs on the comic book!

49:38 — The Wrap-Up

  • Shout-out to Rob Aldrich who also attended MAGFest!
  • Katie is heading back to Canada, but she will be planning to hit…
  • Tee and Pip will be heading to RavenCon…and that is when the madness begins for them!
  • Writing Advice for 2018
    • Nick: Invest into an “Accountability Partner.”
    • Katie: It’s okay to do your own thing. (Echoing something Tee said here.)
    • Pip: Keep flying.
    • Tee: Avoid excuses. (Another huge shout-out to Piper J Drake for this.)
  • Serena’s listening…we think.
  • More butt jokes.
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.
  • Pip’s Patreon will feature the first episode of her ALL-NEW PODCAST!
  • Here we come, 2018!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #85: Ending a Series

Did you hear? We have a new book on the shelves! (The digital ones anyway.) With Operation: Endgame out and waiting for you to read, The Shared Desk is looking back on the ministry of Peculiar Occurrences and talks about everything a writer thinks, feels, and fears when wrapping up a series and dropping the curtain on familiar grounds.

And really, are they done with the Ministry? Well……

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Whew! It’s been a week…
  • If you want to relax, Dunkirk is NOT the movie to help you with that.
  • Okay, if you didn’t hear about it today…
    • Operation: Endgame is coming out today in all digital formats.
    • And did you know a new Christmas story is out for Tales from the Archives?
    • Audio and print books are coming in January/February 2018.
    • There’s also a special offer on 12/26 and 12/27 so download your copy now!

04:08 —  Episode #85: Ending a Series

  • You are having so much fun with this series, but now comes a time to wrap it up.
    • Nothing new for Pip with the Books of the Order.
    • For Tee, reaching the end has been proving elusive.
  • There’s a lot of time invested into a series, its characters, its world…and you wonder if you have one more book in you.
  • Is the drive and the desire there?
  • Pip was sad to see Sorcha and Raed go…but she got over it.
  • Tee’s issue with getting Operation: Endgame done — REAL LIFE.
  • Tee’s failed attempts at writing a series
    • MOREVI (which has fans on PSN and Twitch apparently)
    • The Billibub Baddings Mysteries
  • Tee may not have wanted to say goodbye to Books & Braun just yet…
  • The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences is not going anywhere. The podcast and this series, however, are done.
  • Ending on your own terms feels pretty damn good.
  • Kickstarter made it clear: A demand was there.
  • Tee finished Operation: Endgame…and fell apart.
  • Achievement Unlocked: We reached the end we had planned.
  • Verity Fitzroy is making the sting of ending a series less painful.
  • Change of all kinds take place in Operation: Endgame.
  • We do resolve things in the book…mostly.
  • BIG SHOUT-OUT to our editor, K.T. Bryski who will be here next week!
  • Humble beginnings to the series and the wild ride that ensued…
  • And we’re still married…but there was that one time during Curse of the Silver Pharaoh….
  • Taking a break from now until the summer because we got stuff to do on our own!
  • How can we forget Countless Hues of Crimson? Rivaled only by this amazing work of literature
  • Taking a bittersweet Victory Lap

26:40 — Writers Off the Clock

  • We just finished a book. LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES!!!
  • Let’s talk about some of the movies we saw over the weekend….
  • Dunkirk

    • Hans Zimmer decides to actually give us a really amazing score for this cinematic triumph.
    • Wait? you mean, things happened in World War II before Americans got involved?
    • Just brace yourself for those first ten minutes.
    • Hands down, Nolan’s best film.
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi 

    • Spoiler Alert — JUMP TO TIMECODE 42:09 TO AVOID SPOILERS
    • Tee liked it more than Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, but did not like it as much as Rogue One
    • Thoughts on the middle section
    • Thoughts on Rose
    • Thoughts on humor in Star Wars
    • Thoughts on Mary Poppins
    • Thoughts on Fan Rage
    • Thoughts from someone else about how we’ve been here before…
  • Bright

    • Bright is, according to Pip, Shadowrun.
    • It was more like Training Day: Shadowrun, but here’s the rundown of this (pretty damn clever) plot.
    • This is not high art, but it does not pretend to be anything else than what it is. AND IT WORKS!
    • Definitely rocking a Men in Black or Alien Nation vibe.
    • We talked about Suicide Squad, but this is a better film.
    • Critics are hating Bright…but Netflix is listening to the audience. 
    • Why Alien Nation was a better television show than it was a movie.
    • Is race an issue in this movie? Yes. Because LOOK AT OUR FREAKIN’ HEADLINES!

50:42 — The Wrap-Up

  • The Adventures of Centaur Cop, coming soon from Pip Ballantine.
  • We’re done for the year. So, go out, use that gift card, and buy our new book!
  • K.T. Bryski is coming!
  • 2017 was better than 2016, that’s for damn sure.
  • Foreshadowing for the next show — Your Author Word for 2018!
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.
  • Pip’s Patreon will feature the first episode of her ALL-NEW PODCAST!
  • See you in 2018!

54:15 — The Last Word


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #84: What’s Going On at Goodreads?

We are horrendously late getting this episode out (but don’t sweat it as we’re going to be recording another one next week!) but let’s call it like it is: November was a cray-cray month! After a wild ride between the end of October and the beginning of November, The Shared Desk is reflecting on their week of solid creativity, and also share their thoughts about a creative Kiwi and his recent motion picture that you may have heard of.

So, yeah, it took us a few weeks to getting around to posting this episode. We blame jetlag, the holidays, and smoking meats…

00:00 —  Introduction

08:05 —  Episode #84: What’s Going On at Goodreads?

  • A development over at the social network for authors and readers worldwide: Goodreads
  • Tee thinks this Goodreads situation is actually a good thing, making authors stop and look at the value of a “giveaway” be it on Good Reads or book blogs.
  • What is the real R.O.I. on working with book bloggers and blog tours?
  • So now, what are independent publishers expected to do?
  • Publishers, from our own experience, do not throw money at authors and rarely throw money into promotion.
  • With the free giveaway gone, why stick around with Goodreads?
  • Disagree with us? Then sound off…
    • …on the voicemail at 703-791-1701
    • tee (at) teemorris (dot) com
    • pip (at) pjballantine (dot) com
  • What are the options remaining for authors?
    • Your email list is your email list. Always.
    • Social media platforms like Goodreads, Facebook, and the like? No, they are not there for you.
    • A content creator’s relationship with Facebook
    • Instagram and advertising — nice idea, but…
    • Speaking of Instagram, here’s the new schtick…
  • Tee has been returning to Twitter, thanks to Twitch.
  • Cover Reveals: Pro’s and Con’s
  • The great debate on writers blogging
  • Pip and Tee start planning for 2018…

29:08 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Pip is cutting the show short in order to get to this month’s Loot Crate!
  • Neither Tee nor Pip can remember this month’s theme. Tee guesses…and gets it wrong.
  • November’s Loot Crate: UNIFY
    • From Funko Pop, a Loot Crate exclusive of Overwatch’s Widowmaker
    • The mini Q-Fig celebrates the Power Rangers. (And if you blink, you might miss a Red Ranger sighting in Stranger Things 2)
    • The Tee-Shirt: Voltron…in elegant 8-bit renderings! (Maybe Serena could wear it as a nightshirt.)
    • Wait a minute, Loot Crate, you think your cat is looking rough-and-tumble in the Punisher hat? Hold on…from 2016, thank you……
    • Pin: Superheroes assembled!
    • Comic Book Reprint: Justice League of America (their first appearance), presented by Brave and the Bold
  • Divvying up the Loot
  • Pip sometimes misses those details that matter.
  • Tee is counting down to December’s Loot Crate: EXPLORE.
    • Star Wars
    • Destiny 2
    • Guardians of the Galaxy
    • ….and a mystery franchise.
  • Since we mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy, how about DAT TRAILER!

    • Total nerdgasm at the Morris household!
    • Mantis: “Hey, Hemsworth!”

36:25 — The Wrap-Up

  • A few thoughts on Star Wars Day in Woodbridge, VA. You might want to not compare the U.S. Boy Scouts with…
  • Quick shout-out to TD-0013, the only Imperial Stormtrooper I love!
  • December 16, 10a – 7p — Jirani’s Christmas Con in Manassas, VA
  • Sadly, no MAGFest this year, but…
  • Happy Hour from the Tower is heading to GuardianCon 2018 in July!!!
  • Other events confirmed for 2018:
    • RavenCon (April)
    • Steampunk Symposium (April)
    • Steampunk World’s Fair (May)
  • Eyeing up Balticon for 2018.
  • Two weeks of Shared Desk, I know, right?
  • When did Old town Manassas get cool?
  • Pip’s Patreon will feature the first episode of her ALL-NEW PODCAST!
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.
  • See you in two weeks!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #83: The Benefits of Hanging with Creative People

We are horrendously late getting this episode out (but don’t sweat it as we’re going to be recording another one next week!) but let’s call it like it is: November was a cray-cray month! After a wild ride between the end of October and the beginning of November, The Shared Desk is reflecting on their week of solid creativity, and also share their thoughts about a creative Kiwi and his recent motion picture that you may have heard of.

So, yeah, it took us a few weeks to getting around to posting this episode. We blame jetlag, the holidays, and smoking meats…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Recorded just after the Virginia elections, and it’s been a really great 48 hours.
  • Respect the accent there, bro!
  • A shout out to Taika Waititi, and an invitation to drink.
  • Foreshadowing to this episode’s “Writers Off the Clock” segment.

01:49 —  Episode #83: The Benefits of Hanging with Creative People

  • In our last episode we were talking about Dragon Anywhere and we are going to be talking about her again!
  • Tee flew out the day before his birthday to get together with Chuck Tomasi for P.I.Y. 2017!
  • There were some very cool people at the event…
  • Yep, Tee met and shared hugs with Joe Hogan of Geektitude!
  • Jack Mangan’s daughter learns something new about her dad.
  • Will there be another P.I.Y. event? Well, about that…
  • Tee has a copy of Podcasting for Dummies in his hands! (And yes, the podcast is back!)
  • Quick shout-out to Chuck and Donna Tomasi’s AirBnB
  • Tee sat in with the crew of Technorama. Shenanigans occurred.
  • Six days away from home, and Tee was feeling the stress.
  • Finally, Tee and Pip reunite at the 2017 Drake Writing Retreat which kicked off Thursday.
  • When looking for a location for writing retreats, you will want to look at “places to write” at the house.
  • The challenges of finishing up a draft of Operation: Endgame and returning to a book Tee had not touched in years…
  • Meanwhile, Pip was cranking out words in transit. So she started a brand new project in the middle of the Retreat.
  • Pip’s new secret weapon of creativity: The Rocketbook.
  • Alex White’s thumbprint on Pip’s work-in-progress
  • The enjoyment of sharing space and oxygen with incredibly creative people
  • Official signings v. drive-by signings
  • The joy of creating content after talking about the creative process
  • The day after getting home, riding off  P.I.Y. and the Drake Retreat, Tee was in-studio, recording an interview for Happy Hour from the Tower.
  • How hanging out with creatives lead to other creative ideas…

27:34 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Sebastian wants LOVE!
  • What happens when Kiwis get a hold of a Norse god? THOR: Ragnarök happens.
  • Filmed in beautiful technocolour!
  • A brief look at the previous THOR movies
  • Get to know Taika Waititi
    • Flight of the Conchords
    • What We Do in the Shadows
    • Hunt for the Wilderpeople (and watch these commercials afterwards)
  • Did Taika do New Zealand proud? Oh, yeah.
  • SPOILERS HAPPENING HERE — jump to 47:12 to avoid them!
  • Pip was ready to riot if there was a problem with Idris.

48:25 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #82: The One with the Dragon

Prepare to go deep into this episode where we talk about productivity and how Tee has managed to improve his with a new tool.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • No one likes the Mirror Universe, especially K T Bryski
  • Sebastian stops the bell. And makes his presence known throughout the episode.
  • Tee’s commute was a word killer
  • Pip blames Destiny….just a little bit.
  • Piper J Drake makes an appearance…from the æther!

04:39 —  Productivity with a Dragon

  • Piper suggested Dragon Anywhere the mobile version of Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Tee is intrigued and gives it a shot
  • Syncs with Dropbox and Evernote
  • In Tee’s commute of about an hour one way, got 1500 words.
  • Pip reckons 3,000 per day is a nice pace
  • Tee reads how it came out, the first time… a little word soupy. Play the game while editing ‘what does that sound like?’
  • The app does learn and so does the person
  • Pip worries if there is a tangent coming…
  • There is. Battlestar Galactica dictation.
  • Still dictation is better than typing on your laptop in traffic.
  • The dragon stops listening if the phone goes to sleep, or if it doesn’t hear anything after 15-30 seconds
  • Tee didn’t read the instructions. Surprise!
  • Sebastian tries to send Pip to sleep
  • Night’s Plutonian Shore gets a mention
  • Sebastian continues to interrupt from the Desk
  • Just tell the Dragon to sync
  • Tee is much happier thanks to this Dragon, but his podcast listening will take a hit
  • Reading aloud really helps you spot the problems in your work

29:01 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!

  • Tee gets to open the box the theme is not magic… its mythical
  • Sebastian deliberately messes with the soundboard.
  • Nice 80s neon Ghostbusters tee!
  • We divert to Stranger Things…
  • Thor is coming!!!
  • Tee gives Pip all the building to do… but it works out better
  • Pip promises not to watch Stranger Things 2 without Tee. Will she keep it?
  • Mr Pointy is a bookmark!

35:41 — The Wrap-Up

  • Pip finishes the building! HUZZAH!
  • 2017 is nearly done
    • 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition in Phoenix, AZ.  You can turn up at the door if you’ve missed getting your tickets!
    • Hardware track, software track, and the best practices track.
    • The Podcasting for Dummies Companion Podcast
    • Tee might bring this show to the East Coast next year sometime.
  • Star Wars Day in Woodbridge, VA with Tee presenting his soundtrack panel
  • Pip and Tee had a lot of peopling on the weekend at the Maryland Renaissance Festival.
  • Page After Page the bookstore within the festival!
  • Met friends from last year. Always a delight.
  • Pip saw her first centaur and a satyr!
  • Pip and Tee will be back next year with new books and the roleplaying game!
  • Pip’s Patreon will feature a horror story for this month.
  • Pip may have a new podcast idea, which Tee did not shoot down. (Heck, Tee has got ZERO GROUND to stand on. Look at what he started months ago. And then there’s this!)
  • We Don’t Talk About That will take you to the dark side of New Zealand. Coming sometime soon… maybe…
  • Pip was near four murders… so those will probably feature.
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

52:29 The 2017 Podcast It Yourself Workshop and Book Launch


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.





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Episode #81: Happy Anniversary, Baby!

On the Sunday when they recorded this, Tee & Pip celebrated their sixth anniversary. So for this episode of the Shared Desk, they speculate what kind of writers they would be in a Star Trek-esque Mirror Universe where they would have never collaborated. What kind of a world and what kind of career would it have been?

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Six years? Seriously?!
  • I think this is the longest drop-in we have…
  • Pip’s less Cerci and more Lady of Thorns…
  • Married for six. Podcasting The Shared Desk for four.
  • What have we been up to?
    • Pip edits Operation: Endgame…
    • …while developing the Broken Dead.
    • Tee has got Wolf in the Fold ready for pitching.
    • Pip is also trying to learn her Patreon URL.
  • Usually, Tee can say “No” to new characters trying to get into a novel; but is it impossible to do so when your characters is…

06:46 —  Episode #81: Happy Anniversary, Baby!

  • Getting personal on The Shared Desk (especially since LANI and her 15 minutes are done…)
  • Shout-out to Nobilis Reed who has always said we were making a CouplesCast. Well, today, you get your wish.
  • Where would we be if we never collaborated or got married?
  • Pip would be working with New York, but Tee would still be working with Dragon Moon Press.
  • Would Tee have ever written steampunk?
    • The original idea of The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, set in Present Day. Less “James Bond in a corset” more Stargate.
    • Quick tangent on Timeless, a favorite show of theirs…
  • Happy 50th Birthday, “Mirror, Mirror” from Star Trek: TOS!
  • How would Pip’s writing style be different without collaborating with Tee?
  • What would be different if Tee and Pip weren’t writing together. If you’re a fan of Billi, you’re not going to like this. (Send complaints and death threats to or voicemail at 703.791.1701!)
  • What else would be different?
    • This podcast wouldn’t exist!
    • People we wouldn’t know?
      • Steampunk superstars like Thomas Willeford, Savan Gupta, Sarah Hunter, Diana Pho, and so many, many more…
      • PJ/Piper J Drake
      • Aly Grauer (and her husband of awesome, Drew!)
  • Tee still would not be able to get comfortable with short stories.
  • In truth, Tee & Pip have been writing together for a lot longer than their marriage, so yes things would be very different.
  • Tee has a moment as a very personal project would also not exist. (A moment for Patrick…)
  • MOREVI would still not be completed. But even without the Ministry, Billi would not be a sure thing.
  • Operation: Endgame has not been a cakewalk, even though Tee loves it. Not rough road. Just unexpected.
  • Pip would not necessarily have embraced steampunk without our collaboration.
    • Shout-out for our first promotion: Double Trouble.
    • Pip might still be writing for Puck (and other historical fantasies) in this universe free of collaboration.
    • When impersonations collide…
    • “I guess I’ve learned stuff from you.” — Pip Ballantine to Tee Morris, right here!
  • The Mirror Universe blows!

28:46 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!

  • Another thing we would not have: DROP-IN’S
  • Another Geek Parenting Milestone: Serena watched Blade Runner for the first time.
  • This month’s theme: ROBOTICS!
    • Tee-shirt: The Wallace Corporation from Blade Runner 2049
    • A build-it-yourself R2D2
    • The “Queen Takes Bishop” statue from Aliens
    • An exclusive IDW comic book set in the Mirror Universe with the Star Trek: TNG crew: Data’s Origin.
  • Quick shout-out to the Kellys that came up with a slick frame for the Destiny artwork and the Loot Crate patches…and we’re going to copy that!
  • No love for Portal or Ex Machina?
  • Pip, stop fighting the “Queen Takes Bishop” statue. It’s only going to fight back!

35:55 — The Wrap-Up

  • The All Blacks have a podcast!
  • And now, tormenting the cat…or the Queen….depending on how Sebastian reacts.
  • Let’s talk about Overcast!
    • The new iOS11 Podcast that Apple said will be a game changer? Well, about that…
    • Tee’s using Overcast now, and he’s loving it.
    • Easy to use, easy to navigate, and easy to import your feeds from the Podcast app to Overcast.
    • Android users? Right now, nope. (Sorry.)
  • 2017 is coming to a close…
    • October 21, The Maryland Renaissance Festival’s “Day of Wrong” is coming. Stay tuned for details.
    • 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition
    • And we have two events already booked for 2018…
  • Pip is actually working her Instagram! Make sure to give her a follow! And remember: Pip has a Patreon? SHE DOES, YOU KNOW!!! 
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

45:44 The 2017 Podcast It Yourself Workshop and Book Launch


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #80: Promotion Across Audiences

Guess who’s spending some time with us here at Casa de Morris? Piper J Drake is in studio, and we are bringing her on the mic for a brand new episode of The Shared Desk. Our eightieth show gets its topic of discussion from Twitter, and with Piper in studio you can be guaranteed of shenanigans happening!


00:00 —  Introduction

  • A little bit of pre-show silliness
  • Stand back, everyone! We know what we’re doing!
  • Piper J Drake is in the house. And has she been busy…
  • Pip sneaks in an Operation: Endgame burn while also kicking off a new series called the Broken Dead, set in Southern Virginia.
  • Quick plug for the Proper Pie Company.
  • Do you name drop in your works-in-progress? Topic for another time.
  • How about Tee? What’s he been up to?
    • The third Edition of Podcasting for Dummies is done…and it is for sale! (Pre-order, of course.)
    • Chuck Tomasi and I are celebrating the Podcasting for Dummies release with a special workshop!
    • Quick aside: Matt’s running again, but he still has to keep up with Tee as he’s got the Dogfish Dash and The Woodrow Wilson Half-Marathon coming up!
    • Spent Labor Day weekend at Escape Velocity 2017
    • Tee completes The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017 Challenge! (Enjoy the extra shows, everyone?)

10:11 —  Episode #80: Promotion Across Audiences

  • Today’s show topic comes from Twitter, where…
    • Tee can be found.
    • Pip can be found.
    • Piper can be found.
  • Colin Coyle asks us on Twitter about the challenges we face in promoting our works across audiences.
  • Piper’s cross-genre journey as a writer, and how she found herself in the Romantic Suspense genre.
    • The Safeguard series (which was reflective of Piper’s science fiction Triton Experiment series)
    • The True Heroes series (which features in Ultimate Courage a very familiar someone…)
  • Does an audience follow you or do they follow the genre? How do you bring readers into new territory?
  • What about when you straddle both non-fiction and fiction? Can you successfully market across that divide?
  • Speaking of podcasting, Piper is spreading her wings into the podosphere with Writing Excuses!
  • Non-fiction works can be regarded in writing as audition pieces for fiction.
  • How does your voice change from work to work, genre to genre? And will audiences follow you?
  • Tee’s heard both of Peej’s voices, and he likes them both!
  • There are different genres we all write in, but there are common traits in what stories we tell and what characters we create.
  • How do you look at your works-in-progress and upcoming releases from a promotional perspective?
  • Pip tends to hear whispers from Nick as she’s working on her works!
  • Thanks again, Colin, for the show topic!

33:41 — What’s Cookin’, Writers? 

  • Things Piper would never here in her kitchen…
  • Pip indulges ina Jeff Goldblum moment.
  • We dared the impossible: The Ramen Burrito

  • What Pip, Piper, and Tee put into their Ramen Burrito
    • Ramen noodles (quality be damned!)
    • Fried egg (runny)
    • Grilled Chicken Strips (including tips on how to make the most of frozen chicken strips)
    • Seasoning includes butter, Sesame Oil, chicken spice packets, and Chinese five-spice
    • Cucumber for crunch and for greenage in your Ramen Burrito (but we offer options)
  • The Ramen Burrito may be coming to Smoky Writers…
  • Our experience inspired others to create variations on this disturbing theme!
  • Would we do the Ramen Burrito aga—YES!!!

