Tag Archives: Lucia Etxebarria

The Shared Desk — Episode #009: Looking Back and Planning ahead

Welcome to the end of 2011, and with a busy Christmas behind them, Tee and Pip are releasing an onslaught of podcasts (starting actually back on Christmas eve with a Tales from the Archives Christmas Special), and The Shared Desk is part of that aural assault. Ending one heck of a year, Tee and Pip not only look back on 2011 but share a few ideas for what they are planning for the new year…

00:00 — Introduction

  • The first (of many) drop-in’s hits Pip without warning…
  • Tee’s got a new set-up for the show — a new toy called Soundboard.

01:11 — A Look Back at 2011

12:00 — Planning for 2012

  • Pre-production on The Janus Affair book trailer
    • Lessons learned from the Phoenix Rising book trailer
    • Parts are being cast, and ideas are flying…
    • What we’re planning for this book trailer, and any additional footage.
  • Tales from the Archives: Volume 2, coming in April
  • The 2012 Convention Tour
    • How Tee and Pip narrow down their con schedule
    • What are the “definities” of the 2012 con schedule?
  • Pip’s upcoming releases — it’s a busy, busy year for the kiwi!
  • Pip’s quick rant on cover art theft
  • Some quality talk about Hunter & Fox, the new series Pip launches with Pyr Books in 2012
  • Other ideas kicking around in our heads for the new year
  • As writers, plans are important. Take some time and map out a realistic plan.

28:38 — Seriously? Seriously.

  • From The Guardian comes a story about Lucía Etxebarria, a writer in Spain who is really talented when it comes to bad career choices
  • One of Spain’s outstanding novelists is making a claim that book piracy has driven her out of the industry.
  • And Pip soldiers through the onslaught of drop-in’s…
  • The publisher’s solution to combatting book piracy in Spain: Don’t offer it as an eBook.
  • A discussion about book piracy
  • What we’re calling a “Seriously?!” on — the writer’s reaction to her lackluster sales.
  • Playing the Blame Game in Publishing
  • We write because we love it. Can book pirates really steal your thunder like that?

37:51  — Writers Off the Clock

  • False start…complete with background noise…
  • Catching a movie over the holiday — Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  • An off-the-cuff review…complete with spoilers. Fast forward to The Wrap-Up if you want to avoid our chatter.
  • What we liked about the movie
    • The original stories from a variety of Conan Arthur Doyle’s classics
    • The bromances throughout the film
    • More steampunk elements introduced
  • Breathing a sigh of relief at the timing of our book against this movie…
  • Highly recommended for people who want to have a fun time at the movies….and not accurate adaptations of Sherlock Holmes stories.

43:59 — The Wrap-Up

  • Now we’re going to wrap up the episode…
  • This is the BIG wrap-up for the year!
    • Thanks to everyone who has been listening.
    • Tales from the Archives — the final episode of Volume 1 is almost here!!! (Pip’s fault.)
  • Get your voicemail in before January 8 so we can get them in for our Listener Appreciation Show.
  • What’s the plans with Chronicles of the Order?
  • Tee stumbles through the CreativeCommons outro while Pip nails it on the fly…
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.

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