45:29 — The Wrap-Up

  • This “In the Kitchen” segment will probably happen again when Peej is in town!
  • 2017 is coming to a close…
    • October 21, The Maryland Renaissance Festival’s “Day of Wrong” is coming. Stay tuned for details.
    • 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition
    • And we have two events already booked for 2018…
  • Piper was taking a break from appearances, but we did have some fun with her at the 2017 Nebula Awards in Pittsburgh. She’s kicking off her 2018 Appearances with Coastal City Magic in Florida!
  • Tee and Nick are planning to take Happy Hour from the Tower on the road.
  • The Steampunk World’s Fair will be a full-circle moment for Tee, Pip, Peej, and the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences.
  • And did you know that Pip has a Patreon? SHE DOES, YOU KNOW!!! 
  • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, here’s where to find us…
    • 703.791.1701
    • …and social media, of course.

52:20 The 2017 Podcast It Yourself Workshop and Book Launch


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: The Last Word

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Some were claiming Tee did not complete the Dog Days of Podcasting challenge…

…so here you go.

Now, we’re done.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: What’s the Takeaway?

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

And now the conclusion of the Dog Days of Podcasting

…where Tee answers that one last question.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Just Write

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Closing in on the end of the Dog Days of Podcasting, Tee covers a simple mantra for writers everywhere: Just write. You love to write in your office, in your favorite slippers, during a rainy day with a cup of coffee. That’s cool and all, but there are those times where the setting won’t be picture perfect. Too bad. Write.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Sometimes, It IS About You.

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

We have covered a lot on this Dog Days of Podcasting stretch, and Tee has talked a bit about putting the readers first. And you should. There are times, however, when it’s not about the readers or the fans. Personal space. Public reputation. Sometimes, it is all about you. How do you handle it?

Special shout-outs to Piper J Drake, Lauren B. Harris, and my daughter!


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: When Self-Promotion Goes Awry

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

This Dog Days of Podcasting covers that often-discussed topic amongst authors: Self-promotion. Tee-shirts, sticky notes, stylus-pen hybrids, and USB drives — the business of swag is a big one, but is it worth it? Will free stuff bring you new and loyal readers, or will you be known for the author giving away the best, coolest stuff? How would you prefer to be remembered?

Remember — it’s not about the swag.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Concerning Mary, Gary, and Ensign Jones

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Shout out to Brian “Arkle” Webber from Shameless Cashgrab and other podcasts for the comment and inspiring today’s Dog Days of Podcasting entry.

Recorded this morning and posted this evening, Tee settles in to talk about something else but follows the rabbit hole Arkle opens up about the “Mary Sue” complex that haunts fiction. The question is, should it? Can developing characters from your own experiences, hopes, and dreams, work in fiction?

It is a tricky tightrope to walk — very tricky — but it’s possible.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Raising the Stakes through Worldbuilding

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Shout out to Nobilis Reed from Nobilis Erotica and This Kaiju Life for the voicemail. Thanks!

For today’s Dog Days of Podcasting entry, Tee returns to the subject of raising the stakes; but instead of doing so from the character’s P.O.V. we think bigger, we look bigger. How safe is the world or the environment they are in? The real world is a dangerous place. How dangerous is yours?

He also ties this episode back to the bad book he was reading. He finished it. And Tee talks about it.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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Episode #79: Writing in the Zone

With all these podcasts coming through this feed (and yes, welcome to the Dog Days of Podcasting, ya’ll!), would you believe we lost track of when we needed to post a Shared Desk?

My bad.

With inspiration from Germany, Tee and Pip are talking about writing in the zone, those wonderful times when the ideas and words show no signs of stopping. How do you manage — you know — the outside world? Well, here are  a few tips for you to consider.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Mmmmm…Blue Apron.
  • How about those drop-in’s from The Defenders?
  • Kreg Steppe, this is all your fault!
    • Closing in on the end of Dog Days of Podcasting
    • Pip liked Tee’s theme so much, she stole it for her Patreon podcast!
    • Shout out to Corbin J Drake, the four-legged addition to Piper J and Matthew J Drake, for being the face of Tee’s DDOP 2017.
    • Tee got so into this that he lost track of The Shared Desk posting’s schedule.
    • What a ride this challenge has been!
  • Tucking in with Operation: Endgame…finally.
  • Pip’s been having a long week along with Jessica Jones.
    • Also working on Operation: Endgame
    • Also working on Immortal Sisters
    • AND ALSO…working on a BRAND NEW novel!

05:45 —  Episode #79: Writing in the Zone

  • Got a note from a friend and fellow Guardian from Germany asking a question that inspired this show topic.
  • What happens when writers find themselves in “The Zone” and Real Life is still happening?
  • A quick look at The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers
  • Pip feels less impulsive, more disciplined into her writing,
  • Multitasking happens with adulting, apparently.
  • When it comes to non-fiction, Tee does need to take a break. Fiction? Tee can still lose himself.
  • “The Smoky Effect”
  • It sucks when Habitica reminds Tee and Pip of what needs to be done.
  • A truly Kiwi Approach to Writing
  • It’s tough to stop when you get on a roll, but there’s an advantage to leaving words in the tank.
  • Quick shout-out’s to…
  • Tee’s a little obsessive about having a clean kitchen.
  • What about the opposite of the Zone — what happens when the desire is there but the focus and the energy is not.
  • Good times in Mechanicsburg, PA and the Mystery As You Like It Conference!
  • A tease of what our next episode may be…
  • Pip calls it meditation. Tee calls it a nap.
  • The pros and cons of slipping deep into “The Smoky Effect” in the real world.
  • Cats are great listeners, but lousy conversationalists. This is why it can be tough for Tee when he gets home.

23:47 —  Writers Off the Clock

  • Pip had to get in the last word.
  • Taking the scenic route home from Mechanicsburg, PA…
  • The other world along Blue Ridge Mountain Drive
  • So, Pip wanted to watch the highway fight scene from Episode 3 of The Defenders on the flat screen…
  • Luke Cage said everything we wanted to say to Danny Rand,
  • Iron Fist needed more crossovers with the headliners the way Jessica Jones and Luke Cage did.
  • In light of Jones’ ill-chosen words, he makes up for with this performance.
  • Evil Sigourney Weaver.
    • Awesome.
    • You had me at Sigourney Weaver.
  • Marvel Studios, rocking diversity
  • Again, The Defenders shows how rushed Iron Fist was.
  • Final thoughts.
  • Props to Mike Coulter and Finn Jones for creating some serious chemistry.

41:27 — The Wrap-Up

  • How are we ending of the summer?
    • Tee’s challenge of The Dog Days of Podcasting is still happening. AND WE’RE ALMOST DONE! 
    • 1-4 September, Escape Velocity in Washington, D.C.
    • October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival’s “Day of Wrong” is coming. Stay tuned for details.
    • 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition
    • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, here’s where to find us…
      • 703.791.1701
      • …and social media, of course.
  • And did you know that Pip has a Patreon? SHE DOES, YOU KNOW!!!
  • It would be great if Pip knew where our newsletter is. It’s here, by the way, and you get a free book when you sign up!
  • Announcements coming up concerning Operation: Endgame


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: WTF Lani Sarem?!

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Shout out to the fans of The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy

Tee would be remiss in the Dog Days of Podcasting not to address current events, and yesterday, an atomic bomb of current events hit the publishing industry.

This is Lani (that’s Annie with an L) Sarem. Let’s talk about Lani, shall we?


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Raising the Stakes

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

You want to know the best way to really make a book dull? Let people know that “everything is going to be okay” because the author may be worried that audiences can’t handle the tension. No kidding. Authors do this. And today on the Dog Days of Podcasting, Tee cites his current read and his determination in getting through it to the end, despite the author’s insistence that  “It’ll be okay…” again and again. Tee suggests to torture your audience a bit. Raise the stakes. Make that book of yours a page-turner.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Avoid the Almanac Characters

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Thanks for the run in Destiny last night, P.C. Haring and Indiana Jim! That was good fun!

False start this morning, but the Dog Days of Podcasting rolls on with Tee breaking down the “Big Three” of the Justice League, and how characters should not be super-human and all-knowing. That way lies lazy storytelling and zero tension.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Enjoy Yourself!

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

BIG shout-out to Writing Excuses podcast for naming Operation: Endgame and The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences as the Read of the Week!

This morning, as the Dog Days of Podcasting nears its conclusion, Tee returns to his evening with Neil Gaiman at Wolf Trap. There was a pretty valuable takeaway Tee got from that two-and-a-half hours: it’s more than okay to enjoy your own work. Sure, there is a line of self-indulgence to be aware of. The trick is knowing where that line lies.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: “Show, Don’t Tell” Across Storytelling Platforms

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

With this show, Tee is only 10 SHOWS AWAY from completing the Dog Days of Podcasting challenge, and his brain is firing on all cylinders following his finishing up of Season 3 of Black Mirror. If you have not seen this show, Tee recommends jumping to the episode “Hated in the Nation” and taking notes, especially if you are a writer. This is storytelling on a whole new level, as well as a basic rule reinforced and beautifully illustrated.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: It’s Not About You

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Back from the 2017 Murder As You Like It Conference, Tee brings his experiences at different events to the Dog Days of Podcasting just to remind writers (and fans, on the rare occasion) that the world does not necessarily revolve around you, even when you are keynote speakers or Guests of Honor.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: #WriterGoals

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Tee’s on the road, but the Dog Days of Podcasting continues as he looks back on yesterday’s show. Tee explores the #WriterGoals hashtag he’s been kicking around since an evening at Wolf Trap with Neil Gaiman.

So what are your #WriterGoals?


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Trash-Talking Other Authors and Genres

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

This was a difficult topic for Tee’s Dog Days of Podcasting because he knows on The Shared Desk he and Pip have completely melted down on bad writing. Thing is, authors trash-talking other authors and their works can be a slippery slope.

So what do you do when you’re reading something that sucks? How do you handle it, especially when you’re in the public eye?



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Getting Organized

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Leave it to the Dog Days of Podcasting to remind Tee that TODAY he and Pip were supposed to put out a new episode of The Shared Desk.


Staying organized is hard, but Tee’s got a few tricks that help him out with projects, timelines, and appointments. What are you favorite organization methods? Share them with us here!



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: Look for the Hook

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Fresh from the workout, The Dog Days of Podcasting takes you on a nostalgic trip, or at least on a bumpy ride, to the 80’s. Okay, the 80’s that Tee remembers…and he addresses the dangers of too much nostalgia and too much meta. Remember — it’s your story people want to hear.




Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Who’s Name Is on the Cover?

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Finishing the second week of the Dog Days of Podcasting, Tee was a little worried that he didn’t have a good writing topic for this morning. Turns out he did. Sometimes, in this game, things are going to happen that are not your fault, but it is expected that you fix it. Why? Look at the cover. Whose names are on there?


This one’s for Chuck Tomasi.



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Idea Harvesting

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Kicking off Monday with some Listener Feedback and a frog building a summer home in his throat, Tee’s kicking off the new week of the Dog Days of Podcasting with something you rarely hear from authors: the frustration of ideas. They are beautiful things, but they can be sources of frustration.



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: The Value of Happy Endings

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

If Tee sounds tired, it’s because he is.

You might be worried about him, considering recent events in Virginia. He’s okay. So’s the fam.

Today’s Dog Days of Podcasting may seem a little rough, but there’s a light Tee’s offering. He writes what he writes because of stuff like this.

Thanks for listening.



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Don’t Listen to Me

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

So…Black Mirror

That is just messed up. Not to mention hitting very close to home.

And on the Dog Days of Podcasting Tee has got some heavy writing advice for you this morning: “Don’t listen to what I have to say.”

Now listen to the podcast, and rate it. (See what Tee did there…)



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Follow That Gut Instinct

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

The Dog Days of Podcasting has its first crossover with Tee’s other passion project, Happy Hour from the Tower.  An interview with Twitch streamer 3vil_Aura  has Tee thinking about guy instincts and how important they are to follow.

Listen close that feeling, and have a great weekend!



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Rejection

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

WE’VE BROKEN INTO DOUBLE DIGITS! And thank you, everyone, for the feedback through voicemail, Twitter, and Facebook, over the Dog Days of Podcasting. Tee goes long on this episode (hey, it took him until the TENTH episode to shatter the 15-minute mark, so that is saying something…) but it was a real hot button for him: Rejection. It’s a matter-of-fact that in life—not just the arts, but in real friggin’ life, rejection is going to come into play. How do you cope? Does it get any easier? Why bother?

Tee doubles down on a fistful of observations and opinions, and offers up a perspective on the big R.

Hold on to something…



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Listen

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Two worlds collide today on the Dog Days of Podcasting as Tee looks back on his theatre days and finds a lesson that also applies to the writer’s craft.

There’s a lot you can learn about the story you’re telling when you listen.




Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: You Can’t Give Up

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

It may seem a little off that for this installment of the Dog Days of Podcasting, Tee is talking about cats. In particular, Benedick, his unexpected rescue cat…

…but it can be unexpected how furry, four-legged companions have a lot to teach us about artistic passions.



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: Connected

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

I’m working on the routine of the elliptical again for the Dog Days of Podcasting and catching up on a Netflix cue. Back on track with Sens8 which is a tremendous show on all fronts. It also reminds Tee how important connection is in writing. A photo of Lauren and Verena (Facebook Link) also tugged at his own connection with people far off but not that far away in his life.

It all comes back in the writing.



Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: Writing Experiences

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

He make it six days into the Dog Days of Podcasting before his better half hopped on mic with him.


Today, Tee and Pip talk about the importance of writing experiences. Sure, word count matters, but so is living life to the fullest. Lauren’s adventures reminded us of this.

There’s also talk about dragon eggs and comparing them to this:


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Negativity

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Tee will argue that this is the sweatiest 2017 Dog Days of Podcasting challenge ever. At least, for Tee.

That being said, Tee’s talking about negativity which includes chatter about Destiny, the ridiculousness of remaking Death Wish, the value of positive people in an author’s life, and love for guys named Chuck.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: Managing Expectations (feat. Indiana Jim)

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

The 2017 Dog Days of Podcasting challenge—a 10-minute podcast—got voicemail?


Yep, a blast from the past with fellow podcaster and storyteller Indiana Jim who left a detailed message for Tee about his first DDoP 2017 episode on Writer’s Rage. It’s advice that becomes real talk on expectations, something that matters to writers everywhere.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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Episode #78: Authors Behaving Badly

We’re back. Miss us?

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Sorry for the break, everybody.
  • Anyone else stoked for The Defenders?
  • What are we up to?
    • How about that Motor City Steam Con?

    • So nice to get some time in with Chris Lester.
    • Talking a lot about the shenanigans in Detroit! What a great event!
    • Finishing up Podcasting for Dummies…finally.
    • Tucking in with Operation: Endgame…finally.
  • Pip’s been having a long week along with Jessica Jones.
    • Also working on Operation: Endgame
    • Also working on Immortal Sisters
    • AND ALSO…working on a BRAND NEW novel!

06:57 —  Episode #78: Authors Behaving Badly

  • If you have seen authors really hopping off the rails, share your stories with us at…
    • 703-791-1701
    • or
  • First up: When Storytelling Goes Awry
    • We’re not naming names.
    • The problem isn’t the writing. It was the storytelling.
    • When the books ends abruptly — is that good storytelling?
    • How we stuck with a good story while keeping another story ongoing — yes, it can be done.
    • When you sudden;y discover YOUR CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY BOSS-POWERED!!! Wait, what? 
    • When a twist goes bad for Tee…and never gets better even with three books.
    • Is this a legitimate style, or is this just bad storytelling?
    • Oh…look….the gifted orphans.
  • Next on Our List: Authors Investing into Click-Farms
    • Yeah, you want to make an impact in the publishing industry, but come on…
    • Authors are no longer playing the game so much as authors are playing the system in the worst way possible.
    • Welcome to the wonderful world of Click Farms for Amazon KU. Ugh!
    • This was Tee’s biggest hangup with the KU Program from Day One.
    • These services are cheap. Are they ethical? OH HELL NO.
    • Where are these smart devices coming from, you think?
    • No, KU is a crappy system. Period.
  • Last Item: The Importance of a Workflow
    • Less about writers, more about the support staff you are working with.
    • New technology is cool, but you really should know about a new gadget before incorporating it into a project’s workflow.
    • Even Tee has new tech toys he wants t learn, but he understands limitations and learning curves.
    • Paper trails matter!
    • File Management matters, too! 
  • Pip is Tee’s Landshark of Love.

30:00 —  The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!

  • This Loot Crate has been gathering dust…
  • July’s Theme: ANIMATION
    • Rick & Morty: A “Rick” statue that carries explicit content
    • Bob’s Burgers Recipe Collection (Very cool, LootCrate!)
    • Tee-shirt: Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    • A “SLURM” koozie from the world of Futurama
    • Nice Loot Crate pin, also from Bob’s Burgers
  • Tee grabs for the booklet as there really isn’t anything from our fandoms. We need help trying to figure out what this Bob’s Burgers item is all about…
  • This Loot Crate is a first for us, and that will make attendees of our panels VERY happy!

35:08 — The Wrap-Up

  • The things they say in New Zealand…
  • Oooooh, Coconut!
  • Where are we going to be?
    • Starting 1 August, The Dog Days of Podcasting is happening here! HAPPENING NOW!  (And here’s why Tee’s doing this here!)
    • 19 August, Murder As You Like It in Mechanicsburg, PA
    • 1-4 September, Escape Velocity in Washington, D.C.
    • October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival is
    • 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition
    • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, here’s where to find us…
      • 703.791.1701
      • …and social media, of course.
  • And with all this, we want Operation: Endgame to happen by Halloween
  • And did you know that Pip has a Patreon? SHE DOES, YOU KNOW!!!
  • We got lots to do, so see you in two weeks!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting: The Value of a Routine

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Has the 2017 Dog Days of Podcasting challenge become a routine yet? Tee hopes so. See, a routine for a writer is a good thing. Routines help you get things done, and there’s real value in having routines for the day. Does this mean that routines go missed? Well, yeah, that happens. Life is not set in its patterns, and routines are sometimes disrupted. This is why they are so valuable to you as a writer.


Find Tee on Twitter here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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Filed under Special Featurettes

The Dog Days of Podcasting: The Joy (and Fear) of Challenges

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

For this next installment of the 2017 Dog Days of Podcasting challenge, Tee looks at the challenge of exploring a world that you are familiar with. It’s a world you as the one who created it should know inside and out and intimately, but can you still discover something new within it, surprising yourself as well as your readers?

That’s the rush you feel when facing a new challenge.


Find Tee on Twitter at either here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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The Dog Days of Podcasting 2017: Writer’s Rage

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

Welcome to the 2017 Dog Days of Podcasting challenge. The Shared Desk is hosting this bold venture, and Tee will explain more about it in this week’s show. For now, just expect something completely different appearing in your feed this month alongside regular episodes of the writerly podcast you know from this site.

This episode looks at Writer’s Rage. At least that’s what Tee is calling it.


Find Tee on Twitter at either here,
leave a voicemail or questions for the Dog Days of Podcasting at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
I’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find this show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

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Filed under Guest Posts

Episode #77: Pip Is Learning New Things

We’ve been busy lately with wrapping up one project and starting a brand new one. However, we are never too busy to learn new things, and Pip is doing that presently with Nick Stephenson and his course, How to Find Your First 10,000 Readers. This may sound like we’re drinking the marketing guru’s Kool-Aid (mmmmm…fruity) but we are asking hard questions. Nick’s got answers.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • All the SEVENS!
  • Shameless plug for Happy Hour from the Tower
  • Sonic Boom is encouraging bad behavior at home.
  • What are we up to?
    • Podcasting for Dummies, the Third Edition
    • Operation: Endgame
  • Listening to Geo again, and still loving that skeptical goofball!
  • Where is Tee going to be ON HIS BIRTHDAY? Well, he’s launching Podcasting for Dummies in Phoenix, Arizona!
  • Jack Mangan needs to get back into podcasting.

04:50 —  Episode #77: Pip Is Learning New Things

  • You can be marketing books for years (like us) and still miss steps.
  • When marketing goes bad…
  • Pip decided to take a deep dive course in marketing with Nick Stephenson of Your First 10,000 Readers
  • Who is Nick Stephenson?
  • Who is endorsing nick? Well, Joanna is, for one…
  • You can see some of these changes happening here.
  • Pip begins to share her newfound knowledge…and channels a Beatnik instead.
  • Your website should be doing this. (I didn’t know that!)
  • Free really isn’t “free” when you look at it.
  • Tee wants to buy Nick a pint based on his sense of humor.
  • Nick practices what he preaches.
  • A look at how to value your work.
  • Pip is learning a HECK of a lot!
  • When covers go bad, it’s EPIC.
  • Authors can really be cheap.
  • With lessons learned and learning from the lessons of others, it’s time to a To-Do List.
  • Launching a book? Tee’s got that covered.

23:45 —  The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!

  • Who’s opening THE BOOOOOOXXX?!?!?
  • June’s Theme: Alter-Ego (Something Pip and Tee are familiar with.)
    • Tee-shirt: A Classic Transformers shout-out.
    • A Spider-Man Q-fig
    • An Incredible Hulk bowl, perfect for a raging teenage barbarian!
    • A poster book of DC Comics’ New 52 comic book covers
    • Nice Loot Crate pin nod to Spider-Man’s nemesis, the Green Goblin
  • We made a dent in our Geeky Prize Giveaway Stash at AwesomeCon, but we’re filling it up again…

28:52 — Writers Off the Clock

  • It was a VERY special weekend at the Morris household….
    • Introducing our daughter to ALIENS
    • She handled The Matrix really well, but it wasn’t the R rating that bothered us.
    • Do you have to show someone Alien before you introduce them to Aliens?
    • Pip will not be writing freehand anytime soon.
    • There is only ONE — DEFINITIVE — VERSION — of Aliens
    • What the Director’s Cut adds to the Aliens experience.
  • Aliens have inspired successful games. One of them scared Phil Rossi!
  • After 30 years, the movie is still solid. Masterful storytelling in film.
  • Character development in Aliens
  • Even the music plays a part.
  • The writing question: Why do the sequels and prequels fall so short? Where do you go after Aliens?
  • Tee’s one question for Alien: Covenant

43:51 — The Wrap-Up

  • Well, AwesomeCon lived up to the hype!
  • Where are we going to be?
    • 30 June-July 2, BlerDCon in Washington D.C. (Sunday only! BRIGHT AND EARLY!!!)
    • 14-16 July, Motor City Steam Con in Detroit, MI (Break out your PJ’s!)
    • 19-20 August, Mechanicsburg Mystery Weekend in Mechanicsburg, PA (Lots to do during this Mystery conference…)
    • 1-4 September, Escape Velocity in Washington, D.C. (A weekend of hardcore geekery with Nick Kelly!)
    • If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, here’s where to find us…
      • 703.791.1701
      • …and social media, of course.
  • Ah, the glamorous life of writers…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #76: Wonder Woman from a Writerly Perspective (with Mary Katherine “M.K.” Backstrom)

Tee and Pip invite the newest member of the the Smoky Writers Mafia to the show after she — that’s special guest M.K. Backstrom, if you’re curious — suggested we all get on mic and talk about Wonder Woman…

…and that’s just what we did. And you’ll find out VERY QUICKLY why we fell in love with this Power Blogger.

00:00 —  Episode #76: Wonder Woman from a Writerly Perspective (with Mary Katherine “M.K.” Backstrom)

  • Welcome to the podcast Mary Katherine Backstrom of Mom Babble and Scary Mommy!
  • Tee cashes in on the new friendship with M.K.
  • Tee is the odd man out with this discussion on Wonder Woman, and that is just fine.
  • Quick check of the household, kids-wise to find out who did you go see Wonder Woman with?
  • For M.K., the movie was way more emotional than she expected.
  • Pip’s emotions swelled with both Moana and Wonder Woman.
  • Tee knew it was going be a good ride with the film’s soundtrack.
  • Tee found a few takeaways from Wonder Woman
  • That moment when Lynda Carter rendered Tee speechless.
  • Differences between Carter’s Diana and Gadot’s Diana
    • When dudes write for Wonder Woman
    • There wasn’t eye candy for guys in this movie? Well, depends on the guy…
    • “Why, yes, I do like older women.”
  • How Steve Trevor was written…
  • Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman with men writing for her…
    • Both Pip and M.K. want to vacation on Themyscira.
    • A quick House of Cards tangent…
    • Some love for Etta!
  • The scene at Trafalgar Square
  • M.K.’s advantage over Tee and Pip: No other Wonder Woman eras to compare to.
  • The emotional impact of World War I (and Pip’s trivia on that moment)
  • Social commentary in Wonder Woman? It could happen.
  • The storytelling of Wonder Woman compared to the storytelling of Batman Vs. Superman
  • Girl Power in Wonder Woman: Organic or Heavy Handed?
    • M.K. gets the Analogy Bell!
    • Tables turned back to Tee
    • Is Tee getting woman-splained? Well, yeah, he is. *LOL*
    • SERIOUS FEMINIST LOVE FOR ALIENS! (Where was the male outrage there?)
  • Commentary on the inevitable love scene…which still caught Tee, Pip, and M.K. by surprise.
  • Did we think Wonder Woman was perfect? Oh no, not by a longshot…
  • Wonder Woman raises the bar for Justice League.
  • 51:34 — The Wrap-Up


    Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
    leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
    or leave us a comment here at the blog.
    We’ll talk about it!
    And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
    Subscribe, listen, and review.

    Enjoy the ride
    and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #75: Recorded LIVE from the 2017 SFWA Nebula Awards Conference

photo from Heidi Ruby-Miller

Tee and Pip make to Steel City for the 2017 Nebula Awards, and at the en masse signing, the pace for them slowed down. That tends to happen when the SFWA bookstore doesn’t stock your books. Fortunately, Tee stocked his satchel with the iPad and a Shure MV51. Five minutes later, Tee and Pip are bringing the 2017 Nebula Awards Book Signing and passer’s-by to you! Welcome to a moment at The Nebula Awards Conference where Katie, Tee, Pip, Lauren, Piper, and Matt — the Smoky Writers Mafia — gathered amongst the best in science fiction. Give them a call at 703-791-1701, and ask about anything concerning this conference. It was quite the education!

00:00 —  Episode #75: The 2017 SFWA Nebula Awards Conference 

  • Promo: The Nerd Out App
  • LIVE from Pittsburgh!!!
  • Pip thinks she has a “radio voice” but it’s not really
  • Looks who dropped by! It’s Mel!!! And Heather is here as well!
  • What brings Mel and Heather to The Nebula Awards? Well, this is Mel’s hometown!
  • Notes from The Nebula Conference, Confluence, and Pittsburgh on a whole
    • Beer tastings happen, especially when K.T. Bryski is around!
    • Avoid food served in a bucket.
    • Pip might get in some sight-seeing…
  • Tee’s asked to sign a program. As he looks for a place to sign, have a listen to the Programming of the conference.
  • Pip recalls her panel of awesome with Mary Robinette Kowall.
  • Escape Artists, Inc. shows up in force at the Nebulas.
  • A few words on audio rights, and how important they are…
  • Tee reflects on his first panel: Other Day Jobs for Writers…
  • …then came Podcasting 101 with Piper J Drake and Pip in the Moderator’s Seat.
  • What happens when you sit down with Apple iBooks…
    • Want to visit the Mother Ship in Cuppertino? (YES!!!)
    • Changing travel plans for December.
    • Apple wants to talk to authors, and be more author friendly.
  • We get a visit from Heidi Ruby Miller (right) who is rocking this cool retro sci-fi pattern…
  • And just like that Heidi’s on the podcast.
  • Yes, there is a ball app and Tee travels with one.
  • Heidi has snuck away from the Penn Writers Conference to hang with science fiction authors.
  • What was Heidi up to at the Penn Writers Conference?
  • What Heidi and her husband, Jack, are up to on social media?
    • Check out Small Space, Big Life on YouTube
    • And Jack is shaking his backsides at the Nebulas.
    • And as Larry Connelly passes by, Tee recognizes him from Podcasting 101!
    • Larry, it turns out, is a podcasting veteran.
  • No books to sign, but we do have autograph cards!
  • Grabbing Jennifer Dawson, a Stonecoaster alongside K.T. Bryski, to clock in some time on the mic…
    • A quick opinion on Stonecoast
    • And what does Jenn write? Well now…
    • The support of a community matters.
    • Tee tells Jenn about the James River Writers, and how he found out about them.
    • Turns out Omaha has a LOT going on for writers!
    • Jenn’s favorite panels from the conference.
  • The power of podcasting: Keeping ourselves entertained when books are not around.
  • Signing off…

34:59 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo (with The Kelly Family!)

  • Nick, Stacia, and Brandon wanted to be around when we opened up this Loot Crate…
  • May’s Theme: Guardians
    • Q-Fig of Rocket and Groot! How about those Q-Fig creations?
    • The tee shirt is Goonies-riffic!
    • A Star Wars Coloring Book?! Tee is 7 again!
    • The Loot Crate pin is Avatar: The Last Airbender. Not his fandom, but it’s pretty sweet.
    • A Character Class Patch Set from Destiny
    • …and the box becomes your Ghost, as we talk about in Happy Hour from the Tower.
    • Here’s what it looks like when it’s done…
  • NICE HAUL!!!

45:45 — The Wrap-Up

  • Pip needs some Stark-splaining!
  • The Nebula Conference was fun! So was our visit to Balticon 51!
  • Where are we going to be?
    • 16-18 June, AwesomeCon in Washington D.C. (No, we’re not going to get that photo with Stan Lee…)
    • 30 June-July 2, BlerDCon in Washington D.C. (Wait, hold on, what’s BlerDCon? And what are Nick and Tee up to?)
    • A quick tangent on Star Trek: Discovery...
    • 14-16 July, Motor City Steam Con in Detroit, MI
  • This ain’t Tee’s first rodeo. Obviously.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #74: Your Voicemails!

It’s so nice to breathe again, and because we got over the bug that we’ve passed back and forth to one another, we are back with a brand new Shared Desk! We have The Nebula Awards Conference this weekend, so as we are prepping for that, we’re turning to our voicemails and spending some time with you this go-round! (See—when you leave us Voicemail, we put you on the show!) We are also debuting a new segment for the show. Make sure to let us know what you think at 703-791-1701, and we may feature you in a segment or a special show just like this one.

Well, not just like this one as we are not going to get the exact feedback.

You know what we mean!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • No longer shouting into the mic. See, Pip can be taught!
  • Thanks, Billy, for the sweet drop-in!
  • Big shout out for all this great geekery on the television. Well, not all of it…
  • Anyone else excited about The Defenders?
  • Finally over the sniffles, the coughing, and the congestion…

03:54 — Episode 74: Your Voicemails!

  • Some Voicemail love
    • We’ve been letting the voicemails stack up, so we’re giving the whole show to them.
    • Some cross-promotion for Happy Hour from the Tower
    • Upcoming Podcasting for Dummies shenanigans
    • …and yeah, a lot of podcasting in the works for the both of us!
  • First Voicemail: Brian Webber & Episode 69
  • Second Voicemail: Chris Lester & Episode 71
    • Chris knows how to plug!
    • The theory of what brings on The Impostor Syndrome
    • Chris’ introduction to Hamilton parallels Tee’s
    • Some Hamilton trivia, especially Lin-Manuel Miranda at the White House
    • Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Creative Process
    • A discussion about being a “Genius”
  • Third Voicemail: Nobilis Reed & Episode 73
    • When authors don’t want to move forward, why does that mean readers can’t?
    • The end can be the beginning, whether it is a role-playing game (like ours!) or writing fan fiction.
    • Fan fiction is a healthy extension of where an author’s work ends.
    • Mike Rigg launched the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast as an extension of his own world (and Tee loves to listen).
  • Fourth Voicemail: Steve Pritchard & Episode 73
    • More reminiscing over Billi Baddings
    • Passing along notes to other writers and passing the torch…
    • Looking back on Iron Fist
  • Yes, we love Listener Feedback so drop us a line…
    • 703.791.1701
    • tee (at) teemorris (dot) com
    • pip (at) pjballantine (dot) com
    • ….or leave us a comment right here in the show’s post! 
  • Pip gets all foreign on Tee again.

28:07 — What’s Cookin’, Writers? 

  • And now, the Spirit Animal of Tee and Pip’s Kitchen
  • How did this segment come about? It all started with a Facebook exchange from Tommy Garza…
  • If you think we cook like crazy, how about that Piper J Drake?
  • Smoking Meats: The Basics
    • Step 1: Get Yourself a Smoker

    • Be careful—you may get so attached to your smoker, you may put your life before this appliance.
    • Char-Broil Electric Smoker. Great device, dodgy app.
  • The Zen of Smoked Meats
    • This is not an impulse thing. You plan for smoking meats.
    • Smoking meats is great for writers!
    • You want wood? We got wood!
  • Char Broil has a great website for tips on smoking meats.
  • Try different flavors with your wood. Find out what works for you.
  • Whatever the cooking time, add one hour.
  • Smoking Ribs: The 3-2-1 Method
    • Enjoy your double innuendos.
    • The Tea & Spice Exchange is great for rubs!
    • Farmers’ Markets also carry terrific rubs.
    • Apply rub to your meat, smoke that for three hours.
    • Then baste your meat, smoke for two hours. (We love using cider from Cobbler Mountain Cellars.)
    • Cover in a sauce of your liking, smoke for an hour.
    • Serve, eat, and you’re welcome.
  • And now, since we’re talking about poultry, let’s talk about spatchcocking.
  • Shout out to Scott Sigler!
  • Closing with brisket
  • Want to try Blue Apron? Reach out to us. Let us know…

45:45 — The Wrap-Up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #73: Something Old, Something New

We’re baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

Sorry for the skip in the weeks. We’ve been kind of busy these past few weeks. Let us bring you up to speed!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Creeping towards Show #100….
  • Missed a week here and there, but we are on a….somewhat regular-ish schedule?
  • Sure, we got some feedback in the hopper, but we’re going to focus on something else…
  • Pip’s got a new book out! Have you got your copy of Immortal Progeny yet?
  • Tee’s trying to keep up with writing, but his Dad has not been making things easy…
  • The K.T. Brisket has been perfected. So we’re waiting for K.T. to come back for another visit!

03:58 — Episode 73: Something Old, Something New

  • I ask again—have you got your copy of Immortal Progeny yet?
    • This is her first solo book since Harbinger!
    • A synopsis…with drop-in’s.
    • What took this book so long?
    • Pip goes deep into an epic fantasy locked in a religious war, and two more are coming…
  • While Pip has been working on Immortal Progeny, Tee gets tapped by Wiley Publishing again!
    • Podcasting for Dummies, 2nd Edition hit the shelves over a decade ago.
    • On the third royalty check for this decade-old book, Tee started making calls.
    • In February, offers were made. In March, contracts were signed.
    • Coming to shelves in September 2017 — Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition. BETTER. STRONGER. FASTER.
    • Anyone remember the iRiver?
  • Updating a decade-old book…
  • So what happened today? Somebody asked Tee about Billibub Baddings.
  • When working on titles, it’s not about the art. It’s about paying bills. It’s about survival. It’s about business.
  • A lesson for writers with Elizabeth Bear from Edgar Allan Poe
  • Tee doesn’t want to phone it in…and there was a nagging voice Tee was haunted by…
  • Even Pip wants Tee to get back to DOPE.
  • A full plate. That is what is going on in 2017—a full friggin’ plate.
  • Tee is picking a direction. It is forward.

31:46 — Writers Off the Clock

  • We prefer to be positive in our Writers Off the Clock segment…but we’re talking about Marvel’s Iron Fist.
  • Was it the whitewashing? Nope. Was it Finn Jones? Nope. (But he did not help his case at all.)
    • Iron Fist is what happens when a project is rushed.
    • This is a first draft. A terrible first draft. LET’S FILM IT!
  • Another problem I got: The way martial arts are handled.
    • Absolute amateur hour.
    • When you watch Into the Badlands, this is your bar, Marvel Entertainment. You have to clear it.
    • What was Marvel doing? Cutting corners with martial arts? In Iron Fist?
  • The script remained throughout a real disservice to the actors.
    • This isn’t all Finn Jones’ fault.
    • The big finale…meh.
    • Lots of time in corporate boardrooms…or BOREDrooms?
  • Does Finn Jones get a pass for not knowing martial arts? EXHIBIT A: The Matrix.
  • Iron Fist was a rushed project, and it shows.

47:43 — The Wrap-Up

  • Hey, Marvel, don’t like our compinions? FIGHT US!
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send Tee email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • What’s coming in 2017…
    • 28-30 April, RavenCon 12 in Williamsburg, VA
    • 18 – 21 May, The Nebula Awards Conference in Pittsburgh, PA (It will be Katie, Tee, and Pip…along with others from the Smoky Retreat!)
    • Tee and Pip will be visiting Balticon
    • Events in the works…
      • A steampunk tea in Ellicott City, Maryland…
      • Guest speakers at a Mystery conference…
      • …and a return to Revel Grove in October!
  • And Tee isn’t busy enough so he’s launch a new podcast all about the video game, Destiny!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode 72: The 2017 Smoky Writers Retreat Wrap-Up (featuring K.T. Bryski…and even MORE Hamilton!!!)

We’re baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

Another year, another retreat in the Smoky Mountains. Here’s how it all went down…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • How many times is Pip going to make this joke?
  • First time with new mics? Why, yes — yes, it is!
  • Special Guest — K.T. Bryski who is always writing like she’s running out of time…
  • New drop-in’s from Hamilton: An American Musical…again!
  • So what’s the new gear and what do you all think?
    • Tee’s on a Heil PR781 for the first time, and digging it!
    • Pip is working the Heil PR40 while using a Heil PL2T Boom Mic stand.
    • Katie is the rebel of the three of us, recording on the MXL BCD-1  (which came with a WS-002 windscreen) with the BCD Boom Mic stand.
    • Thoughts and opinions on the new gear…
    • So why the upgrade? Tee Morris and Chuck Tomasi are returning to the stands with Podcasting for Dummies: The Third Edition!

06:48 — Episode 72: The 2017 Smoky Writers Retreat Wrap-Up (featuring K.T. Bryski…now with even MORE Hamilton!!!)

  • What are we taking with us? (Sing along if you know the drop-in…)
  • Always nice to see Stephen Grenade when you get there.
  • A look at the man behind the Smoky Writers Retreat….
  • Great Things about the New Cabin
    • Double the hot tubs!
    • Everyone had beds!
    • Where we found our place to write in Valhalla?
  • Katie is being distracting!
  • Tee starts up a new routine: A Brisk Morning Walk — UPHILL — BOTH WAYS!!!
  • Watch one of the videos from Tee & Tim’s Morning Walk, and laugh at how hard we are working…
  • What we were working on…
    • For Pip: The Illuminal — first draft, now at a 50K word count
    • For Katie: She started off wanting to write a novel, but took a step back to work on short stories.
    • For Tee: Dope, now over 27K deep and running at a good pace
  • If you are not reading Piper J. Drake’s bestselling trilogy, you should be!
    • For Katie: Salmon and Soba Noodles
    • For Pip: She refuses to choose…
    • For Tee: The Lamb Curry
  • Tee starts taking risks with Sirracha.
  • A Day at MagicQuest
    • How to fix MagicQuest from authors who have never grown up…
    • The Mirror Maze — FUN!
    • Blacklight Pirate Golf, as you do!
  • Smoky Writers is NOT a vacation.
  • Just accept it — we all love M.K.!
  • This year saw the founding of the Smoky Writers Chamber Choir!
  • Thank you M.K. for picking up the official SWR Guitar!
  • The reasons we may be returning to Valhalla…
  • What brings us back to Smoky and how this is Alex White’s show…
    • The waiting list could be a retreat in itself.
    • So how about learning from the master? Read this and this.
  • So…are we there yet?

32:03 — Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!

  • The Loot Crate arrived before we left…
  • February Theme: BUILD
    • The Lego Batman Food Container — MINE!
    • The tee-shirt is Volton …and now it is Katie’s
    • Lego Dimensions: Benny and Benny’s Spaceship
    • Tetris Magnets. That’s a distraction waiting to happen.
    • Secret Order of the Keys…something for later.
  • The BUILD crate marks the one-year anniversary with Loot Crate!
  • What else came in the mail? A special Cards Against Humanity expansion pack!
    • It was M.K.’s first time playing, and we were all worried about how she was going to take it…
    • …well, not all of us were worried. There was “That bitch, Stacey!”
    • And what did Tee pick up? A Mass Effect Expansion Pack.

37:36 — The Wrap-Up

45:03 — Post-Show Groove


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

The Official Promo for this Three-Year-Old Podcast


It took us long enough, but we finally got around to it…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Special Featurettes

Episode 71: Dealing with the Imposter Syndrome while Pining for Lin-Manuel Miranda (with Special Guest Lauren “Scribe” Harris)

You can’t say “No” to this…


It is the Lin-Manuel Miranda edition of The Shared Desk. Don’t think Lin-Manuel Miranda has anything to do with our topic, but as you listen to the show, you’ll understand why we are dedicating this show to the cast of the hottest musical to hit Broadway in decades…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • First show of the New year on account of a really rough start…
  • New drop in from Hamilton: An American Musical
  • Heading to Farpoint this weekend, but not the first event of 2017. At least, for Tee.
  • We got to make this event happen this weekend! We got to WORK!

03:54 — Episode 71: Dealing with the Imposter Syndrome while Pining for Lin-Manuel Miranda (with Special Guest Lauren “Scribe” Harris)

  • What are we drinking tonight? Viking Blod, the breakfast of writing champions!
  • The story of Blod and Smoky Writers Past.
  • A topic that came up during MAGFest…
  • The Imposter Syndrome
    • Defined by Tee
    • Defined by Pip
    • Defined by Lauren
  • The debate over the Imposter Syndrome
    • What do you say when successful indie authors are suffering this?
    • The next Hamilton reference…and another…
    • If your goal isn’t the validation you seek, then what is?
  • Are you listening to Words of a Feather podcast? Well, you should.
  • The Imposter Syndrome can come from a variety of sources…
    • Stress
    • Starting new projects in uncharted countries
    • Looking at where you are in your career and where you want to be
  • What’s attractive between both independent publishing and traditional publishing?
  • What’s tough to do between both independent publishing and traditional publishing?
  • Pip’s firmly planted in the Nick Kelly camp when it comes to the Imposter Syndrome.
  • Lauren owns it
    • …but Tee also copes with it…
    • ….and so does Pip.
  • Tee’s biggest Imposter Syndrome fear: He’s not a well-read guy.
  • How do we combat Imposter Syndrome?
    • For Lauren: Working harder.
    • For Tee: Jumping into a new idea.
    • For Pip: Solving the problem within the work.
  • Wired for Story — a resource all writers should have within reach
  • The return of Old Yeller

32:00 — Writers Off the Clock

  • So…fucking Lin-Manuel Miranda and his goddamn incredible talents…
  • Why were we resistant of the Ham Wagon?
    • For Pip: The girl’s a REBEL!
    • For Lauren: Her Obsessive Personality
    • For Tee: The Actor in Him and His Love of Musical Theatre
  • How did we finally surrender to the phenomenon of Hamilton: An American Musical?
    • For Pip: That reprobate from the Great White North…
    • For Lauren: Her roommate (and former guest of the show), Skribby
    • For Tee: He knew he was in trouble when watching Moana.
  • Sonic Boom was listening to Hamilton before we were!
  • Shout-out to the Howard Family who met one of the King George actors after the show…
  • Lot of cool things the Hamilton cast did during Lin-Manuel’s run.
  • Shout-out to JMU alumni behind the Shenandoah Shakespeare Express!

53:33 — The Wrap-Up

  • Drunk auditioning for Hamilton
  • More dates coming in 2017…
  • What was your favorite or most informative show in 2016?
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send Tee email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • Tee can still do the end tag even after Blod!
  • Tee’s got a surprise in the works…

1:01:23 — Post-Show Groove


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

SPECIAL EPISODE: The Geek Wolfpack Podcast and a Review of MAGFest

with the Geek Wolfpack Podcast!

A special episode (dropped into the Shared Desk feed via the Geek Wolfpack Podcast feed) where Papa Wolf  (Nick Kelly) and his special guest (Tee, first time in studio!)  recap the events of MAGFest 2017. Hear these two discuss the unique vibe of this festival, cosplay, retro gaming, our panels, and all sorts of insanity from this incredible Washington, DC music and gaming festival over fine, malted beverages…

MAGFest Recap Notes

0:00 – Intro
1:07 – Fanboyglass – Destiny glasses
2:02 – MAGFest

2:16 – Brie gets her cameo
2:35 – Momma Wolf gets her cameo
3:08 – Rob Aldrich at
3:49 – Rob’s panel on the Top Ten Episodes of the Transformers

Rob Aldrich presents on the Top Ten Transformers Episodes

4:11 – What is MAGFest?
4:50 – Tee’s intro to MAGFest
5:41 – Awesomecon
6:45 – The attendees are as diverse as it gets, and we love it
8:04 – Our friends at the Geektitude podcast and State of the Geek
8:14 – Locked, Loaded and Liberal
8:54 – MAGFest did a great video of our panel, Storytelling in Video Games
9:03 – Tee’s podcast, The Shared Desk
9:37 – There might be Time Travel
10:03 – Last year, Tee did “The Big Score: The History of Soundtracks in Movies and Video Games
10:22 – Major kudos to all of the staff. The A/V crew was amazing.
11:10 – Always give thank you’s in the most public way to sound, A/V and lighting people
11:45 – Thursday’s arrival
12:20 – eBro-la is now a thing
13:08 – 4 day cons are actually 6 days long
14:14 – Battletech: Fire Storm
17:04 – The end of a con is not unlike Fat Tuesday

Squirrel Girl!

17:31 – Comics & Gaming
17:51 – Thermal’s new Assassin’s Creed jacket

18:18 – Ashamei got new earrings
18:50 – Sonic Boom gets Overwatch ears
20:16 – How Tee and Rob Aldrich met (in 2003)
21:51 – Hingle McCringleberry
22:10 – Pre-Order Rob Aldrich’s “Rockaiju
22:55 – Rob mentioned Final Fantasy VI
23:35 – Rob also mentioned Ratchet and Clank
23:38 – Nick talked about Asheron’s Call
24:04 – Xenoblade Chronicles
24:31 – Tee talked Myst
24:45 – Tee also talked Destiny
25:28 – Get a gaming crate from Lootcrate
25:35 – Smuggler’s Bounty – Star Wars themed crates
26:14 – When is the story too much?
26:36 – Overwatch needs a story mode
27:27 – Matthew J Drake
28:25 – Overwatch was the predominant cosplay
28:55 – Rayden from Mortal Kombat
29:40 – The giant Team Skull contingent was outrageous
31:40 – Garrison Tyranus from the 501st Legion
32:35 – The Wolfpack did Friday
33:10 – The Voice Acting Panel
34:57 – Say “good-bye” like this…

Thermal Wolff’s Assassin’s Creed jacket

36:14 – Rail Theory Kickstarter in February
36:36 – 2064 Read Only Memories
37:44 – Shout out to Machinae Supremacy!
38:11 – Old Town Man Cave – Manassas, VA
38:26 – IT WAS COLD!
39:12 – Buy an electric vehicle
39:20 – The Blink charging app
40:12 – Aldrich is reviewing every episode of Transformers ever

43:42 – Do not Chipotle at MAGFest
44:03 – Redstone American Grill
45:27 – We love Luke Cage. Congrats to their stunt crew!
46:18 – We played Joust!
47:55 – The sound that ties MAGFest together, the Colossus roar!
49:00 – Some of the pinball machines (There’s a Big Lebowski game!)
50:28 – Our late night panel, “Slightly Off-Key: Great Soundtracks to Truly Terrible Films”
52:35 – A little Billy Idol history
54:02 – Steve Stevens has a grammy for flamenco

Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition showed up at MAGFest

54:55 – Why Nick is pissed about Heavy Metal 2000
56:42 – Brian May’s involvement in the New Horizons project
57:45 – We gush over Highlander
58:20 – We talked a ton about Jim Steinman on the panel
59:02 – Nick loves Meatloaf
59:55 – The types of movies we cover: “If they weren’t absolute stinkers, they were train wrecks.” – Tee
60:30 – Where the video game based movies rank on
62:03 – Shout out to our friends at Horrorview
63:57 – The Batman vs Superman movie themes – fortissimo or djent, however you want to put it…
65:34 – We sold books!
66:16 – We agree to disagree on Van Helsing
66:56 – The different scores of Legend
69:33 – So, Nick, how did you feel after the panel?
71:29 – There’s a lot of Jim Steinman to the Protomen

View from the stage during the Thursday panel

74:22 – MAGFest is a two-way communication at all times
75:44 – Tee had fans of the Ministry in attendance
76:34 – The vibe at MAGFest is contagious
78:44 – Reciprocity!
80:34 – Shout out to Tyler Waldman
81:05 – Shout out to Pip Ballantine!
81:30 – Countless Hues of Crimson
81:38 – Pip Ballantine’s “Immortal Progeny
81:45 – The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh
81:56 – Shout out to the staff!
82:06 – MAGFest
82:29 – Happy Birthday David Bowie and Elvis Presley. Bowie released an EP on 1/8/17
83:18 – All MAGFest all the time!
83:38 – Outro

Finally….The Colossus Roar!


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Filed under Episodes, Guest Posts, Special Featurettes

Episode 70: A Panel at MAGFest (with Nick Kelly and Robert V. Aldrich)


So with January behind us, you might have thought, we intended to take a break.

No, we didn’t.

After a rather rough start to the year, we’re coming back—baby steps, mind you—into posting on a regular basis. We got a lot of stuff planned for you in February, but let’s ease back into our podcast with a look back at a panel at one of Tee’s favorite events…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • As we have said before, we are twelve years old…
  • Where were we in January? This blog post sums up the month.
  • New show coming, but right now it’s a Shared Desk from MAGFest 2017!
  • The topic? Storytelling in Gaming!
  • Major props to the MAGFest A/V Team!
  • Want to hear Nick and Tee riff about MAGFest? Stay tuned next week for a special syndicated episode of the Geek Wolfpack Podcast
  • Like the panel? Send us feedback!
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send Tee email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.

03:27 — Episode #70: Storytelling in Gaming (with Nick Kelly and Robert V. Aldrich)

  • Introductions of panelists
  • Callsigns for Tee’s Gaming Crew
    • Nobilis Reed — Callsign: WikiReedia
    • Nick Kelly — Callsign: The Punisher
    • Tee Morris — Callsign: Wrong Way
  • What makes a good story?
    • Internal consistency
    • Consistent characters
  • Each panelist has picked two games and will be taking deep dives into what makes them good storytelling video games…
  • Robert apparently loves Tee’s slide shows…but he has a tough time giving feedback on them. *LOL*
  • Robert V. Aldrich’s Favorites
  • Nick Kelly’s Favorites
  • Tee’s Favorites

43:39 — The Wrap-Up

  • 2017 is underway, and here is where we will be…
    • 18-19 February, Farpoint 24 in Timonium, MD
    • 24 February – 5 March, Smoky Writers Retreat in Gatlinburg, TN
    • 28-30 April, RavenCon 12 in Williamsburg, VA
    • Nick Kelly and I are reaching out to future events to see if they want us…
    • …but keep up with what geeky things are happening in your neck of the woods with the Nerd Out App!
  • What was your favorite or most informative show in 2016?
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send Tee email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • Geeky Goodbyes: Richard Hatch (71) and Brian Ford (48)
  • No outro music. Just ending on a more reflective tone…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

Episode #69 (Dudes!): Antagonists, Villains, and the Writers’ Challenge

With weeks remaining in 2016, we find ourselves hitting the show landmark that makes us both snigger like fifth graders: SHOW #69!!! We’re not talking about sex, erotica, or naughty bits. We are looking at the antagonist. Sure, the antagonist is a villain, but a villain is not always your antagonist. What are the challenges you face when developing the foil to your protagonist? Where is the line drawn between the mustache-twirler and the complicated antagonist?

Let’s talk about how good it is to be bad…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • As we have said before, we are twelve years old…
  • Can you feel the excitement over Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2?
  • Groot. The new Hodor.
  • Nobilis Reed, celebrating a new book and a new house!
  • Show #69? Do we talk about sex, baby? Do we talk about you and me?
  • No, we actually decided to take a high ground for this show, and go low…

02:28 — Episode #69: Antagonists, Villains, and the Writers’ Challenge

  • One writer’s villain is another’s antagonist…sometimes, according to Miss Fancy Pants.
  • New drop-in’s are getting a workout.
  • Tee has already talked about the importance of developing your villains, but it’s worth returning to.
  • This is Pip’s current dilemma in her new fiction coming in 2017. (Something to look forward to…)
  • If you want to know more about editor-of-infinite-awesome, Jennifer Meltzer, pay her a visit at One-Stop Writer Shop!
  • What is Pip’s villain lacking?
  • Pardon the Galaxy Quest tangent…
  • Pip can do villains and antagonists. Look at Geist and the other Books of the Order.
  • Worthy to note: Mysteries handle antagonists different than Epic Fantasy.
  • Then you got antagonists within antagonists ala The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences.
  • Tee & Pip audition for a Metallica tribute band.
  • Antagonists risk going neglected when “pantsing” through a work-in-progress.
  • The value of having a focus with your antagonist
  • No SPECTRE without Earnst Stavro Bloefeld
  • Lessons in antagonists from William Shakespeare
  • A turning point in the development of the game, Destiny.
    • The Fallen. Bad Guys. Eh.
    • Then we meet the Taken King…
      There’s your focus.
  • Making antagonists sympathetic
    • Done right: Loki and Marvel’s Thor
    • Done wrong: Vader and the Star Wars prequels
  • More on an antagonist’s focus
    • The lack of focus in Star Trek: The Motion Picture versus KHAAAAAAANNNN! 
    • The Phantom Menace. What was it again?
  • Antagonists as the central character of your property
    • Dr. Hannibal Lecter
    • Walter White
    • Dexter Morgan

24:57 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Pip tries to bleep herself. She fails.
  • The creepiest cover of “Edelweiss you will ever hear…”
  • Amazon Studios’ The Man in the High Castle
  • Talking about Dick
    • Lou Anders says it best…
    • Some great films coming from Philip K. Dick’s concepts
  • The details add a degree of creepiness.
  • A quick run-down of the cast form The Man in the High Castle
  • The story of The Man in the High Castle
  • It’s worth Amazon Prime just to have access to this!

34:41 — Voicemail

  • We had dinner with Nobilis…and told him “Share this with the show!”
  • Steve Saylor asks for our favorite Dungeons & Dragons stories.
    • We’re RPGing again, and you can hear all our current adventures at the Geek Wolfpack Podcast
    • Pip’s Memory: When Ashimei enjoyed her own “Leeroy Jenkins” moment…and some things still never change.
    • Tee’s Memory: When Eryk can’t hit the broadside of a barn. The next week, though, Tee goes all John Woo on the “hobogoblins” in range…
  • Nobilis Reed has a new book out…and he asks about shipping books and how you work it into the cost of a book.
    • Pip is a big fan of using or, especially when it comes to shipping from our online store.
    • Flat rates are best for domestic shipping for one book.
    • Going international? More than one book? Well, there’s a grey area…

48:13 — Wrapping up

  • Not done yet with 2016!
  • We’ve got some bonus audio we are going to throw in to a feed for the holidays! Thanks for hanging out with out this year!
  • Best. Year. EVAR! For posting shows, that is…
  • ONE MORE SHOW for 2016…with K.T. Brisket. (Sorry, K.T. Bryski.)
  • What we have coming up in 2017…
  • What was your favorite or most informative show in 2016?
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send Tee email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • Join us for our final show of the year featuring 100% MORE CANADA! 


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

SPECIAL EPISODE: The Geek Wolfpack Podcast and the Nerd Out App Kickstarter

Hey, everyone!

No…this is NOT Episode 69, dudes.

We have a lot happening this month. We’re working on our final season (and yes we admit to be using the term “final” liberally…) of Tales from the Archives, work to do on Operation: Endgame, and planning a special two-part head-to-head episode here on the Shared Desk with in-studio guest Nick Kelly over a science fiction epic, and how it ended. However, we wanted to take some time and share with you this episode of the Geek Wolfpack Podcast, Nick Kelly’s premiere podcast featuring the entire Kelly family. (Give it a listen. It’s a hoot!) This particular episode features the Wolfpack Podcast’s first interview, their guest professional nerd and entertainment professional Elle Jensen, founder of the Nerd Out App.

Elle sits down with Nick, Tee, and Pip to talk about the app’s Kickstarter campaign and how geeks of all backgrounds should be taking advantage of this wonder of technology!

Episode 16 (Show notes by Nick Kelly)

0:00 – Intro
1:18 – Our Interview with Elle Jensen of the Nerd Out App!
1:42 – Pip Ballantine!
1:55 – Tee Morris!
2:31 – Elle Jensen, Founder of the Nerd Out App
2:48 – The plug bell
3:06 – What exactly is the Kickstarter for?
3:45 – App development is like LEGO bricks
5:05 – Nick starts counting cities where he’s used the app
5:13 – What exactly is the Nerd Out App? Elle’s Comic Con story
6:00 – Nerdy Burlesque!
6:33 – The growth numbers on Nerd Out App 1.0
6:44 – The Average Geek Show
7:15 – Where does the App team get their events?
8:04 – The Chicago crew needs to get on the Nerd Squad
8:22 – A Klingon Christmas Carol
8:39 –
10:12 – Currently, events get added via a manual process. It’s going to be way easier in 2.0
10:53 – #furriesruineverything
11:12 – How are events vetted?
12:31 – Nerding responsibly
12:57 – The coolest events ever hosted in the app
13:24 – Poltergeist as a burlesque
13:55 – Nick’s list of cities, and the count is…
14:08 – Shout out to
14:30 – Nerdcon!
14:36- Dumbells and Dragons and the Wekk podcast
15:06 – Other features in 2.0 – Geolocation, additional locations
15:45 – NEW ZEALAND!
15:53 – EpicCon – V’s Cosplay will be there as Agents Books & Braun
16:35 – Overseas requests come in bursts, but 2.0 will be able to expand more
17:15 – What is the financial goal of the Kickstarter campaign?
17:54 – If you do a Kickstarter campaign, factor in taxes
18:15 – What questions does Elle have for Tee and Pip?
19:45 – What’s the frequency of posts?
20:15 – How many posts are we boosting?
21:00 – What was Pip’s strategy in boosting posts?
21:33 – The West Coast Steampunk folks need to get posting more!
22:08 – What are the incentives?
23:02 – Audiobook giveaways are popular
23:22 – Other authors are happy to provide eBooks
23:50 – Additional feature – filtering so you can keep it kid friendly
24:28 – Stickers! Game of Thrones! Harry Potter! Deadpool! The Flash! Stranger Things!
25:02 – The Con Survival Pack – Everything you need to survive a con
25:45 – Sponsorship levels
26:12 – Tee explains the uber level
27:32 – Personalization is a big, big thing
27:47 – Friday the 13th: The Video Game
28:28 – Mystery Science Theater 3000
28:50 – Habitica gets a mention
29:20 – What are some personalization options for Nerd Out 2.0?
29:49 – King or Queen Nerd of your town
30:50 – You could be the nerd in the logo!
31:50 – A launch party, with the nerdy burlesque people and Geeky Tees
32:38 – Do you have a plan b?
33:40 – The timing of the kickstarter
35:40 – Nick’s experience from the field –
36:00 – Garrison Tyranus of the 501st Legion
36:19 – +2 Charisma
37:06 – Tee foreshadows the Nick vs. Tee Westworld episode
38:30 – Here we go. Elle’s street cred…
39:02 – Agent Carter
39:35 – Riverdale
39:55 – The CW Alien Crossover event
41:44 – I know my value
42:32 – Where can we find Elle and the Nerd Out App
42:55 – Thanks from the Wolfpack to Elle, Tee and Pip!
43:50 – ADHD D&D
44:31 – We continue to search Vrath Keep, after a PSA about flammable oven mitts
45:50 – Comfy chair
47:16 – It’s a conference room
48:21 – We all react to the ridiculous goblin map
49:13 – Turgen wants halflings to eat
49:55 – Do not spill ranch dressing on yourself
51:45 – Young Shecky Greene
54:03 – Battle of Lexington and Concord
54:30 – Hey, Pharaxes, go set everything on fire!
55:39 – You want an arcana check?
57:20 – Take an automatic 20 (why not?)
58:58 – The nightmare refugee scenario
59:50 – Outro


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #68: Writing Under Duress

Welcome to December.

One month remaining in TWENTY-FREAKING-SIXTEEN!

How are you holding up?

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Nope. Not THAT episode. One more to go…
  • We are about as mature as toddlers.
  • Misfires on the drop-in’s and headphones
  • Is 2017 here yet?
  • So how about we get back to it?

01:54 — Episode #68: Writing under Duress

  • Watching the Facebook feed at the end of NaNoWriMo….and not seeing a lot of happy writers.
  • Let’s be honest about November and 2016 on a whole.
  • We got off to a great start…and then we lost two legends in one week!
  • Good thing The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh had a deadline before the 2016 Election.
  • Pip didn’t even vote and she shut down.
  • Watch us dance around the current political climate…
  • Creativity can sometimes be a path out of the darkness.
    • For Pip, she pulled out of a rough patch with 4000 words.
    • Tee got some help from Countless Hues of Crimson.
  • Does comedy help unlock the funk?
  • Tee’s trying to tell a story, but Pip is giving him a look…which doesn’t work well in audio.
  • When surrounded by tragedy, Tee found a groove with MOREVI.
  • Writing can be an escape. Writing can also be commentary.
  • The science fiction of the 1960’s was truly a chronicle of the time.
  • Tee turns the tables on Pip…
    • When Pip was at rock bottom, she created worlds.
    • Writing was a positive light in her life.
    • Without Pip’s divorce, Geist wouldn’t have happened.
  • We love Roger Ballantine on this show!
  • 2017 is going to be a GREAT year for us, writing-wise!
  • Comparing the angst and suffering against the Smoky Writers atmosphere
    • Duress doesn’t always have to be bad
    • Even in a nurturing environment, there is pressure!
    • Brussel sprouts are GOOD at Smoky Writers!
  • Regardless of the positive or negative duress, the quality of words is not necessarily different. They are still good.
  • 2016 can take a flying leap! (UPDATE: No, the cabin didn’t make it.)
  • A moment about creativity during darker times…
    • Pip has been sending Tee mixed messages about what kind of Bowie she likes.
    • Look at the Romantics and their own poetry of the time…
  • Tee explains Communism versus Socialism through a cookout analogy.
  • Crawling out of the muck of depression
  • When do you need help?
  • Take care of yourself.

27:54 — Listener Mail!

38:59 — Wrapping up

  • Got a question or a comment for us? Let us know at 703.791.1701 or email us an mp3 file at…
    • tee (at) teemorris (dot) com
    • pip (at) pjballantine (dot) com
    • Or drop us comments on social media!
    • And don’t forget that FANCY way to contact us via Instagram!
  • What’s coming up?
    • NOTHING!
    • Baking for the holidays. Smoking meats for the holidays.
  • Kicking off 2017 in January
  • A full writing schedule…
    • Countless Hues of Crimson (coming in December)
    • Audio version of Magical Mechanications (coming in December)
    • Tales from the Archives: The Final Season (going live at Christmas)
    • …and new stories from Pip and Tee coming in 2017!
  • We have a new name for our Canadian daughter…
  • Are you listening to Words of a Feather? How about Tee & Pip playing Dungeons & Dragons?
  • We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #67: Young Adult Fiction 101 — Part Two (with Scribe and Scribby)

With Curse of the Silver Pharaoh now out in print, Tee and Pip head to a renaissance festival for hilarity and sheananigans. They invited for their little merry jaunt a pair of Laurens who know a lot about writing Young Adult fiction. So even thought it is Tee’s birthday, we are giving YOU a present with this podcast for your Friday!!!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Missed a week, but for good reason!
  • We were having so much fun with Scribe and Scribby that we broke the show up into two parts!
  • So how about we get back to it?

01:57 — Episode #67: Young Adult Fiction 101 (with Scribe and Scribby) 

  • Picking up where we left off in looking over Tee’s blogpost on writing Young Adult fiction…
  • So as we are dealing with street kids in The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh, you might want to accept that they are not going to be little angels. IOW, they will not be talking like little angels.
  • Sonic Boom thought about taking on a Herculean task…
  • The conversation stems from a recent blogpost of Tee’s…
  • Quick shout-out to The Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • Turning to the Books of Potter on harsh language
  • So where is The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh falling?
    • Checking your age range
    • Tee’s first encounter with a “concerned” parent
    • Scribby’s own encounters
  • Reading habits of the Ladies in studio
  • How a book serves as a “safe space” for teens and tweens
  • A moment of fangirl awesome as Scribe and NYT Bestseller Gail Carriger meet Mercedes Lackey
  • The discovery of gay characters for a young, impressionable Lauren Harris? Not a big deal.
    • Scribby dealing with a “No Gay” Zone at the Library
    • The Pros and Cons of Labeling
  • A quick request for voicemail at 703.791.1701 on some music trivia
  • You got a church? PROTEST OUR BOOKS!!!
  • Tee’s Final Point: The Angst Level
    • The Light versus the Dark: Comparing The Flash and Supergirl with Arrow.
    • How Stephen Amell would make the  situation in The Fifth Wave work…
    • Teens are now laughing at the angst.
  • How angst changes between teens and adults
  • Remembering the balance of angst against the good times
  • Hey, Pip, who are The Famous Five?
  • Treating angst with care
  • So…what actually did go on at Pip’s private girl’s school???
  • Another reading from The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh
  • When it comes to S-E-X: Go gently in to that good night.
    • Scribby, there is a huge difference between a “love triangle” and a “threesome” if you are wondering…
    • Back to Gail Carriger and her handling of romance
    • The romantic ways of teens
    • Earning affections — not always so easy
    • And Tee is twelve years old, for the record
  • The real reason authors avoid sex in Young Adult: that “first time” is a little disastrous.
  • How author John Green gets it right
  • How Leigh Bardugo got it right for Scribe
  • Sex in Y.A. — more emotion, less scrappin’

34:57 — LootCrate Lookie-Loo

  • Two crates? What is this madness??? Oh, it’s the Loot Vault!
  • And do we need to remind you that Tee is twelve?
  • Loot Crate — July 2015 (Heroes 2)
    • Fresh from the 60’s, a Batman Q-Pop
    • A Star Trek air freshener (and Pip just got a new ride, so…)
    • A sweatband from Legend of Zelda for those extra-long runs!
    • From The Dark Knight, a multitool of a bottle opener and a keychain
    • A D.C. Bombshell Wonder Woman poster for Sonic Boom…maybe?
    • And with The Legion of Regrettable Superheroes, Tee’s collection is complete!
  • Loot Crate — January 2016 (Invaders)
    • A reminder of Tee’s childhood with a Q-Pop Space Invaders alien!
    • A plushie Face hugger!
    • Pip finally gets her Multi-Pass from The Fifth Element
    • A X-Files LED flashlight
    • Mini-prints from War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still
    • The X-Files tee shirt…that only Tee recognized
  • How the Vault differs from regular Loot Crates
    • All loot in the older crates are revealed
    • All crates are at a discount
  • Why is Boom in the doghouse tonight?
  • Loot Crate upgraded their pins between 2015 and 2016…and this is a good thing!
  • *sigh* Sometimes, Nerd Parenting is hard.
  • Going into details on what’s in the Vault.

45:28 — Wrapping up

  • Heading into the end of the year.
  • Pip doesn’t want to take a break. So got a question or a comment for us? Let us know at 703.791.1701 
  • What’s coming up?
    • Countless Hues of Crimson (coming in December)
    • Audio version of Magical Mechanications (coming in December)
    • Tales from the Archives: The Final Season (going live at Christmas)
  • Where are we going to be between now and the end of the year: 18-20 November, PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
  • Mad love to New Zealand!
  • Kicking off 2017 in January
  • A full writing schedule, including Pip’s latest novel, coming in 2017…
  • We are getting your voicemails and email, but we’ve been recording jam-packed shows of late. We will be getting to them soon! Until then…
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send me email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • BONUS OUT-TAKE: Some behind-the-scenes silliness


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

Episode #66: Young Adult Fiction 101 — Part One (with Lauren “Scribe” Harris and “Skribby”)

With Curse of the Silver Pharaoh now out in print, Tee and Pip head to a renaissance festival for hilarity and sheananigans. They invited for their little merry jaunt a pair of Laurens who know a lot about writing Young Adult fiction. So even thought it is Tee’s birthday, we are giving YOU a present with this podcast for your Friday!!!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Little wins can sometimes include kicking off a podcast
  • Epic Sized Introduction Drop-In’s for Epic Sized Ladies
  • On Tee’s To-Do List: Harvesting Kate McKinnon Outtakes
  • This visit all started at LaurenCon
    • Featuring really good vodka from Murlarkey Distilleries
    • Scribe and Scribby spent their visit hanging with the Boom…and the Boom LOVED it!
  • Did I mention Boom is twelve?
  • Librarians know how to party!

06:53 — Episode #66: Young Adult Fiction 101 (with Scribe and Scribby) 

  • We have EXPERTS in the studio on this!
  • See, we got The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh out now…and holy crap—it’s out!
  • Tee’s pitch for Silver Pharaoh
  • The conversation stems from a recent blogpost of Tee’s…
  • A brief moment of political discourse…
  • First Lesson: Don’t treat your audience like kids.
    • The danger of talking down to your audience
    • Comparing Harry Potter to The Hobbit
    • Pacing tends to affect the word count as well.
    • How tweens and teens deal with and explore morality, both in groups as well as in individuals
    • The matter of POV’s in Y.A. Fiction
  • Second Lesson: Your heroes are not prodigies.
  • A collection of Chosen Ones
    • The Maze Runner
    • Divergent
    • The Fifth Wave
  • What Harry Potter gets right about handling the Chosen One trope
  • Defending the Chosen One Trope
  • Tee and Jo? Yeah, we’re tight.
  • Now, if you want to talk Chosen Ones, TAKE A LOOK AT NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM….
    longbottomDamn, bro…
  • How Harry become the Chosen One
  • The Fifth Wave, exploring the power of the abs…
  • What set Katniss apart from other “Chosen One” heroes.
  • WE HAVE A LOT MORE TO SAY ON Y.A. but we will just have to pick up where we left off in two weeks.

30:49 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Where were we this weekend? This little party called The Maryland Renaissance Festival
  • Pimp that Kiwi — COMING IN 2017 ON THE CW!
    • First Stop: Barnes & Noble Power Plant…which was a disaster.
    • Next Stop: Barnes & Noble at JMU
    • Final Stop: Page After Page at MDRF
  • Comparing the North Carolina Renaissance Festival to Revel Grove
  • Doc Coleman — Your Map to the Grove
  • Tee’s Approach to Revel Grove, and how Page After Page is the center of this Tudor Nexus
  • Let Tee tell you about Puke & Snot
  • The show Tee never wrote for Shakespeare’s Skum
  • Another great thing about the Grove: SHOPPING!
  • What clothiers want to hear: “I wanna look like Claire.”
  • Skribby Fangirling is precious.
  • Boom’s Adventures in Revel Grove
  • Stuffed Dragons AT — THE — DOOR!
  • Boom was working the crowd like a champ.
  • Good first impression on Boom from Loot Crate!
  • Hey, LootCrate — how about a Stranger Things crate? Something to think about!

45:15 — Wrapping up

  • It’s all gold…so should we break this up, you think? (Spoiler Alert: We did.)
  • Our next podcast: Three Nasty Women and One Bad Hombre Podcast
  • What should be the content of a podcast? Let us know at 703.791.1701
  • Quick promo and shout-out for Revel Grove
  • Where will Scribe and Skribby be at the end of the year…
    • They just moved! (And they are so tired.)
    • Leaving really cool digs on the farm for a bachelorette pad of nasty women
    • Catching a breath and unpacking boxing
  • Bringing Katie and Skribby together — We must make that happen!
  • Where are we going to be between now and the end of the year: 18-20 November, PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
  • We need to also get in writing with Countless Hues of Crimson
    • Mad love for Verena Vorsatz
    • Broadening the reach of the Tribe
    • Final Fantasy cosplay shenanigans abound
  • Where to find Scribe and Skribby
  • A full Hogwarts house in this recording!
  • We are getting your voicemails and email, but we’ve been recording jam-packed shows of late. We will be getting to them soon! Until then…
    • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
    • Send me email —
    • Send Pip email —
    • …or find us on social media everywhere.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

Episode 65: New Collaborating Couples (with Piper J Drake and Matthew J Drake)


This Shared Desk is back with the timeshifting content as they unleash a new, collaborating couple on the world…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Our podcast can now retire…but why, when we are having this much fun?!
  • Pork?
  • And our special guests…Piper J Drake and HattsOfMatt who are visiting!!!
  • It’s a great visit because MurLarkey was involved!
  • Alright, time to sober up…

06:47 — New Collaborating Couples (with Piper and Matt!)

  • Look at who is collaborating on a book together!
  • And the drop-in’s are a-flying!
  • Matt passes the buck.
  • Piper J and Matthew are working on two proposals together!
  • Piper blanks on the name of the inspiration behind her Fantasy epic…which is Inkarnate.
  • Pip tries to pin Tee’s (then-current) stress level concerning The Silver Pharaoh on him, but…..
  • The original plan for Silver Pharaoh
    • This was supposed to be a solo project…and not for Tee.
    • We pause for a few moments of madness.
    • Tee brings it back…
    • …and this is how Pip and I wound up having another shared title.
    • That being said, Tee is loving the ride with the Ministry Seven.
  • Pip’s Advice on Collaborating with a S.O. — Don’t hold a grudge.
  • Yeah, this happened while Peej and Matt were here… (Expect to hear this at random points throughout the show.)
  • The advantage and disadvantage of working across really long distances…
  • Piper is stalking authors Ann Aguirre and Rachel Caine, working on a book together.
  • Piper’s jam for collaboration: Google Docs.
  • Tee’s secret weapon for getting in the last word: Good vodka.
  • A joy of collaboration: The Second Brain.
  • Remember that deadline we gave Matt back on Show #54? Well….
  • Playing on strengths
    • Tee makes people fight.
    • Pip sets the scene.
    • Matt relies on Piper to transcribe everything!
  • Spitballing Sessions: That’s good times there, bae!
  • If you listen close enough, you can hear Matt blushing.
  • Tee’s Advice on Collaborating with a S.O. — Be able to take criticism.
  • The Underwoods ain’t got nothin’ on Pip Ballantine
  • Pip’s a black belt in Passive Aggressive behavior…with an emphasis on the aggressive.
  • Matt’s Question: Why do you keep coming back to projects together?
  • Quick plug for the Geek Wolfpack Podcast and PIP’S EMBIGGONING.
  • Another reason to collaborate with a S.O.? It’s hella-fun!
  • Oh dear, we broke Matthew.

35:11 — Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • A return visit from Sonic Boom!
  • The themes for this go-round
    • For Mom & Dad — Speed
    • For Boom — Battlefield
  • Boom’s crate was a psyche-out — it’s just the membership tee-shirt.
  • So Boom joins in for Speed
    • Stark Racing from Iron Man II is the tee-shirt
    • The Batwing from Tim Burton’s Batman.
    • It’s Eleanor from Gone in 60 Seconds.
    • A Flash hoodie. Not the kind of hoodie you would think though…
    • A niiiiice Cylon Raider from Battlestar Galactica (the reboot)
    • The Loot Crate pin — slick!
  • Geeky parents are stepping up to see where their daughter’s crate is.
  • What about these other geeky properties?
  • Batman…not Boom’s fandom.
  • Cars…could be Boom’s fandom.
  • Boom waxes about past birthday parties and looks ahead to an upcoming celebration.

45:12 — Wrapping up

  • Timeshifting back to the present day!
  • The Loot Crate update
  • What’s coming up…
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show? We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
  • Too much timeshifting!
  • And here’s a quick throwback to when we were at Steampunk unLimited last year…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #64: Following up with K.T. Bryski and Her Writing Grant


The streak ends.

We managed to post on our bi-weekly schedule without fail from the beginning of this year to August 24, but as our break was on account of the upcoming Curse of the Silver Pharaoh, we thought you would be okay wth that. Our next two shows we have pre-recorded and are timeshifting the crap out of them, but we are back on track after a month of hardcore editing!

On this episode of The Shared Desk, we’re following-up with frequent guest and adoptive-Canadian-daughter, author K.T. Bryski, talking about her podcast Six Stories Told at Night. If you recall on Episode #46, we talked about the grant she submitted for this project. Now hear about the end result!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Tee flies solo in the introduction
  • So ends the streak.
  • Getting back on track with author K.T. Bryski.

01:55 — Episode #64: Follwing Up with K.T. Bryski

  • We like running video with Skype because we like the eye contact.
  • What brings K.T. back to the Shared Desk?
    • Back in October 2015, we talked about Grants onIf you recall on Episode #46.
    • Now, welcome to Episode #64.
    • A good chunk went to the vocal talent, Blythe Haynes. (And yes, she earned it!)
    • What is Six Stories Told at Night…apart from awesome?
    • What a breathtaking score! WHAT TALENTED MOFO DID YOU HIRE?!
    • And now, Tee works through his insecurity with Alex. (No, no, no….I love you, Alex…)
    • How some alcohol at the Smoky Writers Retreat becomes an incredible original score.
    • And, of course, artwork from Starla!
  • You got the idea. Now how do you get money from DAT HANDSOME PM and his governmental friends?
  • Where do you learn how to write grants?
  • Why not use Kickstarter instead of applying through a grant?
  • The Shared DeskTOTES UNEDITED!!!
  • When applying for grants, what happens when you are done?
    • Is there a review of the project?
    • Is there promotion from the grant foundation?
    • What happens after the project is done?
    • How is the accountability handled?
  • How has K.T.’s podcasting platform and recent writing accolades affected the Six Stories launch and its run?
  • 2016 has been the Year of Bryski!
  • K.T. and Blythe are up to some shenanigans at Black Creek….
  • What’s the response been to Six Stories?
  • And K.T. displays her bass drum skills.
  • A bit more man-love for the Canadian P.M.
  • Wait, what was the question? (Mmmmm….Trudeau……….)
  • So—Grants? worth it?
  • What’s next for K.T. Bryski?
  • Where will K.T. be?
    • CanCon (come and gone….)
    • Road Tripping to Northern Virginia!
  • And Tee lapses into his inner-Donald. (Sorry about that, folks.)

34:32 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • First time in-studio special guest…
  • How’s THAT for a trip down Memory Lane?!
  • One of Boom’s Early Words: “Podcast” (Parenting Done Right!)
  • Boom went with Gaming out of the Loot Crate options. Here’s why…
  • Overwatch? Yeah, that’s Boom’s jam.
  • Inside Boom’s FIRST crate…
    • August’s Theme — Mecha (as part of Loot Crate Gaming)
    • A cyberpunk figure from Deus Ex
    • A tee-shirt from Destiny (and Dad can’t trade it with Boom because it isn’t his size…DAMN!)
  • POP QUIZ: What are the three classes in Destiny? #ProudGamerParentsMoment
  • Back to the Loot Crate…
    • A baseball hat from Lawbreakers
    • A “Big Daddy” patch from the original Bioshock
    • A “Clap Trap” bottle opener from Borderlands 2
  • The interior of the crate reminds Boom of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and we go into the science of the box art.
  • Anyone out there know Lawbreakers?
  • Running down Boom’s first crate: Keep, In the Geek Box, or Something for a Friend?
  • Good first impression on Boom from Loot Crate!
  • Hey, LootCrate — how about a Stranger Things crate? Something to think about!

50:24 — Wrapping up

  • The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh drops tomorrow!
  • Where are we going to be between now and the end of the year…
    • 14-16 October, Steampunk unLimited in Strasburg, PA
    • 22 October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival in Annapolis, MD for the “Day of Wrong”
    • 18-20 November, PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
    • We are getting your voicemails and email, but we’ve been recording jam-packed shows of late. We will be getting to them soon! Until then…
      • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
      • Send me email —
      • Send Pip email —
      • …or find us on social media everywhere.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #63: Batman V Superman & Suicide Squad from the Writing Desk (with Laura Nicole)


This Shared Desk is, once again, a look at the silver screen from the Writer’s Desk. This time we have returned from watching Suicide Squad. With a re-watch of Batman V Superman fresh in our minds, we decide to do a breakdown of both films and discuss how Suicide Squad succeeded where BVS failed.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • The drop-in’s are hinting over what we’re talking about
  • Look who’s in studio—it’s Laura Nicole, the Gypsy in the Attic!
  • Tonight’s Drink
    • Tee’s going with an old favorite: Romantic Chemistry from Dogfish Head Ale
    • The ladies are embibing with a Richmond Favorite: Blue Bee Cider
  • Laura’s got a new book…provided she could remember this book’s title.


03:45 — Batman V Superman & Suicide Squad from the Writing Desk (with Laura Nicole)

  • In preparation for going to see Suicide Squad, we all settled in to watch Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. 
  • Working chronologically, but let’s talk a bit about the first impression of Suicide Squad.
  • Were there any funny moments in BvS? A few, actually…
  • Zac Snyder, fess up—you have no clue how to handle Kal, do you?
  • Stop playing favorites, Snyder!
  • Pip’s take on the plot of Batman V Superman: Utter ridiculousness.
  • How BvS is a great lesson in giving characters agency.
  • Tee’s new project: Bond CRIBS.
  • So why are people pissed at Superman again? Luthor? Senator Finch? Seriously, no one knows!
  • Even when the characters gained agency, the script stole it from them.
  • Anyone else think Doomsday was shoe-horned into this script?
  • No, Pip REALLY didn’t like Alexander Luthor.
  • Alexander Luthor, Social Media Douchebag.
  • For God’s Sake, Superman. Jesus Christ………
  • Addressing the 800-pound gorilla: DC Films is trying to catch up with Marvel.
  • Age of Ultron and Batman V Superman—what they share in common.
  • Pip loved Wonder Woman…but her presence was a little odd.
  • Both BvS and Suicide Squad suffered weak plots. That’s a shame.
  • The problem with Lois Lane.
  • What’s with the crazy dream sequences?!
  • The Writer’s Grades for Batman V Superman
    • Laura: D-
    • Pip: D
    • Tee: C- (I’m trying to be good to it, Billy Flynn…)
  • That script was begging to be Ol’ Yellered!
  • Onward to Suicide Squad
    • Better characters
    • The odd story was easier to follow.
    • AMANDA WALLER. Boom.
  • Where Tee wags a finger at Billy on the “multiverse” defense for these film, and talks a bit about the inherent problem with comic book movies.
  • In praise of flashbacks
  • Suicide Squad worked (more or less) with the ensamble cast.
    • Why didn’t Captain Boomerang get killed off? Why Slipknot, the one Native American character? I’m just saying.
    • Katana wasn’t needed…but she was awesome.
    • This wasn’t a Will Smith movie.
    • Tee’s favorite Harley Quinn Moment
  • One little problem: “The Big Bad”
    • Problems with The Enchantress as the main villain
    • The Joker. Okay…Tee’s trying to put behind him his own feelings on Method Acting. That being said…
  • A deep dive into the relationship between Joker and Harley (that Suicide Squad handled exceptionally well)
  • We wouldn’t say no to a Harley film.
  • This movie was not the mess that critics made it out to be.
  • The Writer’s Grades for Suicide Squad
    • Pip: A- (Like mother, like daughter)
    • Laura: B
    • Tee: B+
    • And a few tangents in-between…
  • Want to know the best way to take make an Aussie die in public?

54:56 — The LootCrate Lookie Loo

  • Time-shifting so we can get in this Lookie-Loo
  • Boom’s got her own Loot Crate happening. Stay tuned for that!
  • August’s Loot Crate: Anti-Hero
    • The Tee-shirt: Archer for President
    • Q-Fig Figurine: Harley Quinn and her hyena from the classic Batman: The Animated Series
    • Loot Wear: Kill Bill socks
    • Loot Crate pin: World of Warcraft
    • Loot Crate Exclusive: Hellboy’s Right Hand Of Doom
  • This crate is the first crate that we’re keeping EVERYTHING!
  • What’s in the Anti-Hero booklet?
  • Pip has a plan for all the pins…
  • Hold on, we’re time-shifting again!!!

1:02:12 — Wrapping up

  • Where will Laura be?
    • Chapatacon in October
    • Vally Free Radio (Vally Free
  • Tee steps up to see if he can still do the Radio DJ radio challenge. (And yes, he has still got it!)
  • What’s coming up for us?
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show or what we are rambling about at the end of the show?
    • We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
    • I have email —
    • Pip’s got email —
    • And Laura is at



Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

Episode #62: Developments in Social Media for Authors


Oh the times, they are a-changin’…

Social Media has been really busy since we last dropped a show for The Shared Desk, and as we agreed to do in our Social Media for Writers title, we’re going to talk about some of the changes happening as well as go into the best way to maximize your dollar on Facebook and other social media fronts.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • We’re rocking into the Sixties!
  • Tee enjoys the Cute of Melissa Benoist while Pip gets a little homesick.
  • The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Scribe Approved!
  • Thanks to author and sometimes-guest, Nick Kelly, Tee is recording with FireWire again!
  • Now, moving forward…

01:06 — Episode #62: Developments in Social Media for Writers

  • Today’s show is brought to you by Social Media for Writers.
  • There have been some changes this week in favorite Social Media platforms.
  • Pinterest
    • Talking from the seat of authority is Pip Ballantine, the Pinterest Warrior Princess
    • Cosmetic changes in how pins appear.
    • Looking for the “Pin It” button? Look to you right.
    • Promoted Pins — a new venture, a new opportunity
    • Precautions against SPAM
    • If you want to use a link on Pinterest, don’t bother. (Thanks for the head’s up, Pinterest.)
  • Yeah, we got great communication as a couple!
  • Facebook
    • Facebook changed the layout of the Page…
    • …and chances are you’ve got new algorithms to figure out, too.
    • Yes, Facebook saw record profits this year, but with a billion people using their service, they need to keep the lights on.
    • Do you want to promote a Page or a post? Thanks to Veritasium, here’s why we boost posts…
    • A look back on the fun days of Organic Reach.
    • If you want people to see content, it’s going to cost you.
    • So BE SMART on what you boost.
    • And when people dig your boosted posts, you should notice an uptick in Page Likes.
    • Facebook’s Rules on text in images.
  • Instagram
    • Did you know that Facebook acquired Instagram?
    • Step One: Know where your Instagram profile. Tee does. Pip, on the other hand…
    • A new look and a new option for Instagram accounts…Photo Aug 09, 9 24 21 PM
    • When jumping to a “Business Profile” you decide what you do and don’t share.
    • Yes, now you can go on and directly contact us through Instagram…
      Photo Aug 09, 9 24 39 PMPhoto Aug 07, 10 07 01 PM
    • Now as a Business on Instagram, you can promote images like this….
      Photo Aug 09, 9 31 47 PM
    • CORRECTION: Text-heavy images like the #TeaserTuesday selections can be promoted on Instagram!
    • Analytics are provided.
    • There are a few hiccups to clear, but overall? WOW!
    • It was all thanks to Geektitude and the Average Geek Podcast where Tee discovered this new Instagram feature.
  • And Tee lapses into his inner-Donald. (Sorry about that, folks.)

34:32 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • July’s Theme — Futuristic (and Pip’s hosting the honors…)
  • You know all these Loot Crate items we’re setting aside as we’re not into that fandom?
  • A contest that we’re announcing a winner at LaurenCon! Here’s what you have to do!
  • Inside the July crate…
    • A tee-shirt from Rick & Morty
    • Your very own Megaman
  • Pulling back the Butterfly Girl to the topic on hand about what we’re doing with the Loot Crate stuff outside our fandom.
  • Back to the July Crate…
    • A Futurama statue…and Tee thinks it’s pretty cool!
    • Star Trek Live Long & Prosper lapel pin
    • A Valiant Comics exclusive — Valiant 4001 A.D. (with David Mack lending his talents…)
    • Quick Tangent: Tee wrote for Valiant’s Harbinger and Bloodshot for Kindle Worlds
    • A Star Trek Enterprise-D sticker
  • So many fandoms, not enough time…
  • Hey, LootCrate — how about a Stranger Things crate? Something to think about!

43:59 — Wrapping up

  • Closing in to the end of 2016!
  • A couple of people we need to reach out to…
  • Where are we going to be between now and October…
    • 19-21 August, LaurenCon 2016 in an undisclosed location in North Carolina
    • 25 September, Tee is running the 2016 Dogfish Dash, an 8K race at the Dogfish Head Ale Brewery!
    • 14-16 October, Steampunk unLimited in Strasburg, PA
    • 22 October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival in Annapolis, MD for the “Day of Wrong”
    • …and then we’re taking a break. But if you or a friend have an event where you would like to see us…
      • Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
      • Send me email —
      • Send Pip email —
      • …or find us on social media everywhere.
  • We got projects reaching critical mass. Hopefully, news incoming.
  • Weren’t we taking a break? BREAKS ARE FOR DUDES!



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #61: REPOST — Panel Etiquette (with Special Guest Nick A. Kelly)



Due to an odd hiccup in the FTP, here is a repost of Episode #61, and this time all of it should be there. Nice timing though as we can share a link with you…


And now, to the show.

Back in the studio and back in your podcatcher of choice on the day we head out to Detroit, we are joined by Nick Kelly (who is taking notes on how we do things as we have another podcasting project in the works—STAY TUNED!) as we are asked by one of our listeners, “I am heading to conventions as a Guest. I’m on panels. What do I do?”

That’s why we are here for you. We know stuff.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Tee loses track of his cursor after a fantastic intro from Pip…whoopsie!
  • Still on track since the beginning of 2016!
  • Wait—Pip missed a Deadpool reference?!
  • Tonight’s Drink: Buffalo Trace (a bourbon…with a kick)
    • Reach behind you, Kelly, and pull out the bottle!
    • Sleeping well tonight with 90-Proof
    • Comparing Buffalo Trace to the Blade & Bow

02:53 — Panel Etiquette (with Special Guest Nick A. Kelly)

  • Yes, we take requests at The Shared Desk!
  • A good topic as we are heading to Detroit for Motor City SteamCon!
  • John Strangeway is going to be there. Joy!
  • The Potomac Nationals are not afraid to let their geek flag fly. Check out this jersey…
  • A tangent on Batman V Superman…
  • We Google “Cowboy Monkey Rodeo” so you won’t have to.
  • Minor Leagues will do ANYTHING to get people in the stands!
  • Heading to conventions not as Attendees but as Guest & Participants. So what can you do at a convention?
    • Pip defines a Panel and how it all works.
    • Tee gives a few stories behind how some Panels become Seminars.
    • Nick goes into the in’s and out’s of a Workshop, and how to make them a hit.
  • Do some research before your panel.
    • Who are you talking with on panels?
    • What are you talking about?
    • Who’s moderating the panel? Are you moderating the panel?
  • Remember, on a panel, it’s not all about you.
  • How do you handle a S.M.O.F.?
    • S.M.O.F. defined
    • It’s up to the moderator to tell the S.M.O.F. to STFU.
    • Stories of S.M.O.F.’s: the Good and the Bad
  • Moderators: The Panel’s SuperGlue
    • What Pip looks for in a Moderator
    • What happens when a Moderator doesn’t do their job, or has an agenda…
    • Moderators and S.M.O.F.’s: Game on, folks!
    • They are the Captains of the Panel and should be respected and obeyed.
  • Nick talks a bit about Lauren’s recent Shared Desk on panel etiquette.
  • Carl Cipra — Tee’s Yoda of Moderating
  • Our best moderator? Bill Blume of James River Writers. He read our books for a panel he was moderating with us!
  • Nothing says “insecurity” quite like a wall of books.
    • “I’m gonna build a WALL…and it’s gonna be beautiful…”
    • One or two books at the most in front of you.
    • Go digital and have an iPad showing off your cover art…but don’t make it a slide show about you.
  • Panels rely not just on your individual prep but on the prep of the other panelists.
  • Make no mistake: You can make an impression on an audience as a moderator.
  • What about Workshops? How do you prepare?
  • Nick Kelly IS a walking drop-in!
  • The peril of Workshops: Having one student that wants to comment on everything! (Let the other participants play.)
  • Always over-prepare for a workshop. Have too much to do!
  • When you get charged to run a workshop on dry material, you need to find some time to have fun.
  • The danger of Seminars: There are those audience members who think they are smarter than you.
  • A fine line between S.M.O.F.’s and a lack of social skills
  • How to handle a S.M.O.F. in a seminar
    • First Step: Be polite and try to answer the question.
    • Second Step: Take a firm stance.
    • Final Step: SHUT. THEM. DOWN.
  • With a final nod to the Great Pumpkin…

43:14 — Wrapping up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Filed under Episodes

Episode #60: Starting from Scratch…Again (with Special Guest Lauren “Scribe” Harris)


Hold on — Lauren “Scribe” Harris is back in studio?

Why, yes, yes, she is! With the Drakes out west, we need to fill the vacancy left behind; and Lauren is up for the challenge. Speaking of challenges, this week we’re facing that dreaded moment in a writer’s life when we look at a work-in-progress, realize that it is a ship sinking fast, and only one thing is left to do with it…

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Yay! Lauren’s back!
  • Tonight’s cocktail comes courtesy of MurLarkey’s Distilled Spirits, a Virginia Distillery and Bristow’s first!
    • Cinnamon Irish Coffee made with Cincerity
    • Tee prefers Smoke on the Mountain
    • This drink has a practical application, Lauren discovers
  • What brings Lauren back to the studio…

03:54 — Starting from Scratch…Again (with Lauren “Scribe” Harris) 

  • What happens when the story isn’t clicking?
    • For Pip, it was Hollywood Sentinels. A great idea…but just not a pleasant experience.
    • The story is broken, and Pip can’t discover the disconnect.
    • For Lauren, her own“Tackle & Grapple” happened not once but twice.
  • And here’s a new writer’s term: Ol’ Yellering a Novel. (I am so, so sorry.)
  • Lauren’s two Ol’ Yellers: The Mark of Flight and Hellhound
  • Is Ol’ Yellering a novel worth it?
  • If something feels wrong in a work-in-progress, chances are there is. Trust the instincts and start again.
  • Happy Fourth of July from our subdivision!
  • When two ideas struggle for attention, and one of the ideas isn’t falling into place, another idea might be worth pursuing.
  • Do you scrap an idea when you’re under contract? Sadly, yes.
  • How do you snap back psychologically from making the call of trashing a novel?
  • Before investing the energy and time into a broken story, consider what you are putting into it and the return from that investment.
  • What can be more crippling than scrapping a novel? Never finishing a novel.
  • Tee faces all these demons with Blackstar Rising.
  • This is the “Man Crush” moment of the show, featuring Chuck and Phil
  • No rapping! No rapping!
  • Tee’s reboot of Morevi. Not. Happening.
  • Lauren is a walking musical. You just randomly break out into song…
  • Sometimes, it’s better to walk forward than look back.
  • Scrapping an idea is not a reflection on you as a writer. It is a reflection on you as a professional.

31:42 — Writers Off the Clock

  • Still a favorite of Pip’s.
  • First stop for the weekend — Cobbler Mountain Cellars
    • We popped a “Bear Cherry” together.
    • Lauren’s favorite of the tasting: The Ginger Peach.
    • The Jeffersonian — Tastes Like Slavery
    • Cider Talk
  • Next stop: MurLarkey Distillery
    • This distillery is far too close to us!
    • Tee recalls his Vodka Vault experience…and how terrible it was.
    • However, the Divine Clarity was amazing!
    • Another surprise—the Imagination.
    • What we brought back— Clemoncy and Cincerity.
    • And we’ve been mixing drinks…
    • The winner of the weekend: Smoke on the Mountain
    • Good times at MurLarkey!
  • Clocking in time in the Man Cave with…
  • Escape Velocity, the first convention hosted by the Museum of Science Fiction
    • Where is everyone?
    • We looked good…but we were the only ones in costume.
    • Fantastic programming, and apparently that was where all the people were.
    • Steampunk in Anime, Film, and Print—the panel that almost wasn’t.
    • The convention crew was spot-on amazing!
    • Charles Dunbar and Doomtastic were on the panel…and we had a great time.
    • Then came The Big Score…and communication was proving a bit of a challenge.
    • Escape Velocity still came through, and I was able to give the presentation.
    • Always nice when you do a giveaway and your winners get excited over the free stuff!
    • Some advice to the con organizers for 2017…
    • We need folks like Pamela Gay, Stephen Grenade, John Cmar, and others on account of the STEM focus.
  • Keep listening to see if Tee, Pip, and others return for Escape Velocity 2017…

58:34 — Wrapping up

  • What do you know? We went long.
  • Where Lauren will be?
    • 16 JulyCongregate in High Point, North Carolina
    • Sometime in August — LaurenCon 2016 in Raleigh, North Carolina
  • What’s coming up for us?
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show or what we are rambling about at the end of the show?
    • We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
    • I have email —
    • Pip’s got email —
    • …and on various corners of social media!
  • Listen up — here’s where you can find all of us online!
  • Whoops! Tee swiped Pip’s closing line.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode #59: Calling “Shenanigans” on Penny Dreadful (SPOILERS, AHEAD!!!)


If you have not seen the season SERIES finale of Penny Dreadful, turn back now.

As fond the Victorian Gothic (with just a dash of steampunk) series is at quoting literature, let us give a quick quote of our own:

Do you hear, let them be well used; for
they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the
time: after your death you were better have a bad
epitaph than their ill report while you live.

While Tee and Pip would never go on record about their thoughts on another writer’s work, they let loose with the ranting as they feel betrayed both as fans and as writers. If you have been wanting a rant from Tee, here it comes NOW WITH 100% MORE KIWI!!!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Pip is working very hard to make everything interesting, even the show numbers…
  • We are nailing the posting schedule for 2016! How about that?
  • Jon Snow’s Tribute to Leeroy Jenkins — best thing on YouTube RIGHT NOW!!!
  • There are going to be a LOT of spoilers in this episode! Turn back now…
  • Deep breath, everyone…

00:44 — Episode #59: Calling “Shenanigans” on Penny Dreadful

  • Better buckle up…
  • Penny Dreadful. Some of the best television ever aired…UNTIL…
  • A word from show creator, John Logan.
    • 45-second audio from the video posted by Logan and Showtime
    • Series finale airs on Sunday night. This clip goes live the day after.
  • Finale ends. Announcement drops the day after of cancellation.
  • Then, all this week, images like these…
  • “It was always intended to be three seasons…” Really? REALLY?!
  • S-Bombs Ahead!
  • If Penny Dreadful was Vanessa’s story, then what about all these OTHER characters we’ve gotten to know?
  • Who introduces a whole new set of characters for a final season?
    • One of these characters is introduced in Episode 6 of a 9 Episode season?
    • A total of eight new characters…all set up for a final season centered around the six principles.
  • Concerning Dr. Henry Jekyll
    • Tee is a bit envious as to Penny Dreadful’s take
    • A season of dropping hints about his temper
    • Building, building, building…and then, Jekyll “goes on his rounds”…
    • Frankenstein caves, and Jekyll is more than okay with it. Well, okay…I guess?
    • Fan service in 3…2……..
  • Characters betraying themselves, and Jekyll’s potential reduced to a Lab Assistant.
  • Kaetenay tells Ethan “I have given you the power to save her…” but he forgets that somewhere on the way.
  • How did Cat do what she did in the final fight?! Sir Malcolm noticed!
  • “Hey, Victor—fancy bumping into you here!” Are you kidding me? You want Frankenstein in a firefight AFTER SEASON 2?!
  • Time Wasters for (what was) the Final Season
    • Dorian & Lily — Anyone else remember the end of Season 2?
    • The Creature — The problem with that was the actor. Rory Kinnear was SO — DAMN — GOOD!
    • …but this is Vanessa’s story. Remember?
  • And now we get to Vanessa…oh Vanessa…
  • And Dracula? What does he do when he sees his soulmate dead in Ethan’s arms?
  • What the hell, John Logan?!
  • Penny Dreadful was a fantastic show, and then Logan punted.
  • To say “That was the plan all along…” is a disservice. and terrible writing to boot. From people who know better.
  • Tee and Pip are still pissed. Turns out they aren’t the only ones.

30:27 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • Good thing we never not a Penny Dreadful crate.
  • Two boxes (again!) this go round!
    • May Clearance box
    • June Theme — Dystopia
  • Inside the May Clearance crate…
    • Funko Pop’s Han Solo from The Force Awakens
    • Star Trek Car Air Freshener of the Live Long & Prosper greeting
    • Batman v Superman indestructible wallet
    • Space Invaders necktie
    • Spy Mad Libs (Always cool!)
  • Inside the June Dystopia crate…
    • The tee-shirt — Robocop!
    • A Bioshock: Infinite blank key to turn into a house key
    • The lapel pin is a bomb….of course
    • A jigsaw puzzle from The Matrix
    • A Dorbs from Fallout
    • A Terminator 2: Judgment Day metal sign
  • What are we keeping, and what are we setting up for giveaways…
  • Still haven’t topped the Aliens crate. Yet.

36:12 — Wrapping up



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode #58: A Crash Course in Networking (with Lauren “Scribe” Harris)

On the way up to the event that is Balticon, Lauren “Scribe” Harris spent the night with us…and then she spent another night with us on the way home! We fired up the mic to enjoy a one-show before-and-after to talk with this talented up-and-coming author about meeting agents at a con. How do you approach agents? How do you not come across like “that author” at an event? Pull up a chair and have a listen to what advice we offer before Balticon, and then see how she fared up afterwards.

Oh, and after Balticon? “Scribe” may have fixed cocktails for us. It’s an jam-packed show, heading beyond the hour mark so be ready!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Holy crap, we’re back already behind the mic! And this time, we are not alone….
  • And our favorite Bavarian provides another drop-in for the show.

01:22 — A Crash Course in Networking (with Lauren “Scribe” Harris) 

  • Lauren asks Tee and Pip to help her prep for Balticon 50
  • So we are clear what is NOT happening when George R.R. Martin is at Balticon.
  • Some background on Lauren’s quest for an agent.
  • How do you approach an agent and not be “that author” in front of an editor or agent?
  • There’s Verena again!
  • If you can tell a story, you can talk to an agent.
  • Have business card, will travel.
  • Different icebreakers for editors and agents
  • You never stop feeling like a n00b. Just ask Tee and who he almost did a panel with…
  • Eye contact. Firm handshake. (Lauren’s got this!)
  • Play up coincidences and be yourself.
  • Don’t always be pitching. That can get real old, real quick.
  • A quick tangent on moderating panels.
  • What we do and we don’t like in panels and panel moderation.
  • Lauren has a plan…kinda.
  • Tee’s got a few ideas on how to relax.
  • Pip evokes the “Pull Pip Back” drop-in….
  • Breathing is good. So is perspective.

22:26 — Elevator Pitching 101

  • Lauren pitches to Tee and Pip, and Tee goes to work.
  • Elevator Pitches for Tee’s works-in-progress
    • Blackstar Rising
    • Wolf in the Fold
    • Countdown
  • Tee gets a hold of Lauren’s query and tries to make a pitch on the fly…
  • Man—Lauren is a HARSH critic!
  • Look for the touchstones of your query, and build your elevator pitch around that.
  • Keep the elevator pitches short, quick, and all in one sentence.
  • And Lauren knocks it out of the park with an elevator pitch for Song of the Heretic!
  • We evoke Damon Suede once more on the show…
  • Check it—Tee stumped Lauren with a literature reference.
  • Remember: The Elevator Pitch is your hook.
  • Make sure the pitches line up.

38:14 — Fast Forward to Post-Balticon (with Lauren “Scribe” Harris)

  • We have cocktails!
  • Yes, PJ and Matt, we are thinking of you…and are bitter about it.
  • Lauren will be stepping in as a Deep Southern PJ Schnyder…
  • So, Lauren settles in with panels alongside the agent. How did it go?
    • Panel One: Dealing with Rejection
    • Lauren handles introductions with the agent like a boss!
    • Panel Two: The Fine Art of Negotiation (or Lauren Thinks Fast on Her Feet)
    • It is always nice to have an audience eager to ask questions.
  • Don’t always count on the audience to be hungry to talk to agents and editors.
  • 9 a.m. panels can have a good turnout.
  • Yes, Tee called Lauren “darling” and everyone was okay with it. #SouthernThang
  • Taking a moment to talk a bit about Balticon and their bumpy weekend, logistically speaking.
  • A.F. Grappin of the was taking advantage of the new scheduling app…but not everyone was using the app…
  • And the podcast descends into hashtags and drop-in’s…
  • Lauren manages to score a card! Good sign!
  • And another opportunity for Lauren to show some savvy.
  • Here’s a Myke Cole moment for you.
  • The verbal invite to pitch: Achievement Unlocked!
  • And we’re on boobs….for some reason.
  • Lauren critiques her con performance.

58:35 — Lauren’s Impromptu Pitch Development

  • Lauren got a few of the Balticon Tribe together and gave her pitch a screening.
  • A pitch should be like a picture of a meal in a sushi restaurant.
  • Lauren got a chance to WITNESS with Hugh O’Donnell, get to know new Tribe better, and just hang with others of the Smoky Writers Mafia.
  • Wrapping up the overall Balticon 50 experience.

1:03:23 — Wrapping up

  • I would not be so crazy as to purposefully cut off  “Scribe” but we have been going for a spell…
  • Oh my god, Pip’s glass is EMPTY!!!
  • Lauren adds praise for the new hotel.
  • Waxing nostalgic over the PG Holyfield Cookout…
  • Where Lauren will be?
  • What’s coming up for us?
  • Lauren tempts Tee and Pip with Farpoint in February…
  •  …while Tee and Pip tempt Lauren back up to our area with Steampunk unLimited.
  • Go find Lauren online. Her website is right here!
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show?
    • We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
    • I have email —
    • Pip’s got email —
    • You can find us on social media…
    • …and yeah, Tee is on Snapchat as TheTeeMonster
  • Let’s all try and find Lauren on Snapchat…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode #57: The Value of Social Media (and Your Ability to Block Users)


Can you believe it? During CRUNCH WEEK, and we’re still on a bi-weekly target with shows…and from the looks of blog comments, questions from social media, and voicemail, it’s paying off! So welcome-welcome-welcome to another Shared Desk! Pull up a podcatcher and stay for a spell.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Tee finds his true feelings about his better half via The Punisher.
  • Pip is stumped. Where did this drop-in come from? (It’s iZombie, one of Tee’s new favorites.)
  • You know it’s a traumatic Game of Thrones when you watch Penny Dreadful to cheer yourself up!
  • And the work within The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences continues!
  • Backers and their eReaders are very happy this week!
  • Pip is ready for the arrival and shipping of books!
  • JAM PACKED SHOW ahead…especially the Loot Crate haul! (Still unopened, so she really does love me!)

04:33 — The Value of Social Media (and Your Ability to Block Users)

  • Chuck Wendig makes a post on Facebook that resonates with Tee & Pip.
  • Chuck’s post…really does make a lot of sense.
  • Do you UNFOLLOW someone, or do you BLOCK? That is the question.
  • Did you know we have a few opinions on social media?
  • “Team Follow Back” = InstaBlock.
  • Grandma, lay off the booze!
  • Pip—and apparently, the entire nation of New Zealand—love the Unfollow and Block.
  • TD-0013 and I do not always agree…but we respect each other.
  • Why do you want jerks in your life? To build character?
  • “But you might block a fan!” Well, we just talked about that…
  • So far, we haven’t encountered any problems…on our pro Pages. Our personal feeds, however…
  • Some terrific advice: “You don’t owe them a damn thing.”
  • Both professional and personal feeds have value. Treat them as such.
  • There is nothing wrong with comment moderation, with blocking feeds, and with overall social media management.
  • The Hodor clip now serves as a way to keep Pip in line.

17:51 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo

  • It’s a Lookie-Loo Times Two!!!
  • From Loot Crate, we got our Subscription…and a Special Edition!
    • May Theme: Power
    • Special Commemorative Crate: Aliens 30th Anniversary
  • May Crate
    • Avengers Infinity Gauntlet Grilling/Oven Mitt
    • An Incredible Hulk Figurine from Q-Fig
    • Plush keychain from Dragonball Z
    • World of Warcraft tee shirt (very high quality)
    • And a very cool Power guide!
  • Aliens Crate
    • The box is the crew carrier!
    • “Bug Stomper” tee-shirt
    • Alien Titan vinyl filter
    • 30th Anniversary hardbound Dark Horse graphic novel, Aliens
    • Cage Free Alien Eggs
    • Aliens metal print
    • Booklet also looks
  • Name that tune from James Horner

29:20 — Listener Mail!

  • Still feeling the Loot Crate afterglow.
  • We’ve got feedback from a LOT of people this go-round!
  • Voicemail
    • Nobilis Reed presents a possible scenario for when you turn to family and friends for support.
    • Nick Kelly wants to know how sold are we on our upcoming series finale.
      • Tee and Pip chat about best and worst finales from television.
      • How do we feel about the approaching end of the Ministry?
  • Maria Myrbeck asks for a cost-effective solution for organizing notes. We offer Evernote.
  • Michael Spence wants to sell books. Is that hard? With the Square, nope.
  • Wait—we have a Square upgrade?!
  • And comments from the blog!!!
  • We’d better wrap this show up as the moonshine is kicking in with Tee!

46:32 — Wrapping up

  • We managed to get A LOT in this show!
  • What’s coming up for us?
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show?
    • We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
    • I have email —
    • Pip’s got email —
    • You can find us on social media…
    • …and yeah, Tee is on Snapchat as TheTeeMonster
  • Pip’s going to stick her face into an egg now…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode 56: Your Friends & Family Are Not Your Fans (Nor Should You Plan for That)

Nope, no special guests. This time, you’re stuck with us. Fair warning about that — we may be a touch slaphappy, too….

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Pip doesn’t want to wait for the dip in the music to start talking.
  • We got to crank out this show as Pip wants to get to Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful
  • So what have been up to? Simply put—The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences.
  • Killing two birds with one stone…
  • The importance of a proof. Always get a proof before going to press!

04:55 — Killing Your Darlings

  • The inspiration behind this episode: A quaint (interpret that as a HEALTHY SIZED but WORTHWHILE) read from Virtual Wayfarer
  • Special note to Nobilis — The levels were off on account of me.
  • This platform has a lot of tie backs to the Podcasting Community and the platform of Giving It Away for Free
  • Even Wil Wheaton deals with the Free Model of the Interwebz.
  • Asking Piper J “Do you get the impression that authors cross promote other authors as they once did?”
  • Looking at that line between Fans and Friends
  • Keep your expectations low for your friends and family
  • Tee pulls up a memory of a bad book signing.
  • The Pity Buy — like the Pity Shag, just avoid it!
  • Your audience shouldn’t be your friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter. They should be outside those circles.
  • When Tee came to grips with looking at his social media platform more realistically.
  • You want to read books from authors you respect? Yeah, good luck with that…
  • As we mentioned on Geektitude, we have to be selective about when we consume content.
  • Giving negative feedback? No, we disagree.
  • Reach outside those bubbles.
  • Statistics? There are pluses and minuses there, too.
  • And social media is not what it once was.

24:28 — Seriously? Seriously.

  • Hey, a con invited us to attend…sorta….
  • This event is a BIG event. HUGE. MEGA-SIZED even…
  • Wait…when’s the event?
  • Hold on…you waited a month before your event, I can’t make it, and now you want me to what?
  • Aaaaaaand here — we — go……..
  • Hey there, Idiot P.R. Firm, meet our friend Chuck Wendig

33:30 — Listener Mail!

  • No voicemail, but email! Cool!
  • Michael Spence asks us about formatting of Cover Letters, as mentioned in our previous show.
    • Now, agents and editors are working digitally.
    • Tee looks back on the Morevi presentation.
    • Keep it professional. Short and sweet.
    • What matters above all else — following the agent’s or editor’s submission guidelines.
  • Brian Webber wonders about the value and the publication of fanfic.
    • What is your goal — friends online or publication?
    • The value of Fan Fiction
    • Filing off the serial numbers of your fan fic and getting it published—pros, cons, and challenges.
    • Fandoms are hungry for new stories.
    • Kindle Worlds — a viable option for semi-pro fiction. Tee’s done it. Twice.

43:42 — Wrapping up

  • Did what we say make sense?
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show?
    • We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
    • I have email —
    • Pip’s got email —
  • What’s coming up for us?
    • 13-15 May — The 2016 Steampunk World’s Fair
      • Pip believes that Tee’s met K.W. Jeter. He hasn’t.
      • And Tee gets a little surprise on what’s coming up for the weekend…
      • A special preview of The Ghost Rebellion will be ready as well!
    • 22-24 July, Motor City Steam Con in Detroit
    • Throughout the Summer, Steampunk U in Hershey, PA
    • Sadly….no Balticon. :^(
  • And now, off to the Tower of Joy….


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode #55: While My Guitar Gently Leaks (RT 2016 Retrospective)



Two writers.

One convention.

Madness in Vegas!

The plane had barely time to get properly cleaned by the ground crew before Pip and Tee started what was to be a week in Sin City. Sure they brought busy work in case there were any slow points…but thanks to Piper J. and Matthew J. Drake, that didn’t happen. Strap yourself in—it’s a retrospective of RT 2016 on The Shared Desk!

00:00 —  Introduction

02:15 — While My Guitar Gently Leaks… (An RT 2016 Retrospective)

  • RT Booklovers Convention in 2016 — a brand, new experience!
  • Arriving in Vegas early…
    • Tee rallies against the jetlag, and he and Matthew hit the Strip
    • Piper J Drake invites us to her “Rocker-Stripper Hangout” at the Elara.
    • We were teaching alongside Linnea Sinclair, Damon Suede, and Stacey Kade at the RT Pre-Boot Camp
    • Workshops a plenty for two days straight!
    • Even Tee picked up a few new things during the workshop!
    • A nice way to ease into the 2016 RT Convention…
  • Pip compares convention centers between 2015 and 2016.
  • Day One…and thanks to a purchase from the Miracle Mile, Pip and Tee enter the convention LIKE MOTHERF–ING ROCKSTARS!!!
  • “Vegas, baby!” — a phrase we used often.
  • Our first panel — “Steampunk: The Diverse Punk”
    • Addressing the 800-pound gorilla about diversity
    • How Tee felt being the “odd man out”
    • A quick tangent on peels and Nalini Singh
    • And we were off and running…
  • Pip Ballantine, always making new friends from Oz.
  • How an update to an app turned our “007 in a Corset: Spies & Steampunk” into The Tee & Pip Show.
  • Readers Entertainment Magazine loved us. I mean, they loved us!
  • We hooked up with  Starla Huchton eventually and it became a mini-Smoky Writers Reunion!
  • Later in the day, we hit the Social Media Fair…and we identify as the O.P.s (Original Podcasters) still rolling out the audio!
  • Jumping back to Damon Suede’s Cinema Craptastique and a treatment of Abduction. The horror, the horror……
  • Cirque du Punk
    • Pip meets Hope McCurdy, the embodiment of the Iron Lily.
    • Amazing circus performers!
    • Cyberpunked deejay FTW!
    • And here’s Pip, Starla, and PJ as the punked up RGB Scale…
  • So why was Tee getting attention during the day?
  • The Intergalactic Bar & Grille, hosted by Linnea and PJ. So — much — fun!
  • This was a healthy-sized collection…and an exclusive!
  • What an awesome experience! Really felt welcome!
  • Linnea must have liked me as she trusted me with her Mad Libs…
  • The RT Book Fair of 2016 — 600 authors, and a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE!!!
  • Ended the RT experience with a trip to Mandalay Bay’s Red Square.
  • The difference between infused vodka and straight vodka: delight versus rubbing alcohol.
  • The hard lesson of Vegas: EVERYONE IS TRYING TO UPSELL YOU!!!
  • And everyone is an enabler in Vegas. (Oooooh, Steve!!!)
  • But seriously, we loved Hash House a Go-Go!
  • Catching up with Rachel!
    • She’s working the Jersey Boys.
    • Off-the-Strip sushi…nom.
    • A really good beer place…that we can’t remember. (Help, Rachel!)
    • The Return to Frankie’s Tiki’s Room!!!
  • Was it worth it? Oh hell yes!

45:54 — The Loot Crate Lookie-loo! 

  • A new segment for the show…
  • We are newbies to LootCrate, and we LOVE it! So far…
    • February — The Dead Box
    • March — Versus
    • And now, April….
  • April’s LootCrate
    • The Labyrinth tee shirt
    • A drinking horn from Vikings
    • Harry Potter Horcrux socks
    • A d20 ice mold
    • A d20 lapel pin
    • Uncharted 4 poster
  • What’s in your box?
  • What should you do with the stuff you don’t like? (Free giveaways!)

51:48 — Listener Mailbox

  • Two shows in a row! Keep it up, everyone!!!
    • A quick update from Hugh O’Donnell and his “Warboy” drive from Tennessee to New York.
    • Doc Coleman asks about the decision process when picking and choosing conventions.
  • Keep the voicemail coming in at 703.791.1701 or drop us an email, Subject line — FOR THE SHARED DESK!

1:01:48 — Wrapping up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode 54: The Post-Retreat (with Special Guests Piper J Drake, Matthew Drake, and KT Bryski)



In our previous episode of The Shared Desk, Pip, Tee, Matt, and PJ all looked ahead to a week at the Smoky Writers’ Retreat. Now we jump ahead to the end of the week, and this time we are joined by KT Bryski. Cracking over an hour of word count goals, reflections on the fun, and serious talk about moonshine, The Shared Desk presents the Post-Retreat podcast.

Be warned — This way lies shenanigans!

00:00 —  Introduction

  • The drop-in’s reflect the week, pretty much…
  • It’s a NEW drop-in, just for Foo!
  • What is the name of this event?
  • Matt and Tee are ending the week as they started it — with Ole Smoky Moonshine’s Apple Pie!

03:54 — The Post-Retreat Podcast (with Piper, Matt, and KT!)

  • Only one hit of the shine, and Tee’s off the rails already.
  • What we accomplished at the Retreat…
    • Pip finishes The Silver Pharaoh, begins The Iron Lily, and continues into the Broken Galaxy; and she hit a Lowell! Just over 30,000 words accomplished.
    • Piper J Drake rocks her deadline with the True Hero series. 40,000 words in the can.
    • K.T. Bryski was a short story machine. BE AFRAID OF THE AWESOME!
    • Tee finally wrote Little Red Flying Hood, got handouts sorted for an upcoming RT workshop, and kicked off Blackstar Rising. Over 30,000 words in the week.
    • And now, Matthew J Drake, our accidental author…landing in over 20,000 words in a week!
  • A quick tangent on the Apple Pie Moonshine…and then, back to Matt….
  • Matt’s ascension into a full-fledged writer’s life.
  • Just avoid the dreaded note from KT Bryski, editor…
  • KT Bryski does NOT care for the new drop-in.
  • The story behind Piper’s new drop-in. (We love you, Foo!)
  • That drop-in and Penny Dreadful…KT’s kryptonite.
  • And now—what happened after hours….
    • KT’s favorite time — the presence of Lauren, and composing music with Starla!
    • Matt’s favorite time — the first group reading
    • Jumping back to KT’s off-hours visit to the Titanic Museum…a surprising find in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and what an experience!
    • Piper J Drake’s favorite time — visiting Ripley’s Aquarium and the somewhat-lubricated, off-hours chatter between authors.
    • Pip’s favorite time — chilling with Alex White
  • The Moonshine of Gatlinburg
  • All the neat touches of our cabin…
  • Hugh O’Donnell goes WAR BOY on us all!!! WITNESS HIM!!!
  • What a great experience!
  • Bryan Lincoln almost lost his work on account of a cleaning fit from Tee.
  • Let’s talk about the food of Smoky Writers Retreat!
    • Katie’s favorite meal — the Sticky Toffee Pudding
    • Matt’s favorite meal — the handmade Gnocchi
    • Piper’s favorite meal — the Ribs and GROWN-UP Mac-n-Cheese
    • Pip’s favorite meal — the Beef Wellington
    • Tee’s favorite meal — the Crepes and the Scrambled Egg Sweet Poatoes
    • Scotch Eggs, Chicken and Waffles, Brisket….cue Deadpool.
  • Tee returns to Piper and Matt about the comparison between Smoky Writers Retreat, Writing Excuses Retreat, and other writing retreats.

1:02:0o — Wrapping up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode 53: The Pre-Retreat (with Piper J & Matthew Drake)


This Shared Desk is a look into the past where authors look to the future. If you didn’t follow any of us online during the week of the Smoky Writers’ Retreat, then all this will be new to you! It’s the night before we set off for the mountains of Tennessee, and after a terrible day-that-stretched-into-the-night at the Day Job, Tee downs a bottle of high test beer and leads the podcast. It’s an episode of goal setting and profanity dropping. Hang on to something….

00:00 —  Introduction

  • Tee is one beer in…and yes, he is feeling it.
  • We need to come up with a new drop-in for Pip.
  • Matt recalls his delightful visit to The Man Cave of Old Town Manassas…and Tee simmers like a fine beef stew….
  • Aren’t you a little old for Snapchat, HattsOfMatt?
  • There’s a J-bomb, an F-bomb, and people talking over drop-in’s to add to the insanity of the day…but now, the countdown is on.

03:44 — The Pre-Retreat Podcast (with Piper and Matt!)

  • This is all Matt’s idea…both the podcast and Tee’s condition!
  • Smoky Mountain Writers 2016 — TOMORROW!!!
  • Matt and Piper are worried about Initiation Night.
  • The whole retreat is happening on account of Alex White. This is where it all began, and now….
  • Dogfish Head’s Higher Math — Anger in a Bottle.
  • Want to know what a bottle can do?
  • Alex White discovered by accident this retreat would be a thing.
  • Pip takes you through Smoky Mountain Writers 2015, sans Tee.
  • PIP BALLANTINE! PODCASTER EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!!!! (Are you serious, Ballantine?!)
  • And now Tee is a mess because of Pip’s damn mic…
  • What did Tee do during last year’s retreat? Well, alongside PJ and Matt….
  • What went WRONG last year.
  • Even drunk, Tee can still handle the drop-in’s.
  • Now keep in mind, Pip’s sober…and she’s doing odd things with her accent!
  • So PJ, Matt…what’s on your mind about this upcoming retreat?
  • Deadpool’s back.
  • Tales of Drinkin’ Lincoln, greetings from Lauren “Scribe” Harris, and all kinds of shenanigans from Year One.
  • Tee puts the Drakes on the spot about the Smoky Writers Retreat from the Writing Excuses Retreat that the Drakes attended…
  • You can goof off at Smoky Mountain Writers, but when the Accountability Hour comes around, you’re screwed.
  • Beware of Laser Dick.
  • Piper J Drake goes into the details about Extreme Honor and the ass she is currently kicking!
  • Tee is dropping the F-bomb liberally. He blames the beer.
  • Making plans for the hot tub.
  • Daredevil: Season 2 is out…and Matt just figured out that it’s out!

37:1o — Writers Off the Clock

  • Right now, Piper and Matt are trying to figure out how to watch the new Daredevil in less than 12 hours.
  • We’ve only watched the first episode…at this point.
  • We broaden Matt’s culture with the stuff we talk about.
  • The Expanse. Best science fiction in the past decade. (Yes, Tee went there.)
  • Do your Man Cave a favor. Set yourself up with the Hue.
  • Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and what Marvel brings to Netflix.
  • Remember Charlie Cox in Stardust? Tee loves him in that movie.
  • Piper J Drake does have an advantage with spinning kicks. Well, okay, two advantages…
  • How True Detective made an impression on Daredevil
  • A terrific YouTube for movie fans—Every Frame Is a Painting
  • Another show Tee’s really enjoying—iZombie. What—FUN!
  • Pip is still sober…and getting MIGHTY CRASS!

50:33 — Wrapping up

  • Pip’s enjoying a fantasy with Deadpool and Daredevil.
  • What are our goals for the Retreat?
  • The next time we sit down, we’re looking back to what we did when in the Smokies!
  • Tee stumbles through credits.
  • Got thoughts or comments on this show? We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
  • And the anger consumes Tee…but he still gets in the plugs.
  • And hey, Matt and Tee are making a podcast! COMING SOON!


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

1 Comment

Filed under Episodes

Episode 52: Kill Your Darlings — On Developmental Editing


Nope, no special guests. This time, you’re stuck with us. Fair warning about that — we may be a touch slaphappy, too….

00:00 —  Introduction

03:45 — Killing Your Darlings

  • Developmental editing — a lot like spending a weekend in either Midsomer County or Cabot Cove
  • We took a hatchet to our latest book, The Ghost Rebellion…but no worries, Verena & Christina, Eliza still gets to do the thing.
  • Starting at 120K, down-up-down-down-up….
  • Blah-blah-blah? Seriously?
  • The difference between developmental edits and line edits 
  • During these edits, our Kickstarter popped its head up to offer unexpected challenges.
  • I think Pip needs a nap…
  • The evolution of a character, thanks to SCIENCE! 
  • Oh, did you see what Pip did there with pushing our Ministry newsletter?
  • Cutting chapters is not the same as deleting characters!
  • Matt Drake is a bad influence on Tee.
  • Suna Dasi and Sarah Daniels are stepping in to help us out when we are culturally challenged. Maybe J.K. Rowling should have made a few calls…
  • What happens after the first round of developmental edits?
  • How Destiny comes into play with this show…
  • Want to make an author cry? Change a project’s parameters.
  • Walking the line between the integrity of your work and being a professional.
  • Tee’s Editing Patronus, Miss Sarah Hunter
  • Courtesy. It’s not all bad, you know?
  • Knowing the word count for your project is always a good thing.
  • Another problem with the developmental edits—making really hard calls when it comes to character’s individual fates.
  • Don’t be afraid to cut.

25:4o — Writers Off the Clock

  • What choo wanna do? I wanna shoop, baby…..
  • Talkin’ ’bout Deadpool.
  • Amazing what you can do with a limited budget.
  • What Deadpool and Howard Stern have in common…and then, going just that step further.
  • What Deadpool and The Passion of the Christ have in common…
  • This isn’t Verena’s first time modeling, but she is a little overwhelmed by being on a book cover. (Still, she loves it…a lot!)
  • Favorite one liners.
  • Ah, the joys of improvisation.
  • IKEA was paying attention when this movie was being made.
  • Remember, it’s not Wham……
  • What Deadpool got right, and kept getting right throughout the film…

39:25 — Wrapping up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

Comments Off on Episode 52: Kill Your Darlings — On Developmental Editing

Filed under Episodes

Episode 51: The ABC’s — Alcohol, Blizzards, and Cosplayers




The snow was falling.

The beer was flowing.

So we got into our pajamas, fired up the mic, and well…this is what happens when cosplayers and writers get together and drink! Christina’s back, Verena’s here, and we’re sharing the desk about cosplaying, Kickstarters, and the search for a craft beer that meets Bavaria’s approval.

00:00 —  Introduction

  • A quick intro from Tee Morris about how we cannot count.
  • Just to warn you, we may be here a while as we have nowhere to go presently…
  • In-Studio Guests
  • This episode brought to you by Hot Topic and Deadpool.

03:00 — Snowed In with Cosplayers

  • Food, Beer, and Toilet Paper…we are ready for the Epic Snowstorm of 2016!
  • The Ghost Rebellion Kickstarter brought the Bavarian and (unexpectedly) the Californian here…
  • Verena did not know us from a bar of soap, but she flew over here anyway.
  • Verena’s new love in America: Hot Topic.
  • Long before cosplay was a thing, little Verena was getting into cosplay for German book festivals!
  • What inspired these two cosplayers to decide on bringing Eliza to life?
  • Cover models at RT are not looking as badass as Verena’s or Christina’s Eliza.
  • Hold on—these two have been BFFs longer than we’ve known Verena!
  • Christina steps back to her first cosplay…and Pip gets a little lost while swimming in Lake Me.
  • The differences between cosplaying as Eliza and cosplaying as Sophia
  • Concerning cosplaying, showing off the goods, and Lauren “Double Pineapple” Harris
  • Recorded for posterity: We <3 Lauren’s boobs!
  • Verena’s philosophy on cosplay vs cleavage.

20:52 — A Day with GoForward Photography 

  • Spending the day with some really talented people at GoForward Photography
  • Shooting on a green screen. Optimal for cover composition.
  • Shooting for cosplay shots against book cover shots.
  • Studio Fotozon approached Verena a little differently from GoForward.
  • Christina is now taking applicants for Wellington cosplayers. Must look like Hiddleston…
  • This isn’t Verena’s first time modeling, but she is a little overwhelmed by being on a book cover. (Still, she loves it…a lot!)
  • Now Tee plays a nice drop-in, but Verena goes Deadpool. What a naughty Bavarian!
  • Pip has to do a double-take as Eliza was standing in front of her once Verena got into costume.
  • Then there is the cover shoot for Countless Hues of Crimson
    • It starts with a pineapple…
    • We named the pineapple. Mr. Heath Red.
    • Cue the madness. And an inappropriate joke or two. Or more.
    • Once back on topic, we were talking about fruit on a cover, and eventually, we reached the pineapple.
  • Heath Red, Drama Queen
  • Wait-wait-wait…how did David Bowie get into this?!
  • Christina has a lot of fabric…but no idea what to do with it.
  • At this point Deadpool becomes an unofficial fifth guest on the show.
  • What’s next for Verena? Apparently, it’s time for her to boldly go…
  • And at this point, Hot Topic becomes an unofficial sponsor for the show.

And here is the cover…


44:10 Writers off the Clock.

  • Sorry about the overmodulation, everyone.
  • Verena is not that impressed with the Craft Beer Movement here in the States.
  • Where we traveled to during Verena’s and Christina’s stay…
    • Old Bust Head Brewery
    • Dogfish Head Brewery and Distillery
    • Pen Druid Brewery
    • Copper Fox Distillery
  • Verena discovers Hot Topic, and we all descend into a Hot Topic tangent.
  • After Hot Topic, the adventure home…
  • And now, weathering the GREAT BLIZZARD OF 2016!!!

55:31 Voicemail!

1:18:48 Wrapping up

  • What the hell is wrong with my board?!
  • Maybe Hot Topic should sponsor The Shared Desk?
  • Your obligatory Idris Elba mention.
  • Tee’s planning to attend MAGFest 2016…which happened last week.
  • Oh, and the fifth book really needs to get done…which is done, and is now in
  • If you are in Germany, find Verena at the Leipzeig Book Fair 2016 and AnimeCon outside of Munich…
  • We need to get Verena set up online. She’s got great cosplay to show off.
  • “It’s not a Man-Purse! IT’S A SATCHEL!!!”
  • What was up with Jack Bauer and his mobile phone?!
  • Verena makes an appeal for patrons to fly Pip and Tee over to Bavaria. So talk to us! PayPal us!!!
  • Massive jelly over Thomas Willeford and his (apparently) rich patrons!
  • Did you hear that? We have voicemail — 703.791.1701
  • Where to find us online…



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode 50: A Look Ahead to 2016

The Shared Desk episode 49

We are back. ALL OF US! We had such a blast talking about 2015, we decided to keep the mics hot and talk a bit about 2016, so let’s not keep you waiting!

And hey— this is Episode 50!!!

00:00 — Introduction

  • The Mid-Life Crisis Episode….well, no not really…
  • Did we just drop a teaser for Episode #51?
  • Guests—SOUND OFF!!!
  • A liver joke…that K.T. doesn’t get?
  • So we were planning to talk about 2015 and 2016 all in  one show, but we all talk a lot….
  • When you have houseguests, get some mileage out of them.
  • Sonic Boom’s epic mic drop during her bedtime prayer. More like an audition for Trinity Episcopal.
  • What we’ve been doing during this wild weekend with houseguests…which includes getting in word count…
  • Drawing a parallel between Ex Machina and The Force Awakens

07:17 — Looking Ahead to 2016

  • To hear about what we accomplished last year, listen to this show.
  • K.T. Bryski is graduating from Stonecoast!
    • While waiting for her graduation, K.T.’s starting a novel
    • Tee blacks out on a really cool show done back in September where K.T. is working on a one-act play.
    • K.T. wants to work on other ideas germinating and gestating in her head.
  • Lauren “Scribe” Harris, has a multi-pronged plan for 2016
    • Obtaining her license
    • Completing second drafts on two novels
    • Completing audiobook projects
    • Writing a musical with K.T.
  • K.T. and Lauren share a moment of cuteness with just a touch of Jack Bauer
  • Lauren also has a cover shoot coming up
  • Matthew J. Drake
    • Piper is having a happy anime girl moment.
    • Matt is grasping the hard reality about the best laid plans.
    • Matt Drake, the Unexpected Author
    • Still pursuing advanced degrees and opportunities
    • Matt is still in video games, but not so much with Twitch.
    • Audio is drawing Matt into the flame….
  • Piper J. Drake kicks off 2016 with a BRAND NEW BOOK! 
    • Big step for PJD who is coming out of a box swinging HARD.
    • Hardcore promotion lies ahead.
    • With five books coming in 2016, she’s already lining up future projects!
    • Piper cracks the whip on Tee, and conspires with Pip…
  • Tee and Pip are also hitting 2016’s ground running
    • Complete The Ghost Rebellion
    • Complete Countless Hues of Crimson
    • Begin work on Operation: Endgame
    • Pip looks to complete The Silver Pharoh
    • Tee looks at Wolf in the Fold…again.
    • The Kickstarter has committed Tee to writing and recording Little Red Flying Hood
    • And with lessons learned in all our Kickstarter, Tee wants to pitch Crowdfunding for Writers to Writers’ Digest
  • …provided there are no surprise home D.I.Y. Projects.

27:41 — How do we make all this happen in 2016?

  • Piper J. prioritizes the projects by contracts, money value, and, day planners with neat-o re-stickable stickers, and Scrivener as a series bible!
  • A few thoughts about Evernote, something Tee needs to explore.
  • Matt just needs to narrow down his goals, and he’s planing a new website.
  • Technology is Matt’s jam, particularly a smartphone that does what it wants you to to do and has a LOT of space.
  • Lauren loves paper, by the way. That, and Angry Canadians.
  • An analog girl, Lauren works with old school day planners that are associated with their own unique projects.
  • Lauren’s secret for beautiful skin? A sound booth.
  • Lauren needs to get that license…then the creative endeavors take off.
  • How will K.T. make her 2016 happen? COFFEE. 
  • K.T. also has to schedule her creativity around Black Creek Brewery.
  • The struggle is real between creativity and exhaustion.
  •  How do you fit in time (and energy) for writing?
  • A discussion on Write or Die.
  • Another discussion on writing with music in the background.

56:13 Wrapping up


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode 49: A Look Back on 2015

The Shared Desk episode 49

This episode Pip and Tee talk about their experience so far with running a Kickstarter Campaign to fund the fifth Ministry Book, The Ghost Rebellion.

00:00 — Introduction

  • Way too hot in the studio to handle!
  • Guests—SOUND OFF!!!
  • Even Benedick is chilling out on the Cat Tree with all these studio guests
  • What is Matthew brewing up in Imagine That! Studios? (Everyone just hold on to something.)
  • Tea Bags for Beer? You’re soaking in it.

06:07 — Looking Back to 2015

  • Piper J. Drake talks about creating identities and working through a year of transition.
  • Matthew J. Drake…who is this guy?
  • Lauren “Scribe” Harris, back in house with us…and memories of Smoky Mountains.
    • Back to school.
    • Finishing a draft.
    • Releasing a novel.
    • And recording audio.
  • And now, we’re on to our favorite Canadian…
  • K.T. Bryski looks back on her own year of transition and short story exploration.
  • Canadians make Tee cry.
  • Wicked Abs of Steel….coming soon from Lauren “Scribe” Harris…
  • Tee and Pip talk about 2015, their Year of Accomplishment.
  • Turning to the Beer Tea, after a time of steeping.
    • So we look at the color and we smell the liquid….
    • ….and it tastes like Popcorn Juice.
    • Lauren don’t beer.

36:20 — How did we make 2015 happen?

  • Katie and Lauren draw things with Sharpies.
  • Lauren is also into lists. And day planners.
  • Trash talking breaks out between Pantsers and Plotters.
  • Matt is getting into writing, and Habitica is his special place.
  • Piper is working with Microsoft Project, and loves it madly. Along with Macs, apps, and other tech toys.
  • The Mac Vs. PC debate raises its ugly head. Again.
  • Setting up dedicated work spaces.
  • Let’s talk about 2016….on a brand new show!

52:15 Wrapping up


So Tee is responsible for the lack of editing. Slacker.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


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Episode 48: A Writer’s Look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens (with Dr. Stacia and Nick Kelly)


We managed to get into the studio and we’re letting colorful language and personal opinions fly as we welcome back to the Shared Desk Dr. Stacia Kelly and Nick Kelly into the new studio with a spoilerific episode at what all the nerdy kids are all running to the theatres to see…

00:00 Introduction

  • We’re back, and Tee still remembers how everything works!
  • Stacia’s lifting weights, and Nick is taking to edits on their works-in-progress.
  • Nick is refusing to look at the White Board Wall as The Ghost Rebellion is completely mapped out.


We kick back and talk all about….


1:07:18 Some After-Force, Slightly-Spoilery Banter

  • We talk a bit about what upcoming plans for travel, book events, and the like.
  • What to see in London.
  • Don’t be in London in case of any natural disasters…but if aliens show up, keep an eye out for a madman in a box…
  • Pip encourages a fantasy of Tee’s at the Globe Theatre.
  • No more Crazy Uncle Charlie.
  • A tangent on William Hootkins
  • What we are watching on television. MORE SPOILERS AHEAD!
  • Wrapping it all up…



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or Tee’s Periscope Channel on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


Filed under Episodes

Episode #47 – Kicking with Kickstarter

The Shared Desk


This episode Pip and Tee talk about their experience so far with running a Kickstarter Campaign to fund the fifth Ministry Book, The Ghost Rebellion.

00:00 Introduction

03:42 Talking about Kickstarter at nearly two weeks in.

  • 162% funded!
  • Tee and Pip were involved in a Kickstarter with Galileo Games back in 2013
  • Now the Ghost Rebellion Kickstarter is live.
  • Pip lays down the situation that brought us to Kickstarting. It involves orphaning and sad violins.
  • Luckily we live in the new, shiny world of publishing, and we know people to help us.
  • We chose the barest minimum goal.
  • Don’t forget about taxes Kickstarters! Don’t forget!!
  • How social media bears repeating since it still misses people.
  • Good thing Kickstarter campaigns go a month or folks might miss them altogether.
  • Pip and Tee are excited and surprised to hit their goal so quickly.
  • Talking about stretch goals and add-ons. Oh my!
  • Plan for the basics, and then work from there.
  • Keep something in the tank for the mid-campaign slump.
  • As prepared as we were, we’re still a little caught out.
  • Do your math—especially for physical offerings—twice before announcing.
  • Our add-ons include hardbacks, signed prints from Verena Vosatz (including an exclusive Kickstarter only), key rings from Brute Force Studios.
  • Everyone loves exclusives!
  • Keep the graphics coming. People love images!
  • Kicktraq has some pretty great estimates, but we are keeping our feet on the ground.
  • Pip shares her plans for Operation Endgame.
  • Tee’s head is hurting, but Pip presents what she thinks they are doing right. Thanks for the education JR and Brennan.
  • Keep channels open, keep the updates coming for your backers, and listen to their suggestions.
  • Keep some fun in reserve.
  • Tee talks about failure, and Pip talks about leveraging New York.
  • Go in realistically.

23:58 Writers off the Clock.

  • John Cleese and Eric Idle Tour (which is wrapping up, which Pip and Tee didn’t know at the time of recording)
  • Tee hesitated, but lucky they added a new show.
  • Tee tells a story from Graham Chapman
  • Pip compares the stories of the early days of Monty Python to the early days of podcasting…
  • Pip suffers from wall to wall British.
  • If you haven’t seen Monty Python, go watch some…perhaps on Youtube.
  • We sang some fabulous songs…

37:11 Voicemail!

  • Nobilis calls in with information on the status of his innards
  • Violet calls in for Uncle Charlie
  • Uncle Charlie gets let out of the basement to Pip’s distrust.
  • Charlie listens to voicemail, and then says something we’ve never heard from him before.

42:50 Wrapping up

  • We love voicemail, so send us a question, comment for any of us.
  • We’ve booked another event for 2016—Steampunk Worlds Fair. Check out our appearances page to find out where you can see us.
  • Hoping the Tesla Science Center will be open then so we can see our Ministry Brick.
  • Concentrating on getting to $15,000 for the Ghost Rebellion
  • Pip has sent off Born in the Blood, their co-written project. Tee wrote the synopsis, while Pip drew a terrible map
  • Onwards to Christmas!
  • Pip tries to help, and there may be arguments…which Tee covers with music so Pip can’t edit it out.



So Tee is responsible for the lack of editing. Slacker.


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


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Episode #46: KT and Grants…


The Shared Desk with Katie

This episode Pip and Tee are joined in the studio with Canadian powerhouse writer, KT Bryski.

00:00 Introduction, and a little Vanessa Ives

  • Tee wonders why he bothers…
  • KT Bryski joins us in the studio even while we have a Penny Dreadful moment.
  • KT drops the F-bomb and admits for an undying love of Eva Greene.
  • Pip finally gets a drink, a Winchester Ciderworks Malice, while a jug of Paranoia from Pen Druid Brewery awaits upstairs. The other two breweries KT and Tee partook from were Old Busthead and Dogfish Head.
  • Tee did the Dogfish Dash and the daughters make signs!
  • Tee has an interesting breakfast at the Dash, while the only beer Pip likes is donedoneDONE! (until next year)
  • Pip grabs a Dogfish Head Beach Beer with vodka in it. Noice!

11:18 Talking about grant writing

  • An artist who wants to live!
  • Exposure will kill you, especially in Canada!
  • In grant writing, KT is showing that she is using Canadian talent, and showcase Canadian stories.
  • KT is writing an audio drama containing five Canadian folk pieces.
  • Tee is disappointed by the lack of back-bacon, but this is more about awareness of Canadian culture.
  • Breaking down the budget is important. Where does every penny go?
  • KT is asking for a modest amount, but how did she learn how to write this?
  • Friends are very useful, especially when they have taken a grant writing course
  • Writing a grant is not a press release. It is an academic breakdown. Plain words, plain paper.
  • Use affirmative words, as if you are already in process.
  • So why didn’t KT use Kickstarter or Paetron?
  • KT actually does believe in spreading Canadian culture—that’s why!
  • Pip talks a little bit about something similar in New Zealand, but not being able to find enough actors…New Zealand actors!
  • We talk about government programs…
  • Just because something is produced in Canada, doesn’t make it Canadian…
  • What happens to a grant after you’ve written it
  • Letters of support from people like…Tee and Pip. Pip has experience with introducing people to foreign cultures!
  • Are you a professional?
  • Campfire Radio Theatre, Coxwood History Fun Park, and Beneath Northumberland are where you can find Blythe Haynes in action.
  • Ask KT if she’d do it again once she gets to the end!
  • It’s been quite a long three years.

29:53 Voicemail!!

  • Tee has a new bumper!!
  • We need more voicemail…send it!!
  • Call us back Nobilis
  • Chris Lester of Metamor City calls about the Nazi romance, and it’s all about Esther.
  • However…the romance and shoehorned romance make it wrong.
  • Tee calls it treason KT didn’t hear the last Shared Desk, but she figures it out

36:56 Wrapping it up with KT


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.



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Episode #45: The World is Full of Disturbing Books




This episode Pip and Tee find something to throw bricks at, and something to send flowers too…

00:00 Introduction, and a little commentary

  • Pip tries something different with her voice.
  • Tee tries to keep his board in order
  • A Shared Desk per month is #WINNING

03:37 Diving into the controversy of the RITAs

  • Flavourwire article
  • Bring on the Nazis!
  • Pip’s face tries to explain the face she is making…Tee just thinks it is inappropriate
  • Authors and publishers are allowed to publish whatever they like, but is it in good taste?
  • Pip and Tee wonder where the romance can possibly come from in this situation. Stockholm syndrome doesn’t make for good vibes
  • Has the trend for ‘fixing’ the bad boy gone WAAAYYY too far?
  • Tee comes up with some other suggestions for awful situations that also wouldn’t promote romance.
  • Pretty impossible to give consent in the book’s situation.
  • Tee talks about the Merchant of Venice, another problematic story. It shares the theme of converting to Christianity.
  • The world is full of disturbing books, and Tee is impressed by some of the turn arounds on them.
  • Something similar to this book happened in Schindler’s List.
  • Pip suggests a great way to fix Nazis, the Nuremberg trials.
  • Thankfully it didn’t win…

22:19 Writers Off the Clock: The Jazz Standard Edition

31:59 Wrapping this eclectic show up

  • Wrap up for the year of touring.
  • Tee is running in the Dogfish Dash and K T Bryski will be watching!!
  • Little announcement, Tee and Pip are the steampunk captains for RT 2016
  • We’ll be watching Steampunk’d with our friend Thomas Willeford in it. Go check it out!!
  • Send us voicemail!!
  • It has been a year since we lost PG Holyfield. Please consider buying the anthology we helped put together, or if you have already, please leave a review.



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


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Episode #44: All About New Space


The Shared Desk

This episode it is just Pip and Tee in the studio…but it is a somewhat different studio.

00:00 Introduction, and a little commentary

  • Pip and Tee make eye contact for the first time on the Shared Desk
  • Tee has some new drop ins…
  • The duo look forward to seeing Ash vs the Evil Dead.
  • Pip has cracked and is looking for drop ins herself
  • Stuff is getting painted because Pip looks at too much Pinterest

05:26 Making time to make author space

  •  The old ‘shared desk’ is dead after a hammer attack
  • Two desks together mean Pip and Tee can talk to each other. Here’s what they went with.
  • No one likes upside down kit set furniture
  • When choosing furniture, make sure to take into account cats
  • Pip is getting used to it, after perching!
  • Getting cocky with a rubber band Pip found in her desk!
  • Does new space mean more creativity?
  • Less distractions and being together seem to be helping
  • Shared offices often mean side to side seating, or back to back.
  • Nick Kelly and Stacia D Kelly have a interesting layout in their office.
  • Pip likes her drawers
  • The benefits (and dangers) of having multiple monitors.
  • Tee now has his back to the door.
  • Pip and Tee have no chance of an author shed


23:18 Writers off the clock. Sense8

  • As writers Pip and Tee are digging Sense8
  • Even though Tee spells it wrong
  • Sense8 has some of the most global, diverse and fascinating writing.
  • Check out the cast
  • Supporting characters are also amazing
  • Like writing novels, having a plan is a good idea. Sense8 has a five season arc apparently.
  • Exposes watchers to different realities.
  • Tee waxes lyrical on actors he has known
  • Even the music is beautiful
  • Conan and Van Damme have their moments

38:44 Wrap Up

  • There is no chance of a half an hour the Shared Desk
  • Since Pip is staring at the board now so she’s in charge of upcoming appearances
  • If you’re in New York at the Writer’s Digest Pip and Tee are talking about social media and steampunk
  • Look for the duo at Steampunk Unlimited.
  • Tee and Pip are working on the fifth Ministry book and on an epic fantasy series called, the Blood Road (lots of dead people already!)
  • New supplements for the Ministry Initiative have been approved so look for the villains soon! Buy Tools of the Trade now
  • Donations were made to Inn Roads Ministries and TavernCon
  • Our model will hopefully be back for Book Five of the Ministry
  • Thanks to the fans, we’re on Locus Bestseller List
  • Send us a picture of your writing space!



Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.


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Episode #43- The Cosplay with Christina episode

Cosplay with Christina

Last week, we were supposed to be at Capital Con, but at the very last minute the event was cancelled. This meant our cosplaying guest Christina Payton was coming from California to Virginia, with all her outfits, for nothing. Well, that wouldn’t stand with us, so in this episode we wander into the unfamilar to us world of cosplayers and authors.

00:00 Introduction and VirginiaCon

  • We begin with much head-bopping that doesn’t really work for podcast.
  • We welcome Christina Payton to the Shared Desk
  • Deadlines…but a 70k book that is Social Media for Authors! (Pre Order now if you like)
  • We discuss the demise of Capital Con
  • Hotels, knock off being mean to geeks
  • Tee talks about his past experience with cons and shenanigans
  • So Pip and Tee whip up VirginiaCon.
  • Luray Caverns, and eating at Pavemint. Also, beer sneaks in. Sweet Baby Jesus…and some other beer…
  • VirginiaCon then rolled onto Old Busthead Brewery and the Bone
  • Pip played Mom and dropped off Tee and Christina at the Northern Virginia Summer Brefest
  • Look for Tee on Untappd as Teemonster
  • Flying Dog and Hunter S Thompson
  • Everyone loves food trucks, but DC Slices is highly recommended by Tee
  • Finally some cider for Pip. Winchester Cider works.
  • Atlas Brewery in DC has a steampunk theme, so maybe we could do something there.
  • The Pip and Tee take Christina to Proper Pie, and Blue Bee Cider. All three of us lose our memory…
  • And we visit Agecroft Hall for a little history…
  • VirginiaCon ends in the Manassas area.

26:58 Christina shows her mad cosplay skills


  • Christina reveals her cosplay as Eliza D Braun from the Diamond Conspiracy, when she goes in disguise as a gentleman…
  • Shout out to Verena in Germany
  • Pip and Tee sum up our connection with Christina. It goes back to Emerald City and Demicon.
  • Christina’s cosplay includes; the Antarctica mission, the opera dress, and the suffragette.
  • Cosplay is all about finding the right fabrics.
  • Cosplay also evolves as you find more accessories
  • Christina surprises Pip with her cosplay of Sorcha!
  • Tee asks how authors can help out cosplayers. Christina says it’s like picking your favourite song.
  • So which was more complicated?
  • Apparently Christina is great at whacking
  • Pip loses her mind and asks the probing questions. Jason Chan is hopefully happy.
  • Pip and Tee think about Mysticon
  • V’s Cosplay
  • But where are the Wellingtons?
  • We’ve had a Ravyn Macallister
  • So what drives someone to cosplay?
  • Christina talks about what got her into it.
  • Pip waxes lyrical on her experience with satin…
  • Christina reads the first three chapters of book five, and already has ideas…
  • Christina and Verena get chatty

51:34 The Wrapup

  • Pip is surprised that time passes
  • Christina talks about where you can find her. Wizardworld Comic Con in LA. Maybe a visit to the lighthouse in California from Dawn’s Early Light.
  • A gender bent, steampunk Thranduil might be coming your way.
  • Look for Pip and Tee at the Writers Digest Convention
  • Pip and Tee had a fun time at the Rosemary House. There might be a return visit in the future, especially if we can sort things out with Mystery Books
  • Find Christina at ElizaDBraunismyguru
  • We’re looking out for teashops…


Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.

Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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Episode #42 The Beer with Katie episode

The Shared Desk with Katie

This episode we head on back to March this year, when Katie Bryski was staying. The three amigos talk beer

00:00 Introduction, and a little commentary

  • Tee gets his acting fix in and devours some candy
  • Pip and Tee boogie down to some Canadian music.
  • Pip gets cranky about passing time, but reminds listeners this is probably NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
  • Pip fears the show notes…again…

4:31 We begin with beer

    • Tee and Katie are happy. Pip is concerned she hasn’t drunk anything for this podcast.
    • Katie enjoys her drop-in and claims sobriety.
    • The King’s feast is all about meat

Dogfish Head stein

  • Dogfish brewhouse should be the sponsor of this show
  • Beer is better from handmade steins
  • Katie is impressed with how much meat America has
  • Tee has trouble with his Facebook posts, and Pip is a supportive wife.
  • Katie and Tee wax lyrical about Dogfish Head’s ancient ales.
  • And then wander towards Old Busthead Brewery
  • Apparently Pip is bored by beer, and hands out some side-eye

15:43 The Topic at hand is found!

  • Pip, K T and PC Haring head to the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee
  • The second year of Smoky Writers is held, and organized by Alex White
  • The intrepid travelers meet a white out…not an Alex White out though…
  • When trucks pull over, it’s a good and safe idea for you to pull off too.
  • Welcome to the monastery of writing wherein we find Starla Huchton and Abigail Hilton
  • The joys of a writing retreat—being surrounded by creative people
  • Hugh O’Donnell and Bryan Lincoln
  • There were awards
  • Shout out to Chris Bupp and Renee Chantel White who cooked our meals
  • Mention episode #40 here, live from Smoky Writers
  • Pip has a biffing stone…whatever that is
  • Alex White has a great series of blogposts on how you can do this kind of writing retreat. Part One. Part Two. Part Three. Part Four.
  • Uh…ohhh problems with the cabin, but Alex is still awesome…
  • Outlets, alcohol, food, friends, hot-tub(s)

25:09 What Tee got up to while we were away

  • PJ Schnyder and Matt Ord worked with Tee on a book trailer, and shot in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Tee waxes melancholy on previous book trailers, but admits some faults
  • Thanks to James River Writers and Bill Blume
  • Pip let’s Tee give his deep South story
  • Once again the Proper Pie Company pops up again. Why are they not sponsoring this podcast too??!
  • Pip tries to make a slogan for them.

34:46 Writers Off the Clock- Vampires and Gothic

  • Pip and Tee introduce Katie to What We Do in the Shadows
  • It is now available in the US, on itunes and other outlets
  • So vampires flatting together
  • Everyone does the accent, even the mayor of Wellington (Vellington)
  • Everyone loves Stu!
  • Even the Smoky Writers loved this movie!
  • Katie is now hooked to Penny Dreadful
  • Timothy Dalton reads Keats, and we all get it.
  • Dave Robison reads for Katie’s work at Black Creek Pioneer Village
  • Great cast, and great writing- but also lots of nakedness…
  • Oh dancing so close to steampunk!

46:46 Time to wrap up

  • Apparently they broke their stein
  • Because of time shifting you’ve already missed us in Rotorua, Ravecon, and even Balticon
  • Some Australians did actually come over!
  • Katie hit AdAstra with Eric Buchanan
  • Katie plugs her diabolical plot, but timeshifting means…whoops it has already happened!
  • Katie hates to leave, and Viola doesn’t want her to go. Neither do we…
  • The team heads out to watch Penny Dreadful with a bunch of apologies


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Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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